Greetings! I am Metatron, Lord of Light! I embrace each of you in light, in love.

And now another precious moment brings us together, uniting thoughts within the matrix of the unified field. Combining geometric thought patterns with desire, with awareness, and so do all things come together in the same way. For all thoughts, all things, all beings are electromagnetic representations of consciousness, of manifestation, of all that ever was or ever will be.


Masters, we have spoken in many channels of the amazing qualities of the Living Earth. And we tell you that no matter how you live and love upon the Earth, you gain, you expand by exploring the majesty and wisdom of Gaia. You will not marvel about the grandeur of your planet until you experience its beauty. You will marvel at the brilliance truly contained within the Earth and delight in the vast libraries of knowledge within the multi-faceted Beingness of Gaia.


Every lifetime you have is an opportunity to explore and discover what dwells within. Upon the earth, the soul fulfills this promise by the outward movement of the in-dwelling spirit.


Ireland – The Emerald & Amethyst


Ireland contains some of the most powerful, sacred and re-generative energies on the planet. It is appropriate called the Emerald Isle because of its vibrant green hills and valleys, which indeed exude a tangible field of healing and well-being. Be aware that these incredible healing hues occur because of the life force generated in the lands.


Ireland is a very unique and very succinct frequency. There are several known locations of what is termed 'negative gravity' anomalies on what is termed the Emerald Isle. These 'lighten' the frequency and somewhat aid in its soft and gentle expression.


It is in fact the plant life, waters and sea that team with the incredible telluric energies that create the very soft, the 'Feminine' aspect so beautifully expressed in Ireland. These energies blend with the gravity anomaly vectors to transduce what would otherwise be a very intense energy, for it is indeed among the highest frequencies on the planet.


As such there are many locales of what is locally termed ' thin veils' referring to dimensional portals dotting the landscape in Ireland. Worlds and dimensions tangible co-exist, and vividly so in Ireland. That is why the Kingdom of the Fae, the Devic realm of Faeries, Elves and Leprechauns are so illustrious recounted among Irish lore. This actual realm does indeed present itself with great and greater visibility precisely because of the higher concentrate of life force present.


And so we will say that while the energy of the Green Ray, the Emerald Field is quite predominate, the Violet Ray of the Amethyst is equally present. The lavender granites and violet magenta quartz of the sandstones create an incredible field that invokes imagination, artistry, creativity and spiritual seeking.


All of these blend & meld harmoniously throughout Ireland to form a most benevolent field, a 'frequencial cocktail' of extremely high yet balanced energy in Ireland. The seeker can find balance and well being in this joyful resonance of life force.


It is an energy that empowers will and independence, but within a grounded humility of nurturing. It is that of the Powerful Goddess, in your vernacular. The strength that is caring.


Much of Ireland is granitic ( 35% quartz) and sandstone quartzite. There are also crystalline emanations from the metamorphic strata, dating back in linear terms over 1.7 billion years. All metamorphic structures are crystalline you see.


It is important also to note, that the he land mass of Ireland was on the same latitude as Egypt some 250 million years ago, as your geologist acknowledge, and much of the sandstone carries the same 'quartzitic' piezo-electric vibrational resonance as that of Giza and Aswan. And that is a sacred energy. There is in fact a harmonic oscillation, an axialtonal line and Leyline connecting Newgrange to Giza. Newgrange is also connected to the Toltec Mounds of the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas




Now you ask about Skellig Michael. In truth, Skellig Michael is a Natural Temple, a power-node of terrestrial construct, one created by nature, by the Divinity of Earth. The structure of Skellig Michael is pyramidal in geometry and is particularly aligned with celestial energies. It is composed of violet sandstones, quartzites. Your geologists will know of this particular variety of quartz. It is a unique mineral that is the rock foundation and energy of many sacred places, many powernodes. This quartz variety can be said, to carry the imprint of the human quest, particularly at Skellig.


Skellig Michael is on the 51st Latitude North, a very powerful energy band, which also is shared by Stonehenge, Avebury, Lake Baikal, and Lake Louise, Canada.


