Oregon inventor, Buck Henderson, claims to have refined both the Richard Clem and Jim Ray engines. From what we can tell, Henderson's system uses supersonic speeds of fluid dynamics along with cavitation to pull in zero point energy as the source of environmental energy that shows up in the system to run it. First applications will be semi truck or lorry engines.

By Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News

According to Keelynet, back in the '70s, Richard Clem 

"Developed a closed system engine that was purported to generate 350 HP and run itself. The engine weighed about 200 pounds and ran on cooking oil at temperatures of 300 F.

"It consisted of a cone mounted on a horizontal axis. The shaft which supported the cone was hollow and the cone had spiraling channels cut into it. These spiraling pathways wound around the cone terminating at the cone base in the form of nozzles (rimjets).

"When fluid was pumped into the hollow shaft at pressures ranging from 300-500 pounds per square inch, it moved into the closed spiraling channels of the cone and exited from the nozzles. This action caused the cone to spin. As the velocity of the fluid increased, so did the rotational speed of the cone.

"As the speed continued to increase, the fluid heated up, requiring a heat exchange and filtering process. At a certain velocity, the rotating cone became independent of the drive system and began to operate of itself. The engine ran at speeds of 1800 to 2300 RPM."

This technology was followed up by Jim Ray of micro-combustion.com, who developed what he named the Cavitation-Ignition Bubble Combustion (CIBC) engine, using principles of the toroid as recently featured in the Thrive documentary. His engine only put out 5 HP.

Buck Henderson has built on both of these concepts, pointing out the inadequacies of both, and finding ways to optimize the design. He has also founded a family company, Marsupial Motors, for the purpose of bringing this technology to market.


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1:15 hrs

Interview > Listen
On March 5, Sterling Allan
conducted an interview with
Buck Henderson as part
of the Free Energy Now series.

I was able to interview Buck a couple of days ago.

How it Works

Since he has not yet filed for a patent, he didn't go into any detail as to how his engine design differs from Clem's or Ray's.

But reading between the lines, and getting some indirect confirmations in our discussions, his system uses supersonic speeds of fluid dynamics along with cavitation to pull in zero point energy as the source of environmental energy that shows up in the system to run it, once it gets up to speed.

The engine design is such that the bigger it is the more efficient and cost effective it becomes. Also, a constant speed operation would be better than varying speed, though the latter is possible. So the low hanging fruit would be trucks, locomotives, ships, and jets, but especially utilities.

Buck's Prototype

The first prototype Buck built in 2001 was rather crude, but did demonstrate a functioning system akin to what Clem is alleged to have accomplished. 

He was tired of people telling him that what he was talking about wouldn't work, so he was determined to build a prototype to prove them wrong.

He lived near a junk yard and would spend hours wandering through it, finding just the thing he needed for his contraption. Sometimes, things needed a little extra machining or welding, but for the most part, he was able to source everything from the junk yard.

When it ran, it was out of balance and was quite scary, so he shut it down. He wasn't able to get output measurements from the generator that was attached to it, but it required at least 8 horsepower to turn it (estimated output would be at least around 6 kW).

I asked him how he knew that it was self-running. He responded that the starter motor he put on it from his bus had burned up, yet it continued to run.

Then he got laid off, along with the rest of his company; and he ended up moving; and the device was dismantled and ended up rusting, making it inoperable.

He did, however, build a number of jigs to test various portions of the design and explore minimums and maximums.

Solid Works Design

Since then, he has worked up a bunch of drawings in Solid Works, which he can show qualified parties.

In addition to his professional qualifications as a Quality Engineer, it would seem that Buck also has a knack for engineering, being obsessed with those kinds of things since childhood. Though he didn't do well in his mechanical drafting class in high school (because the projects were too boring), thereafter he was continually pulling out his pencil and drawing up things to build. "Put dismantled parts in front of me and I can assemble them. That's just the nature of my mind."

His interest in this particular design started when was 14 years old, fascinated by the way the garden hose played on the paint roller.

He worked for General Electric in 2006-2007, for example, doing root-cause analysis on an assembly line that malfunctioned.

So given that background, he has "overbuilt" his Solid Works design for his hydrosonic molecular accelerator engine.

He is confident that his design could be considered a "production prototype" design, having taken all possible failure points into consideration, and optimizing the design for the most efficient performance.

I have a bit of a hard time believing that, since we're dealing with a new science of cavitation and supersonic fluid dynamics (if I understand correctly). How could he optimize a system that is able to increase and decrease in speed and perform reliably, without enough data to know how the system works at different speeds and conditions? How will it be affected by external vibration? What about high and low environmental heat? What about ambient air pressure at differing elevations — or in vacuum conditions that are found in space, or high altitudes as encountered by jets?

The rotor in Buck's model in Solid Works is 21 inches in diameter. He sees it being capable of 350 HP, and able to be put directly into semi trucks or lorries. "All they want is 130 HP, but we can provide much more than that," Buck said.

