Site icon Dimensional Bliss

Galactic Federation Of Light Hilarion February 19 2012
Beloved Ones,
Many of you are finding yourselves with a feeling of sleepiness that comes on in the early evening and you have no choice but to go to sleep, for the feeling is so strong. This is a period when we are working on adjusting your energy fields and this is best accomplished while your physical body is at a deep rest. If you are experiencing this symptom then know that it is your turn to be attuned and adjusted. Each and everyone of our Lightworking Family is being given this personal attention in order to accelerate the process of transformation.

Be nurturing and understanding of yourselves when this happens, you are not being indolent or lazy, it is simply part of the process, accept it and let it be. Some of you are feeling uncomfortable in your bodies at certain periods of the day — this, too, shall pass. Listen to the signals you are being given and rest when it feels necessary, take action when you are feeling robust and stay in a positive, uplifted frame of mind as much as possible. If negative thoughts come into your mind, shift immediately to an uplifting thought. In this way, you are mastering your thinking patterns.

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