As we have previously shared, the Atla-Ra, the Atlanteans were very aware of all such nodes on the planet, in collaboration with the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance. Just as Staffa Island is a generator of the Hebrides, (Iona as well as eastern Ireland), so does Skellig perform a similar energy generation and distribution in western Ireland. These 'feed' the earth currents of the area not only with telluric energies, but Cosmic or Celestial energies as well. These play a more important role than is currently recognized, though these were fully recognized in the Golden Era of Atlantis. (A time in which the Earth was in full dimensional aspect and those termed the Star Races habited the earth.)


Within Skellig is a Master Crystal of Violet Hue. It has been there since the Golden Age of Atlantis. It has never been de-activated for it was originally and specifically placed where it remains, and will remain. It is a key point of refracting that energy you term the Ley, and it up shifts into the sacred frequency of both the Mary and Michael Leylines. It energizes all of the Leys in Ireland and in Britain, France and Europe.


And so we will take the additional questions you have prepared.


Question: Can you speak about Newgrange, in County Meath of Ireland. It is said to be older than the Pyramids, and to be an astronomical calendar. Is it also a portal?


Lord Metatron: It is indeed a mega-portal. And we will say that the area of the portal includes more than what is Newgrange, also Knowth and all surrounding areas, including the stone circles and earthmounds, and indeed Tara.


The greater area of the Vortexial Portal of the Boyne River region in Ireland, is centered at the mound now termed Newgrange. However, the structure that is now Newgrange was predated by millennia. It was recognized by the Sirian Alliance for its unique energy, and other Temples have stood there as well as on the surrounding circles and mounds that compose its complex land massif and energetic matrix.


The Sirian-Pleiadean-Arcturian Alliance are energetic engineers that have assisted in balancing the energies of the Omni Earth since the time of the firmament. Although the Alliance works in other 'Universes' in your terms, they have focused on your planet because indeed they are your genetic seed.


Your planet, universe, your Galaxy is of courseexists within and as a part of the greater Omni-Verse. Certain points on your planet have the rare energetics that enable them to be connecting points. Newgrange is one of these. It is a multi-faceted, multi-dimensional grid point. It is a portal that transcends dimensions and time. It is connected directly to the Crystalline Grid, and is also being fashioned to connect directly to the New Firmament which begins formation after the completion of December 21, 2012.


(We are providing the channel with a new series of information regarding the reformation of the Firmament, and these will begin soon.)




Now, on the topic of Newgrange, let us say that it is a complexity of energies that will be increasing in frequency in 2012, and continue in transition beyond into 2013 and forward.


The energy of greater Newgrange is complex. It dimensional but not locational. All that is within, above and below this complex grid point will in 2013 be somewhat up-shifted and redefined. Newgrange is one of several 'libraries and placeholders specifically located at certain vectors. It was never meant to be a tomb of Celtic Kings, rather it is a vast portal that both stabilizes the balance of the Earth and connects the Earth to frequencies that are essential to the New Firmament. In a manner of speaking it is a vast database that ties into Sirius, but in a different format, different purpose than the Pyramids of Giza.


Newgrange and other such points are a continuum, a link between matter/antimatter, physical and angelic. Such portals are interfaces of a unique purpose, somewhat different from what you term Star-Gates. The transducing energies are not solid or separate, but seamless and continuous, gradually and imperceptibly blending the lesser dimensional frequencies (within its corridor) into the greater until it becomes harmonic. It has been activated into shift, and the first stage of the shift completes on the 12-21-12 and then begins its reactivation as a Firmament point in 2013.


Anchoring Point of the New Firmament

The earthen points of the New Crystalline Firmament, such as Newgrange, are held in place by a nexus, a series of inter-connected spirals of energy that carry conscious 'life-force' particulates of matter/non-matter between the layers of the Cosmos. These particles of intelligence maintain the cosmic purpose or "Codes" in complete integrity, balance and harmony.


