Greetings, I am Mira. I am still from the Pleiadian High Council, however due to the urgency of the times on Earth I am now fully focused with you. I have an alternate who will fill my position until it is time for me to return to the Pleiadian High Council.

This change is not about fear. It is about the needs of your planet and life on the Earth. As I have previously shared with you, we are experts in the ascension process. It is what we do. We go to various planets and assist them with this process. The Earth is well on her way to higher consciousness. We are not the only other planetary system that is a part of the Earth Council. We join with others to bring forth a new way of living–a dimensional jump.

As progress continues there will not be a need for many of the current third dimensional ways of living on the Earth. Scarcity will become passé. Greed, deceit, hatred, fear, competition, service to self, war, control, and many other negative ways of being will shift. This will allow the energies of love, service to others, co-operation, unity, abundance, peace and great blessings to prevail in your lives.

To some of you the fifth dimensional ways of being might sound like your fairy tales. I assure you this is not the case. However, when a planet moves from the lower third dimensional frequencies there are some, especially those who have been in control, who go to extraordinary means to maintain control. This is what is happening now. These beings thrive on your fear. It becomes their ultimate goal to have a stronghold on you. They do not want to see the Earth or you ascend

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