Ascended Master El Morya’s Weekly Message ~ April 03 – 10, 2012
Channeled by: Julie Miller
April 03, 2012
Dear ones, you know who I am. We no longer require introductions. I AM the Chohan of the 1st Ray. Given this, it is difficult for me to single out any other Ray to give you input regarding a specific area of your journey. There is little worry to be had here dear ones as each Ray will be in touch with you a little at a time in order for you to become comfortable with their varying energy forms. In time, you will be able to work with each and all of us. When trying to visualize my presence think of me as the lovely Spring flower, the Forget-Me-Not.
I bring today the calming of your soul’s restlessness by urging you to find what the truth is for you and developing and growing wisdom that is tailored individually to each of you. You will gain much wisdom by allowing each of my brothers to guide you during the time of your journey that is required by you. There has for some time now, a pulling of coming together of all the peoples from around the planet. It is an inner calling, a voice of sorts that has been urging many more to awaken to the Light, Love and Will of God. The evidence is clear now is a time for active participation in unifying each of your light and energy and acting as one force. The needs of your brothers and sisters need you; God knows you will answer the call. As you are loving souls and understand there is a responsibility each of you has for the coming future that affects each and every one of you.

 When you begin to bring each other to the higher realms of energy and light, you begin moving much more quickly and efficiently. The gates to your wisdom open wide to accept and absorb more conscious and sub-conscious information. This information is stored deep within you and accessed by you just when you need to by triggering certain responses, questions, broaching new areas of interest, etc. Don’t allow your great gift of wisdom become stagnant and dusty, use it and nurture it with stimulating material the feeds your body, mind and spirit.
We of the Divine are aware of the difficult challenges you have had to endure and it is necessary to not dwell on the negative and look at the experience with positive eyes and perception. See the lesson with gratitude and love and grow not only in wisdom and experience but by becoming stronger, more filled with knowledge and integrity. Stop blaming God or any other for the difficulties you have had to face. You are faced with choices dear ones. And some choices come with hefty lessons. But by allowing yourself to dwell into the negative of any given situation will only cause more negative to be attracted to you. This is the primary facet of the Law of Manifestation. Be positive when you think, speak, write and other forms that you may use when communicating with God and the Universe. Move with each circumstance with positive and loving intent. I and my divine companions will come into your presence to offer you support when you are in need by you invoking our presence with a specific purpose.
We will come to you dear ones, and when we do we will guide you to a larger purpose that is for what you were born for. We will come with our own way of guidance and teaching and move you through our frequencies and vibrations and through the support and the gain you receive will undoubtedly move your own prognosis into the higher realms of your own consciousness and awareness.
Allow this precious treasure of fine tuning your awareness to be a reuniting point for all that you are and move out of the lethargy that has plagued so many. Your awakening, no matter how long ago or how recent has a vital purpose. Through the many phases you will move through, you will discover your own deep and inner-strength and courage that many have taken for granted. See the ALL the good that is there for you when you take the time to investigate what it means to be you after removing all the bias and Ego. Move with Self-Discipline in all your activities and fill your mind, body and spirit with pure substance that is only of the highest of good.
There are still many of your brothers and sisters that are still polluting themselves with sloth-like inertia and taking part in sins of the flesh that bears no love for one another. I ask of you dear ones to take time in prayer and meditation for your many brothers and sisters asking for deliverance of their spirit and to find them awakening to the Light and Love of God.
To achieve the highest of good for yourself; which includes your mind, body and spirit there are disciplined requirements. You must have discipline of yourself and of the situation. There is never any substitute for self-discipline. Our child here to use as an example gets up before the sun rises when all is quiet and follows God’s guidance through conversation and listening, meditates, reads, studies and so forth every day regardless of holiday, weekend or special occasion. Even on days of illness she rises and works selflessly with God and begins her work on a universal level. There are many others who are like her. As you learn to manifest control over yourself with gentle discipline, you will learn to see how you can manifest any other thing you aspire incorporating with your efforts the pure love that flows from your ever-loving heart.
With practice and confidence each of you will master all of your attributes and bring into balance everything that contributes to make you so wonderful special and unique. It is a magical process of transformation. Weaving through the higher vibrations is where all of you are meant to be and all of you will. Refrain from riding other people’s energy and weave onto higher vibrations based on YOUR efforts. Be brave, you have already what it takes to succeed. You must believe and trust in yourself beyond all doubt that is selfishly caused by the Ego. Forgive yourself, forgive others and learn to live from your hearts and take each step with love in every action as you move through your day.
My love dear ones is bestowed upon each of you, intermixed with God’s own Love and precious Light; a heady mixture to warm you and comfort you always and infinitely.
And so it is, Ascended Master, El Morya through Julie Miller