
Dear members of the network, 

Welcome to join us in the Mother Earth Network’s monthly global healing session for our beloved Mother Earth!

The session takes place Tuesday, February 7th, 8.00 pm – 8.30 pm Swedish time zone (CET) Use www.timeanddate.com to translate to your local time zone! During the healing session we will help Earth to activate and spread the female energy from her inner core, of which there is an enormous shortage, both in Earth’s and humanity’s energy systems.

Below you will find background information on the healing session, instructions on how to participate, links to the printer-friendly miniguide for the healing sessions, and the Facebook page for this month's healing session.

Thank you for your participation! Together we are creating miracles!

♥ Light, Strength and Love
Maria Bertram & Manne Lindberg, Mother Earth Network


All energy in the Cosmos consists of the male and the female energy. These energies are the foundation of all development and create the polarities of expansion/regression, light/darkness, spirit/matter, heaven/earth, intellect/intuition and so on. The purpose of all development of consciousness is the balance between these energy polarities.

The knowledge of the male and the female energy is a timeless and all-embracing wisdom that applies for all living life in Cosmos, from small organisms to huge galaxies. This ancient and timeless wisdom has today been forgotten and suppressed, but fragments of it have been kept in different cultures all over the world. The most famous examples are the Taoists’ yin and yang, and the indigenous people’s worship of Mother Earth and Father Sky.

On the surface of the Earth, the female energy coming from the core of the planet meets the male energy coming from above. These two energies, in perfect balance, together create the Highest Divine Energy of Love, unconditional love.

Today there is an enormous imbalance, with way too much male energy on the face of the planet, which is the main reason for all the imbalances present on Earth today, such as imbalanced weather and natural disasters. This imbalance is due to mankind’s imbalanced lifestyle and aggressive technology, combined with all the mainly male energies from Cosmos flowing in over Earth preparing her for her entering into the New Spiritual Age.

The energy imbalance has created a very critical situation for Mother Earth and she goes through a tremendous amount of suffering every day. Together we can help her rebalance her system and ease her pain. A very long time ago the mission was given to humanity to help Mother Earth to balance her energy system. We are her keepers. She depends on us like we depend on her. We are ONE with Mother Earth. Humanity is now starting to regain this timeless wisdom.

This background information and the instructions for the healing session are based on channeled information from Mother Earth, nature spirits, ascended masters, other civilizations and the Divine Consciousness. A huge network of ascended masters, other civilizations in Cosmos, and nature spirits on Earth participates during the healing session.

These sessions have an enormous impact on the healing of Mother Earth, far beyond our imagination! The effect also increases exponentially with every new individual joining us! When we take part in the healing sessions to Mother Earth, we also receive the energy ourselves, which is tremendously beneficial for our spiritual transformation.


Sit down to meditate. Turn off your mobile phones, TVs, computers and other technical equipment. If possible, sit outside in nature. Make sure you're sitting comfortably and have full contact with the floor or ground (or if you're sitting on a chair – at least with your feet). Put your hands together as if you are praying, and let them rest on your knees. Take a couple of deep breaths, relax your whole body, and clear your mind of distracting thoughts.

Get ready mentally to be a channel for the Mother Earth energy, and focus your intention on channeling the energy from the ground. Read the prayer for Mother Earth. Visualize how a channel opens up from the Earth’s center and how the red glowing female energy starts streaming up and flowing through your feet, rear and hands.

Let the energy fill your whole body, then let it continue onward to the worldwide network of nature spirits, masters in the spirit world and cosmic civilizations that will spread the energy to the places on Earth where it is most needed at the time. Once you have opened up the flow of energy, just focus on being present in the now. It is individual how energy feels, but it works whether you feel anything or not.

Please note: Do not send white light to Mother Earth, and don’t channel light through the crown chakra to her, because she will then get more of the high frequency male energy that she already has a surplus of. What Mother Earth needs to heal herself today is the low frequency grounding female energy from Earth’s inner core.



Dear Mother Earth,

In humbleness, love and complete trust, we are asking you, 
Please give us strength and guidance.

Please help us to channel energies from your interior,
to heal you completely, both your body and your soul.

Thank you for letting us humans live with you and take part in your abundance.   
Thank you for your beauty and richness. 
Thank you for all the miracles taking place on Earth every day.

Mother Earth, we are calling on you!


End the session by saying Thank you.


January 9th
February 7th
Mars 8th
April 6th
May 6th
June 4th
July 3rd
August 2nd
August 31st (two full moons in August)
September 30th
Obtober 29th
November 28th
December 28th


A one-page printer-freindly miniguide for the healing sessions:


Facebook page for this month's healing session:



The Mother Earth Network is an ever growing, global spiritual network consisting of thousands of people around the world. We, Maria Bertram and Manne Lindberg, run the network from Sweden, outside of Stockholm. Our life tasks are to help humanity and Earth through the transition to the New Spiritual Age, and to take part in re-establishing the female energy on Earth. Maria has for many years channeled messages from the Divine Consciousness (God), Mother Earth, nature spirits, spiritual masters, angels and representatives from other civilizations in Cosmos.

Besides spreading channeled messages, we’re also spreading instructions to a healing technique, Mother Earth-healing, in which you ground yourself in depth, which is a precondition for spiritual transformation and to prepare for the transition to the New Spiritual Age. The network’s main activities are global healing sessions for Mother Earth, through channeled instructions. The network also holds lectures in Sweden with, among other things, public channelings from different sources. Everything the network offers is 100 % free.

Read more about us on the network’s website, where you can also sign up to become a member and receive our newsletter – with reminders and instructions for the global healing sessions for Mother Earth, our future channelings, publications and other updates. You’ll find the website at: www.motherearthnetwork.net

Mother Earth Network on Facebook:



