Last Tuesday was dearly missed by other circumstances that became a pertinent priority to our dear vessel. I AM greatly happy to speaking to all of you again. As always, there is so much to discuss.

The energy that you gather now, you have also gathered throughout your many lifetimes that have been preparing you for your eventual ascension. The virtues and your capabilities are stored within your body and are accessed through your heart. When you heart is opened fully, and wide accepting God into your heart and into your life and you have mastered the trinity of your foundation; your heart will guide you your activation of your I AM presence. By listening to your guides, whomever they be; you will follow directions on a course to collect wisdom of the many ascended masters and learn from each and every one of them. You will reach your ascension when you are completely ready. Do not rush dear ones, enjoy your journey.

With the good energy you are gathering, the wisdom you are gaining you will acquire the need for the use of the Violet Flame. You already know this flame is incredibly nurturing, yet many only access it when they are clearing from a past event that was difficult and are letting go of it. The Violet Flame is able to be used as often as you require it. Meditating on the Violet Flame daily allows the flame to transmute any negative energy or disharmony from your spirit body at a quicker rate, rather than allowing the discord to collect and become heavy and weary. Let the Violet Flame dissolve all negative thought forms until it's no longer present. You are a child of the Light; the Violet Flame progressively frees your spirit that also relieves your heart, mind and physical body.

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