Dear ones, we greet you in these times of tremendous activity taking place all over the world, although you are not always aware of it. We see much happening with regard to the exposure of events that have been kept from you. Many are speaking out and many more are trying to speak out. It is a new time for all. Do not get discouraged as you read about the many works of negativity, but instead realize that these issues are coming to mankind's' awareness as a preparation so to speak for more information to come. Many will be shocked to find out how they have been deceived by those pretending to have the peoples' best interests at heart while instead holding only to their own best interests.

It is a new time dear ones, so try to rest back and allow the process to unfold. The natural way of the human mind is to try and fix things, but the human mind can only work from what is already known. New ideas as yet unknown to the human mind are beginning to manifest, representing the new and higher consciousness now evolving on earth. Many trying to bring forth these ideas are being pushed aside by those who believe they know better even though what they know is old. Because these now obsolete ideas worked well in the past, it is thought by those still in this old energy, that these ways will still work. "You cannot put new wine into old wineskins…" these solutions will not be solutions in the new unfolding consciousness. Mankind must be willing to let all that is finished, die.

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