The 'Akash, nexus particles are encoded and programmed to expedite transitions for the planned Ascension. This includes the up-shift in human DNA. More specifically, they are specialized coded energies that create new bridges. This is one of the ways in which the earth and all that is related to it expands. Newgrange is involved in the receival of these codes.


In the present and recent past, what differentiates 'greater' Newgrange is the balance. In your vernacular is a Feminine Centre, but of supreme balance, that then termed as the Divine Feminine. Though not in the gendered application you might consider. (We will explain this further in this discussion).


In its very balance it interfaces all 12 dimensions, and thus a grounding stabilization occurs. Those metaphysicians prone to the delusional loft, to ungrounded grandiose meanderings , as oft occurs in such paths, will find themselves re-centered in this nurturing energy blend.


The Misconception of Gender Application


Now, it is time to understand that the aspects of Earth-Polarity termed male-female, in terms of Temples, LeyLines and indeed Light structures and Light Beings, is misconstrued. In higher sense these are no more gendered than are you in higher self. Gender is an aspect of duality, and in the non-linear, non duality, nonpolarity realms, all is integral. All is in One-ness. Male-Female separation does not occur, how could it in integral nonpolarity?


In the polarity-duality nature of Earth, there are bi-polar electro-magnetics necessary to balance the first three dimensions. Even as the dimensions 5-12 are realized above polarity in integral (non-duality) crysto-electrics, (the 4th dimension is the interface), the first 3 dimensions will remain in polarity, but balanced, you see.


What you term as Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine are in truth what may be termed the highest order of polarity magnetics, not male and female. You assign attributes of gender to qualities you humans consider male and female. Such as strength and nurturing, respectively.


The land that is now Ireland, as well as parts of Scotland, England, Wales, Spain, Denmark , France and Wales was habited by Atlanteans long before the deluge of Atlantis.


Leyline Networking


Now, it is the channels wish that we review that which is called the Leylines.


These can be said to exist in various forms, with differing degrees of refinement from multifarious forms of energy. Ley lines, as they are called in your times, are the energetic patterns that run both above and beneath the Earth. These circumnavigate the Earth in a variety of ways based upon laws of mathematics, upon geometries, upon vibrational essence, geological force, electromagnetics and mineralogical fields. They shift and they move, and they have been utilized in myriad ways throughout the eons of space-time. In eras of greater understanding, times of greater technology, they have been traveled as highways, utilizing enhancement of very refined energies. Through such understanding, leylines had the capacity to be used as conduits of energy transfer and for communication. Since the fall of Atlantis, amplified utilization has ceased, and the ability for sustaining this manner of usage was lost. As a result, the refined network is no longer intact, so the ley lines are shorn in some areas, torn in others, and the highways and byways appear not to make sense, you see; they no longer completely connect across the globe.


Now, the base essence of leylines occurs from a natural source. They are currents of telluric energy. As these were refined, some became coded & engineered on new paradigms, which you call fourth dimension & fifth dimension. These replace the old, but not all have discovered them yet, and that is appropriate, you see. Extra terrestrials have assisted the Earth in this effort. Those from Sirius have been instrumental in recent years in realigning this system for the Ascension, and indeed they were the architects of the original enhancement of the ley system, established over 35,000 years ago.


Now, the system of leylines can be said, in a manner of comparison, to act somewhat as the nervous system of the living planet. The planet also has what can be termed axial tonal lines, meridians and chakras.

Leylines are not constant, many factors can cause their shift. Many factors add to their complex energy content, or lack thereof. Tectonic stresses, magma, solar energy, naturally occurring electromagnetic fields exerted by minerals such as quartz and even the decomposition of organic matter, this creates heat and electrical charge, you see. These energies accumulate and flow along Earth paths of conductivity either on, slightly above or underneath the Earth's crust. Those regions and places on the Earth, high in natural metal or conductive mineral content, will attract the current of these electromagnetic flows. Manmade structures built to sacred geometry will also attract these flows.


Almost all of the sacred geometric temples built by the Asian, Roman, Greek, Egyptian and Mayan have leylines passing through them. Some of these structures were built on leys, others attracted them to them.




Many points on leys form into vortex spirals.

