Apr 4

Konstantinos: Hello Iltheos. I’m going directly to my first question. What’s your opinion about my two dreams? [ On April 1st, I had a dream in which I was visited by a group of benevolent ETs. The sky outside was getting dark and I and my family, we were waiting for a group to visit us. Then we heard someone knocking at our door and I felt it was them. I opened the door and there, they were standing 4 to 5 creatures. The most of them were humorous, I think they were wearing black & dark blue robes and they were looking like disney and star wars characters. Some were human and some others humanoids. When they were ready to return to their home, they went a short walk with me and then immediately we flew up together, in the sky.

On April 4th   some hour before I wake up, 3 beings of blue light colour (I couldn’t see clearly their characteristics, but they seemed to have long hair and wearing robes, all in light blue colour) visited me and I heard the word D-E-L-E-A-R, which is a greek term and means ‘something which is desired, but often illusory, and is suggested to someone in order to persuade him/her accept it or do something particular’.]

Iltheos: I already know about your dreams. It’s about the connection between you and members of  your Space Family. You have stated with strong will, how much you desire to contact (more in a physical way though) with extradimensional and extraterrestrial beings. This has started happening to  you more openly. This has already started happening to many of you.  Most times you don’t remember, but as there is a reason for everything, same goes for this one too. Some have already started having telepathic communications with some of us and some others still think about it. There is an appropriate time for everything.

K: I agree….though there are times I am/we are impatient.

I: It’s natural. But Love and  the Wisdom it contains, keep each one of us in the right position, in order for our mission to be accomplished.

K: Yes, the mission…you mean the successful outcome regarding the Ascension process.

I: Definetely. Because this fact is not about you and Mother Earth only, but also for the entire Galaxy….the whole Universe.

K: ……great. Uh, well …something more….what do you have to say about this phenomenical contradiction between some sources, regarding the climatic upheavals and the evacuation of the population to ‘safe zones’? What’s going to happen?

I: What do you/all of you wish to happen? What do YOU personally, wish to happen?

K: Whatever is going to happen, I(will) accept it. As in everything, so in this case too, there is a Greatest Purpose which is about our Greatest Good. Even if sometimes this doesn’t seem so. But definetely from my side, I wish for an outcome as smooth as possible.

I: If there is going to be a sufficient number of Lightworkers who wish to focus on a more smooth outcome, then that is what is going to happen. But don’t forget that some climatic upheavals will continue to happen, they happen already, it is part of the Gaia’s Cleansing. Cocreate with us, your friends and family and with Mother Earth and all are going to be fine. Whatever the final outcome will be, if we are in Harmony and focused to our common task of a succesful Ascension, everything and everyone will benefit.

K: So, there isn’t a sure scenario….nothing is for sure….

I: Quite the contrary, EVERYTHING is for sure. Don’t forget, there are many possibilities for a ‘future’ event and you/all of you are called to materialize, through your choice, one of them. The thought and desire that will prevail, will be the one to which we will contribute, in order to materialize it.

K: All are going to be fine.

I: All are going to be fine. To be more specific,  the outcome and the success, regarding Ascension in the end of this year, is for sure. It’s like the basic colours of your palette. You/All of you and we are the basic colours. The tools exist already. The subject which will be materialized on the canvas of your History, exists already in your mind….and in your heart. The thing is HOW you/we will get there.

K: It’s about what we do in the middle…on the path that leads to the assured outcome.

I: Exactly.

K: We all wished for it before we come here…Father/Mother God gave the Order for this….all are going to be fine….I feel it, I wish for it.

I: Create steady, with your Heart.

K: Thank you for this dialogue. I Love you my friend. Goodbye for now.

I: I Love you too my friend…I Love you All and we will meet again….this moment is not far anymore.

K: Great. Goodbye Iltheos.

I: Goodbye Konstantinos.