I have translated this article from Dutch myself.



Monday, March 12, 2012 4:00 p.m.

The Free Energy Niburu has invested many man hours to finish the free energy examination room and since then there have been many experiments and tests carried out.

Many inventors in the past have shared their knowledge, but unfortunately were often omitting crucial information.

Fortunately one inventor contributes in what the other omits and after examining a huge number of documents the puzzle pieces are in place. This means that we are a big step in the right direction.

The HHO / water-gas engine

We do not have to split water or H2O, by means of the well-known and outdated principle of electrolysis. We can now use resonance physics. This ensures that we only need five amps where the same amount of HHO gas or water previously needed 40 amps.

We have the reduced the needed amount of power by a factor of eight and this we may surely call a breakthrough.

As a consequence we no longer need demineralized water with a salt as catalyst: We are now able to make water-gas out of tap water. With this, an engine running at 100 percent water is a whole lot closer to reality.

Diagram and frequency

Below is the diagram of the circuit as we currently use.

De resonantieschakeling van Dave Lawton 

This circuit is from Dave Lawton and has been found in the Practical guide to free energy devices of Patrick J. Kelly. Kelly. The e-book you can download here. At earlier stages, we talked about using the circuit of Alex Petty as found on his website.

We do not say that this circuit is faulty, but it is shown that, so far, this circuit have not had the desired effect. This is due to the fact that certain components Petty appoints are produced by several manufacturers. The difference in how these components works varies so greatly depending on the manufacturer that we should further investigate this first before we can continue with his circuit. Petty says nothing about these differences. In the system we are now using from the circuit of Dave Lawton a frequency of 925 kilohertz is generated.

Important to note is that the frequency specified is not for every system. The optimum frequency is inextricably linked to the specific machine and every part of the system affects the optimum frequency.

The tubes

The frequency is then sent to 18 tubes. Nine major outer tubes containing nine smaller tubes. The quality of these tubes must be: stainless steel 316 L and they should be seamlessly drawn. By bringing these tubes into resonance with the said frequency, the water is divided and HHO is formed, what we call watergas.

The specification of the tubes is as follows: the outer diameter of the larger tubes is 25.317 mm. The thickness of these tubes is 2.032 mm and thus have an inner diameter of 21.253 mm. The smaller tubes have an outside diameter of 19.930 mm, 2.032 mm thick and are also have an inner diameter of 15.866 mm.

The space between the inner edge of the larger tubes and the outer edge of the smaller tubes is from 21.253 to 19.930 = 1.323 mm. With small plastic "spacers", the space between the tubes is maintained.

Links de producerende cel, rechts de cel met 2×9 buizen van boven gezien

On the left the working cell, on the right the cell with 2×9 tubes seen from above


We understand that at this moment not many technical details are released and we want to inform you that this will be disseminated soon by means of a video with a covering documentation. You will also be quickly informed on the latest developments regarding the star coil overunity system.

For now we want to thank everyone who helped us to accomplish this much. Without your help in the form of donations, knowledge and ideas we could have not accomplished this. We're not there yet and can still use all the help you can give. We are very close to the 100 percent water engine and we would ask anyone who can give to support us to make this special technology available to everyone.

In terms of physical materials we have everything we need to complete the project, but to be able to do this in the cheapest possible way we need money. It is now really on the home stretch and every little bit helps.

Donations can be transfered to Nibiru Free Energy Foundation, account number: 5513972 and mention: "donation free energy". You have our utmost thanks in advance.

Do you have questions or do you want to subscribe to the newsletter, one of our presentations or workshops? Please contact us via: nulpunt@niburu.nl

Free Energy Niburu Team

Source: Niburu

Article translated from Dutch