Vortexes form for several reasons. The generally understood cause is the intersection of leylines. We tell you they also naturally occur at points of tectonic stress, at volcanoes, around pinnacled and pyramidal mountains, and around manmade structures built to sacred geometry. Vortexes occur naturally at large mineral deposits, basalt beds, granitic batholiths, river confluences, and waterfalls. You see these all project sub atomic plasma, charged ions, and electromagnetic fields. This natural build of energy will spin by nature, and thus the vortex occurs.

Now, we should clarify that vortexes are not portals and they do not evolve into portals, although from your perspective it could appear as such, because all portals will attract a vortex to them you see. Vortexes can become the distribution engines for both adamantine essence, called Akash, and higher dimensional energies received through portals. Not all vortexes house portals, but all portals have a vortex. Do you see?

Your term Ley is a relatively recent description coined to simply mean a straight line connecting two points, but our Metatronic term is much broader.

We define leylines, as being the conscious crystalline aspect of the electromagnetic flow-lines and currents that network the planet. Leylines are 'groomed' energy flows of electromagnetic energy and in latitude of comparison, can be said to serve as the nervous system of Gaia. The raw earth currents are called, in your vernacular, dragon lines. As both leylines and dragon lines are electrical in nature they flow along paths of natural electrical conductors.

This electricity occurs naturally on your earth from multiple sources. Moving water, such as waterfalls, rain and breaking waves, produce charges, as does the decomposition of organic matter, tectonic stress, volcanics, lightning solar heat and winds. The very crust of the earth's surface you live on, with its electrically conducting gases, metals, semi-conducting mineral crystals, water-soaked organic matter, and electrolytes offers an excellent medium for maintaining and producing electrical currents. The mineralogy of the strata below the surfaces conducts in kind. Charged ions are drawn to the ground and this high ionic concentration increases the intensity of earth-currents through the electrode effect.

As a result, static electricity flows parallel with the ground in an orthogonal quasi-static electric field, forming eddies and springs of electricity that become rivers of current that network the planet. These streams of current flow along lines of conductive minerals, such as iron, gold, copper and quartz bearing rock. Naturally it flows to mountains, volcanoes, waters and minerals and large deposits of other conductive formations and amasses through, up and around powernodes. As you are aware, when these lines intersect, a spinning vortex is created.

This electrical current, as with all forms of conscious energy can be directed. The first to do this were the scientist priest of Atlantis, whose origin is the Pleiades. The patterns of raw earth currents, or dragon lines were scientifically detected and mapped, and esoterically imbued and consciously willed to flow in specific routes.


Crystal Leys


The Atla-Ra scientist priest discovered that by flowing these energies through their Arcturian crystals and magnetic transducers that they could be amplified, refined and separated into forms of braided polarized crysto-electric frequencies capable of creating anti gravity fields when spun in counter balanced vortexes. In the technology of the golden age of Atlantis, these conscious crysto electrical lines became so technically refined that were used to create a labyrinth of tunnels for both communication and transport, and crossed to form energy fields for varying purposes.

They were patterned to flow inside factories to energize the work force and in agricultural fields to stimulate plant and crop growth, by routing them in conduits relayed and amplified through crystal power stations and natural telluric generators, such as Skellig Michael. In the former case they were used to assist in the broadcast of crystalline electric-waves for use in powering homes.

The forefathers to the sect you term as the Druids, were descendants of the Atla-Ra. These scientist priests of the Golden Age of Atlantis were devout learned men and women who understood the necessity of combining scientific law with the energy of the divine. This was termed the Law of One, akin to what you now term the Unified Field, although your current understanding of same does not include the sacred. Dear Ones, integral science must not, cannot omit the sacred, the Divine.

