Laura: Please read all channeled messages with discernment, all messages can be interfered with by the channelers’ mind or by lower dimension entities.
Message channeled by Laura Tyco

The atmosphere is tense on your planet to say the least. What is the purpose of this you may wonder? The purpose of all difficulties encountered is to bring more light. The purpose of all events and actions, even the ones initiated by darker souls is to bring more light into being and manifestation.
Many hearts are hurting and bleeding in your world now, there is much fear, much unrest, many souls suffer. What is the purpose of such a high level of suffering? The purpose of most pain and suffering can be a gift for you to awaken. It has never been intended for pain and suffering to reach such heights on your planet, the level of intensity and distress concerns us much.

Understand that the more suffering is felt, the higher the chances of awakening for many in your society. The more are affected, the more will unite to bring about true change.

The world is saddened by all the unfair wars and poverty. The fact that you are all concerned and wish these to stop is showing how big of a change has taken place over the past few years. Technology is bringing you images from wars and unrest into your very hearts. The oneness between you all is bringing home powerful feelings of compassion and support for those in need.
Your heart is opening to the immense universal love available to all of you. You can transmute the energy available to you throughout your entire day. Inner transformation takes place on large scales, healing of your hearts and souls is spreading. Do not be afraid of looking into your own dark side, as you will be able to look into the dark side of others and accept it for what it is. It is a part of the being you love, which needs care, exposure to the light, and your being there to witness it all.
Your presence is required in this transformation process; do not expect much of the usual to repeat itself in the short coming days. What is required of you is to be present in your life, in your body, feel your weight, your breath as a living Earth entity. You have not always been so and you may return to your original form when you are willing and ready for the safe return home.

Laura Tyco IndyInfos