He also has a business plan drafted up, though it doesn't include financial projections.

Projected Unit Cost

While a diesel engine for a semi or lorry truck runs between $10k and $100k USD, Buck's engine is expected to initially retail at around $250k, but with mass production, he expects that the price could get down as low as $70k. So it might take three years for a return on investment from the savings from not having to purchase fuel. The next seven years will be worth around half a million dollars to the customer from fuel savings.

And that's for the truck/lorry application. The larger the unit, the greater will be the savings and efficiency.  "You could swap out the steam engine part of a power plant, one at a time; without down time for the plant," he said.

OEMs in Queue

Buck says that Peterbuilt is among those who have expressed an interest in seeing a full-scale production motor with dynamometer report. While they are not willing to fund the building of that prototype and testing, of course they would want to see the results of such a test — they and any other OEM truck engine company out there.

Extrapolating from Ray's Success

Mr. Ray of http://micro-combustion.com had his engine tested on a dynamometer by Oak Ridge National Laboratories. His concept is also patented. Its performance was not all that great, but it was shown to work.

So even though Buck doesn't have his own dynamometer testing done yet, he can show qualified parties the differences between his design and Ray's design, pointing out where Buck has improved the efficiency.

In other words, Ray's design is a vicarious prototype.

Of course, a proven prototype will be needed for Marsupial Motors as well; and that is the stage they are at now: raising the funds to build the prototype described by his Solid Works design.

Seeking $200,000 USD

In order to build that prototype, Buck has projected he will need $200,000 and about 6 months. He is willing to give 20% ownership in his company for that amount.

He posted a fundraising page at RocketHub, which has the following intro video, which was produced by his daughter and includes some entertainment value. It's not bad for a family video, though it doesn't have that viral appeal that perhaps they were hoping for. As of the time of this writing, they have pulled in just $80 from that drive.



Looking at the comments in response to that video, apparently Buck called in to the Coast to Coast AM radio show about four months ago to tell people of this invention and the fundraising initiative. The video got a lot of traffic, but essentially no one contributed. Apparently he was not able to make a very good case for the technology in the short time he had on that show. The video doesn't address the technology.

I've approached http://NorthPointCharity.org to see about having them add Buck's technology to their page as a cause people can see as being among the potential recipients of those tax-free donations to support cutting edge clean energy technologies.

Whitefish Montana Headquarters

Once he goes into production, Buck would like to hire 4,000 machinists in existing machine shops to begin manufacturing the parts. He wants to utilize the current infrastructure in the U.S. to get people back to work.

He plans to establish his headquarters in Whitefish Montana, which has a number of advantages, besides being large enough to handle a project of this magnitude, including a large train yard. The employees will have plenty of year-round recreation nearby, with lakes, skiing, hiking, etc.  There is also plenty of farmland nearby.

Whitefish was also specifically mentioned by Major Ed Dames on Coast to Coast AM as a place that will be safe in the event of a black swan event from a direct hit of a major X-Class solar flare. (Speaking of which, today an X5.4 flare spouted off, earth aimed, but not coming as a direct hit; but which will nevertheless possibly disrupt the power grid.)

As for international roll-out, Buck wants to see the technology licensed and developed in each nation, so they don't have to import. He envisions bartering with nations to which the U.S. is currently indebted, giving them rights to the technology in exchange for forgiveness of a certain amount of U.S. debt.

Top 5 Runner Up 

I'm going to be adding this technology to our list of runners up in our Top 5 Exotic Free Energy Technologies. This is based on my understanding of the field of cavitation, zero point energy, and my confidence in the story Buck relates, as well as the legend of the Clem and Ray engines upon which his technology is based.

Terminal Cancer

One of the things that has lit a fire under Buck to move more quickly has been his contracting a terminal, aggressive cancer.

While his plans are well conveyed through his Solid Works drawings and other instructions, he would like to see this get moving while he is yet alive; and he wants to see that this technology is passed into capable hands.

He is open to suggestions for alternative healing methods, and has already begun several modalities including Kangen water, which we wrote an article about on October 27, 2008. He realizes that so-called "terminal cancer" doesn't have to be a death sentence, and he's hopeful to find a remedy from alternative means, the doctors having already done what they can do.

He believes Yahweh put him on earth to do this particular project, so he is highly motivated to see it to fruition; and realizes that perhaps the cancer was just a kick in the butt to get moving faster on it.


Buck Henderson
Title: CEO / Inventor
Company: Marsupial Motors
Email: Info@marsupialmotors.com 
Phone: 541-547-4968

Relevant Links


By the way, how do you like that Clem Engine 3D graphic by Ray Shilling? Nice work, I think.

A shout out, also, to Sean McGuinness, who has been editing my stories for the past few weeks, doing a great job. If I would carefully proofread my stories, first, his task would be much easier. And some of you who get to these stories before he's had a chance to edit, see some of that raw text.

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This story is also published at BeforeItsNews and Examiner.

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