Friday, February 17, 2012

Your diligence to the task at hand holds a tremendous power over the creation of your reality.

Seek not to let fear or confusion steal your understanding; yet, do not be hard upon yourself when you entertain those things.

Hold firm to your intent–courageous in your conviction, conscious in your desire.

This is a real world experience and it is not pretty, but it does not mean it cannot be powerful and it does not mean that you cannot have peace, and it does not mean that you do not have promise.

Contrary to popular belief, the universe is not a hard task master, rather what you are learning is that you can have your desires, no matter what is occurring in your world.

The path of the soul is the most powerful manifestation of creation in the physical plane of existence.

Be profoundly happy on that which gives you joy. You light your world not by looking at the darkness but by magnifying the light.