The Atla-Ra learned that certain of the crysto-refined ley energies were capable of holding an intent and field of awareness. A global network of this category of ley energy was put in place, as the scientist-priest discovered how to use natural powernodes as relay and amplification stations for this energy to retain a self-generating sufficiency. When these leys became integral with infinity apex points, the divine aspect was imbued within their energy awareness. This Atla-Ra with assistance from Pleiadean, Arcturian and Sirian Masters, created specific divine ley energy routes connecting major chakric points on the planet. These could be programmed with sound frequencies and color, to enhance the tranquility and well being of temples. They could be crossed to create sacred energy vortexes. Skellig Michael is one such area, and although a remnant shadow of its original multi ley manifold capacity, it remains one of the most intact in current times. Skellig was part of the 'Poser' system, yet specifically functioning in higher capacity, not for the standard provision of providing a usable energy source. Rather for up-shifting the ley energy into its highest polarity format.

So in truth there were many types of ley system in Atlantis, some were entirely used for crysto electric power in various forms, others, the ones that still function, albeit in fragments, were the leys of divine awareness.

Truly the most robust survivors of this system are the leys now referred to as the Michael and Mary lines. Indeed their level of intactness is due largely to the work of the Druids, who had escaped Atlantis before the demise into existing monasteries in Britain, Europe, Egypt and Og. The most prolific were the sects in Britain and France, who used antigravity aspects of leys and sound to assist in the formation of stone circles.


The Michael Leyline survived for myriad reasons. It was amplified in stone circles and by the very Cathedrals built on its course to sacred geometry. It was not called the Michael line in its inception. Rather it was referred to as the Atlas Line in Atlantis, and Thoth line in Egypt and Og. Its pagan name was changed to that of Michael and Mary by the secret societies of savants to protect it from the Church. The Freemasons, who built cathedrals capable of amplifying ley energy, utilized sacred geometry imminently. Almost all of the Cathedrals and Greek Monuments were built to phi, the golden ratio or mean, directly on powernodes along leylines.


It should not surprise you to know that I, Lord Metatron, and Archangels Michael and Mechelzidek were very much present in the time of Atlantis, but were called by different names? You see we show our love equally to all humankind, of all eras, races, religions and creed. You presently refer to us as Angels; we are Divine Crystalline Light Beings, Place Holders of the Cosmos and supporters of all that is Divine, including humanity.

Now as we have said previously, leylines are not constant. In time they shift and alter. And so what was once a robust system is now quite diminished and fragmented. The ley system currently is but a shadow of its former self, and no longer completely circumnavigates the planet. However, the raw current does, and many parts of it are indeed ley in nature, and this system is currently under repair, particularly by those of Sirius B, and many of you in multidimensional aspects of yourselves. Do you see? Like powernodes groomed into sacred sites, dragon lines are quite capable of being imbued with energy from human kind and sacred sites, and become polished into leylines.


Now, flow-pattern of leys are quite specific, generally speaking. They will spiral counterclockwise up domed mountains above the equator, and clockwise below it. They flow upward in straight lines on pyramidal shaped mountains. They spiral up conical peaks. This is why mountain peaks contain very high frequencies.

When these currents pass through structures built to sacred geometry or through what you term sacred sites, the currents absorb and radiate higher light. When this occurs, the leys assume a refined conscious nature, capable of coded memory. Ley powerpoints energetically connect to the grid system and form a geometric matrix, which in turn can attract to it higher dimensional energies. These become meridian points, and in some cases, chakras of the living sentience of the earth.


Each ley, each sacred site, can and does affect the human electromagnetic field. Additionally, the light arcs & angles from planets and stars will feed & influence the areas of telluric energy pools (called in your terms, electrical or outward vortexes) and can actually create, depending on their alignment, inward pull portals or openings that receive light- energy from stellar and solar light photons, as well as from planetary and higher dimensional grid lattices.


If one accepts the postulate that certain points of higher energy exist on the planet, and that they do have a crystallized matrix that projects a specific geometric pattern, then it can also be understood that these living energy sources communicate thru harmonic energy oscillations. For example if one has a tuning fork in the key of C, and then one plays a C note on a piano, the musical vibration from the piano will also create a vibration in the tuning fork, because of the law your scientists call harmonic oscillation. Harmonic oscillations between power points on Earth and in higher dimensions are also so 'attuned' to resonate to compatible harmonics.


