Message from Ascended Master, Lady Nada
Channeled by: Julie Miller
February 20, 2012

Dear children as we begin, I wish to remind you that each of you are Rays of Unconditional Love and Light. And each of you is born with the potential to rise above anything that presents itself as a challenge. Within those challenges that you have faced and are facing still are many precious lessons that are crucial to your progression on the path of your journey back home to the heart of God.

It is imperative to remember that you are not your characteristic behaviours. And you are not the sum of your entire experiences. Each of you is a spiritual individual, each of you is a Spark of Love and this Spark is forever linked to God. I will work with you to further ignite this spark into a roaring flame of devotion, not only to God but to yourself. The disconnectedness from God many have been feeling is not reality, but an illusion created by your own beliefs. It is these beliefs that at one time served well, but now to require consideration. The journey has awakened a thirst to know the truth that will resonate only with your dear heart. I see many of you question your journey; you question what you already know because the Ego that resides in the mind is still in control. It is the Ego that allows you to give in to second guessing and uncertainty. Trust dear children with your Heart and know from the Love of God that you are indeed loved, and the work you are doing is for the greatest of good. If at all you still find yourself doubting, seek God Himself. He will clarify what is already answered in your dear heart.

The enlightening journey you are maneuvering on is filled with many opportunities to discover yourself in new light. You will be attracted to fresh ideas, new concepts to study and absorb as your own and through all the self-realization that will take place you will also face many who may oppose you. With my gentle and loving guidance I will show you the God-like way to overcome such hurdles. And keep in mind each and every child of God is at a different place on their journey. This also means understanding of ideas and concepts quite easily will vary. Arguing your opinion will not get anyone further ahead; it will only attract negative energy that can certainly attach itself to your own spirit body which will decrease your own energy making you feel sluggish and overdrawn. Being respectful of other’s beliefs, even if they are not your own by showing gratitude and thankfulness instead of jumping in with high emotions is the far better course dear children. Each of you have something to offer, it your methods that make a difference.

Offering non-biased opinion that carries no judgement or harsh criticism will be much more appreciated than hurtful, ill thought spoken words. Your journey will lead you to many branches that have opportunities to gain knowledge that will lead to greater wisdom. Feel the love that is within your dear heart. It is strong. Seek this love for yourself and love yourself fully and completely. Part of your journey is learning to accept you are made up dark and light characteristics. Finding the perfect balance is what you are to be aiming for dear children. And for many dear children this can be incredibly hard. There are many past events that are held hidden behind many doors that must be opened and cleared in order to move forward. You cannot fix those past events because they are done, but it essential to learn from them and release whatever hold they may have over you. Free yourself from situations that are no longer serving and embrace the direction your path is leading you to. You wonder where the path is going to take you…think dear children. Go into the core of your being, into your spiritual heart and find the truth that is waiting for you. Your answers are there. Each step from each lesson is bringing you closer to your eventual reunion with your Heavenly Father.

Your world is filled with many diverse personalities and some of these beautiful and diverse people are there to challenge you. Remember dear children Love will dissolve your conflicts, do not resist such an openness of your heart. Love the one who challenges your core beliefs, love yourself and forgive with your heart. In all you do, love is the answer dear children. When you speak, write, think, feel and act you do this through your I AM Presence. You will learn to not fear vulnerability and to accept this as a deep strength. I look forward to you invoking my presence. I AM deeply moved by the heady fragrance of the rose. When you meditate, use a deep red candle with the sweet fragrance of this heavenly flower and speak my name. Through gentle guidance and support, I will guide you to specific choices that only you can make that will lead you to developing and broadening your knowledge and what you need at the present moment to heal your heart, body and spirit.

Embrace with loving kindness all that you are dear children. God’s love of you is never diminished by any action done by you or to you. Understand dear children there is no specific time set up for when you are to find the sacred Oneness and Home that is within the Heart of God and with your own. Enjoy the learning that you are experiencing and feel the love that I AM bestowing upon each of you as I prepare to depart your divine sister.

And so it is, Ascended Master, Lady Nada through Julie Miller