by Selene Aswell

Originially Posted on Selene's new Blog, TwinFlameHeartOpenings

I AM Adama,

and I am speaking to you today, to bring you an energy. There are disharmonious energies which have previously been prevelant in your experience of life. These energies have kept you from experiencing peace and ease in your relationships. These energies are a result of generational repetition of pain and reaction to pain.

If you like, I will reflect to you a heart energy given from your Beloved to you. This is a healing energy which strengthens the connection between you and a specific aspect of your twin flame, which you need for the feeling of having a solid foundation.

As these energies flow to you, breath deeply, as if you were smelling Jasmine. The sense of beauty rolls over to you and as you sleep tonight, you will feel the peace of knowing your Beloved.

You may now stand upon the foundation of knowing you are loved beyond measure. You have always been loved beyond measure, but knowing your twin flame helps you to KNOW you are loved beyond measure.

If you choose to accept these energies, I will also flow to you deep awareness of the fullness of your Soul. You are beautiful beyond measure, and the love you may experience is huge beyond your imaginings. You may receive these energies by asking for them before you sleep. Much shifting will happen and you may have deep dreams. You are becoming all you have dreamed to be.

Love flows from you, simply because you are.

Peace is with you,