Just as your human body has sensory systems and organs that sustain the health of the physical body, so it is with ley lines. Ley lines sustain the health of the physical Earth. Now, above the organs of the body you have meridian lines that bisect the body, and as they do, contribute to the wellness of the being, which then transmits that energy into a different form, then feeding the organs, feeding the senses and the awareness. Now, just as your human body undergoes changes, so does the Earth diversify and shift. The ley system changes and adapts in kind. We tell you that with the ongoing and coming graduation of the Earth, the heralded planetary Ascension, not only will the Earth system of sensitivity adjust but so will that of the human.


Now, above the meridian system of the human body is what we term the axialtonal lines. This is a term that is relative, and quite new, to your sphere. You will not have heard it so much, but it will become more and more well known. The axialtonal lines are distinct lines, which connect the emotional body, the mental body, the causal body and such to the ascended body, and so it is with the Earth.


The Earth, as well, has axialtonal lines defined by both spiritual and celestial qualities again based upon sacred mathematics. These touch in certain areas to the ley lines, they touch but they do not rest upon them. But they do intersect, especially in places where the ley lines are torn and shorn and disconnected they act as bridges, bridges from one dimension to another to bridge gaps in knowledge, to bridge gaps in history, to bridge gaps of energy that have been depleted or shorn as such, you see?

Now, when you visit a conjunction of ley energy, or sacred site or vortex complex, you absorb the code of its unique message, its unique geometry. You carry within your field the energy of every sacred site, every power point and every grid point on each continent you have visited. You have the ability to connect them to yourself and to one another, dear ones.


Those of you termed Earth-Keepers, such as the channel, that have been tugged to visit such places can visualize connecting them to the 144 Grid, and thereby assist in connecting them to the evolving grid. And in the process, you connect and activate yourself. This will complete n 2012, and then will be spawned the active formation and activations of anchors for the New Firmament.


That segment which you call the Michael line became imbued with divine light, and drawn into power points and cosmic alignment points some 18,000 years ago. As we have mentioned the Michael Line was originally called the Atlas belt before it was given a Judeo-Christian name, yet the source energy is the same, you see. Oh but there was Divine wisdom in the name change. How many Christian Cathedrals built with immaculate sacred geometry on the exact vector and cosmic alignment points of this transcendental current would have been so constructed if the Leyline were considered Pagan? Indeed the controlling church would have forbidden it. And now despite their controls, incredible temples exist on the perfect locations to amplify higher dimensional energies, energies that are unbound by any religious dogma, other than pure celestial LOVE.

The harmonic oscillation we spoke of earlier allows such mineralogical harmonics to be the fount of vibrational connection between these sites. Such harmonics occur not just in the mineralogy but also by means of geometry and light quotient.

We will say that Skellig Michael is not the original entry point of the 'Michael' Leyline, but it now appears to be so, because the line no longer is fully connected to its full compliment. Skellig Michael was one of the amplification or relay points of what you presently term the Michael Ley, when it originally was manifolded into the Atla Belt. You see, it once encircled the planet.


It will again in the not so distant future, but that is not yet complete. We will say that its strongest portion extends from Ireland, through Britain, across Europe and forks into the lands of ancient Judea, Israel and Egypt. Does it surprise you to know that it connects to Mecca in Saudi Arabia? It should not surprise you to know that most of you have had lifetimes in every race, every religion and every gender.


Truth has a way of evolving within the hearts of all who truly seek God, despite the limitations of patriarchal or any other restrictive dogma, you see. All of you are of the family of humanity.



The Emerald Eire is the land of the Green and Violet Ray. It is a land of nurturing, home of the Goddess.Home of nurturing, home of caring and joy. Within are energies that are capable of balancing and regenerating you. The points of Newgrange and the generator node of Skellig Michael are two of the most powerful nodes of the Omni Earth.


It is a land of crysto-electric leys, and its role is soon to increase in 2013.


Newgrange will play an enormous part in the 'post' Ascension activation of the New Crystalline Firmament.


I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths.


And so it is…

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