artist  ~ELONRA~


Greetings unto you beloved and "wholly" friends..

we are the Christ Council…

we greet you this day with great cheer…with great joy

and with such gratitude for all that you are doing

to uplift and heal the whole as you let go of

all that you are not and "be" that which you Are…!!!


The resurrection dear one's is not an event

outside of you….your beloved Jeshua came and demonstrated

the symbol of the resurrection for you..

however…nothing is outside of you..

thus …he came not only to conclude his ascension process

but also to demonstrate to the "world"
 that your freedom comes as you let go of the

personal self …leaving behind the beliefs of the world…

your beliefs in who you thought you were

and take on Your Cloak of Christ….Your True

Divine Nature…


Many of you now are deeply into the process of

stepping into your Divine Nature…


This Easter we will be with Denisa and give a

channeling …a meditation that will guide you

and assist you into truly letting go of the "personal self"

and activating your true body…your Light body..

Your Love Body…


it will assist you into remembering your true

multidimensional nature… will activate many Divine Codes

of Light within you simply as you listen and

take the frequencies and sound that will be coming

thru the channeling into the depths of your being…


so….dear precious hearts…make the commitment

to yourself to bathe in the energies and frequencies

of the heart this Easter Morning..

Jeshua will l also be sharing some words

on how to gently let go of the personal self

and reclaim that which you already are…indeed…indeed..!!!


with love….The Christed Council….


come join me Easter Morning…this Sunday at 6:00 a.m. pacific time

 for a glorious Easter Message from the Christed Council…

join me on my free conference call line…skype

and international calls are accepted…

i am asking a donation of 9.99 to be given

however…each of you may also invite 2 friends for free…

please make you donations at

i will email you the phone numbers and log in information

after receiving payment…you can pass that information

to your 2 guests at that time…


come join me for a wonderful experience …i can't imagine a

more delightful way to start Easter morning than

in the presence of the Christed Council..

if you are not able to be with us but would like

to receive a copy of the channeling to listen to later

simply go ahead and make the donation and send

me an email at

i will forward it directly to you…


remember to…

with love..denisa