by Mike Bundrant

(NaturalNews) Join Mental Health Exposed with expert weight loss guest and biology researcher, Jon Gabriel. This episode is a tour de force into the most psychologically sophisticated weight loss strategies known today.

Jon Gabriel is author of The Gabriel Method, which is a powerful methodology of weight loss, not a diet. The reason I invited Jon on the show is due to his detailed knowledge of the relationship between stress and weight gain. If you want to lose weight, the best thing you can do is understand the connections we will be making in today's show.

At one point in his life, Jon weighed over 400 pounds. His aha moment came when a fluke airline reservation change saved his life by preventing him from boarding his usual flight on 9/11 – one of the flights that crashed into the World Trade Center on that day.

Wide awake to the brevity of life, Jon set out to change his for the better and figure out why diet after diet never worked for him – in fact, they only caused more weight gain! He committed himself to learning what he could do to solve his weight problem once and for all. In spite of being 200 pounds overweight, he swore to never go on another diet. Instead, he learned the underlying reasons why his body wanted to be fat.

Here is what to listen for on this episode of Mental Health Exposed:
• If you are more than 10 pounds overweight, there is a reason for it, and the reason makes perfect sense, given your primitive brain's desire to protect you.

• How modern stressors trick your body into putting on weight and what to do about it.

• How common weight loss methods motivate the brain to retain weight. Losing weight becomes a war with your brain – a war you are bound to lose. If your body wants you to gain weight, it will make you insatiably hungry, slow your metabolism and force you to gain weight.

• Discipline, willpower and dieting are NOT the way to lasting weight loss.

• What are "fat programs" and how they affect your ability to lose weight.

• How modern is stress in interpreted by the brain and why this keeps you heavy.

• How many people use excess fat as an emotional buffer in their relationships and what to do about it.

• Understanding how fat is used on an energetic level to buffer bad energy

And much more. Join us on Mental Health Exposed.

About the author:
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Mike Bundrant is the founder of the iNLP Center, which offers training in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and personal development coaching. Learn more about Mike's down-to-earth, skill-based coaching that comes with a lifetime membership to the iNLP Center's online school and receive a free personal development consult.