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Ann Albers a message from Ann Albers

Saturday, 11 February, 2012  (posted 13 February, 2012)

My dear friends, we love you so very much.

So many of you agonize over the choices in your life. Life, dear ones, is just an adventure of the soul. The choices you make about your inner conditions are always far more important than the choices you make about your external conditions. When faced with external choices, it is human nature to ask, "Which choice will make me happier?" "Which choice will make me feel safer?" "Which choice will protect my heart?" Although it is indeed very human to ask these questions, from our perspective external choices will never make you feel happier, safer, or more protected. Nothing external can every truly dictate your internal conditions.

Far better to say, "I intend to be happy! I choose what makes me happiest now!" "I intend to be safe. I feel safest in the moment, by making this choice." "I intend to have a heart filled with love. This choice feels most loving to myself now." And then, dear ones, in the very next moment of choice, make choices once again based on your happiness in the present moment.

Your mind is useful in making choices. You can weigh the pros and cons of a situation. However, so many times there are no clear answers. Sometimes even the heavens cannot give you a definitive answer on how your choices will play out in the future because there are 7 billion people on your planet, each with the gift of free will. We can guide you as to the best choice for yourself now, and in the next moment, and in the next, and this is why we suggest you make choices based on how you feel "now" and "now" and "now" again.

For example, suppose you are considering purchasing a home. You ask, "Will this home make me happy? Will it be safe? Will it be a good investment?" You can research some of those questions. You can look at the neighborhood, the history, and the financial comps. You can have a home inspection. You can due the diligence that you must do as a human being, and then, knowing all you know, dealing with the facts rather than any wishful thinking, you can check in with your heart. Given that this home is a reasonable investment, needs a new roof in the next five years, and needs some work now… given that it is a certain cost, now, in this moment, given all those facts, how do I feel about buying this home. Your mind collects data so your heart can make a clear decision.

Likewise if you are considering getting into a relationship it is prudent to use your mind, but allow your heart to be the final authority. Get to know the other person. Talk to them. If you want a relationship, relate! Learn about the other so your mind has an understanding of who this person is and how they like to live their lives. Your heart will easily know if you sense love or not, but your mind can also be useful to determine if this is someone you can live with. With all the facts in front of you, without wishful thinking or denial, then your heart can say, Given who I know this person is, either I can or I can't live with them. Everyone is lovable, dear friends! But not everyone is livable!

So by all means, use the gift of your minds when making choices, but after you have all the facts you can gather, sit quietly without wishful thinking or denial and ask your heart, "Give all I am able to know now, in this moment about this choice in front of me, how do I feel about it?" Does making this choice enliven me "now" or does it inspire fear. Is it right, right now? Does it feel happy to me, right now? If not dear ones, perhaps it is not the right choice, for right now. Be kind to yourselves. You have new choices presented to you each moment of your life. If you bypass one, God will give you another. You cannot "mess your lives" up unless you ignore your hearts. And even then, with the very next breath, you are given new choices, and new chances.

God bless you! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Message From Ann

I was born on the cusp of the two most opposite signs on the zodiac – Pieces and Aries. Internally I am sensitive, psychic, emotional, and in love with my creature comforts. Externally I am Aries – outgoing, forceful, analytical, and in love with adventure. It is quite a challenging reality to live with two such opposing forces at play within my mind and heart at all times!

Although I've often joked that God made me bi-solar, I know it embodies the lessons I've came to learn and all I was meant to teach. With every choice I make I am torn between head and heart, and with every choice I make, I must balance the two.

In the past I have over-analyzed decisions to the death! When I painted my house seven years ago, I bought so many sample colors that the walls looked like a patchwork quilt. In the end the color my heart wanted won and of course I've been happy with it ever since. On a weekend I can easily agonize between doing projects, staying at home and resting, or going hiking. And if I get into my head and start trying to figure out which is best, there is never any good answer. I have to drop into my heart and say, "Ok, Ann, what do you feel like?" And I have to give up figuring out how the day will play out and trust that decision in the moment. It always works out magically when I trust my heart.

It is good to have the facts. As I look forward to some home improvements, I AM using my brain to read reviews on the different materials and parts. I am using my calculator to measure. But in the end, given all the facts, the heart will decide.

I think where we humans get into trouble with our choices is when we slip into wishful thinking and are in denial. In my thirties, I was deciding whether or not I "should" get into a relationship. Someone had come into my life who was convinced he was the man for me. I had just gotten out of a relationship in which the man cheated with everything that moved, and my heart was in such pain I couldn't hear it screaming at me. So I used my HEAD to decided about dating this man in front of me. "He seems nice. He cares about me. He's sure pursuing me." All the while my heart was trying to get my attention , "NO! Don't do it! You don't feel like dating him. You don't feel like dating anyone now." My head, with all its prior programs said, "But you don't want to hurt his feelings. He seems nice. Give him a chance." I even asked the angels, "What do you think?" They answered honestly, "You'll be together three years. You'll help him release all his childhood pain. You'll learn not to take things personally." My mind spoke, "Oh God wants me to learn."Looking back, it was so easy to see that I was using my mind to justify ignoring my heart. I was wishing for a relationship and in total denial of my own heart.

I did get in the relationship and it was three years of the hardest growth I've ever done. I did help this man release his childhood abuse and finally learned not to take on his anger. I really did learn, but it came at a cost. Years later, I went back to the angels, "Why did you tell me to date this guy?" "We didn't," they answered, "We just gave you the facts." Oh my goodness, I saw they were right. "You mean if I had listened to myself and just told him to leave me alone, I would have learned all the lessons in one easy step?" I asked. "Yes," they replied. "Why didn't you tell me!" I fumed. "You were determined to be with someone. You were ignoring your feelings. You were in wishful thinking that he'd turn out to be the one. You were in denial of your own instincts." That was so hard to hear but they were right on all counts.

From then on, I've listened to my heart impeccably! I rarely do anything that doesn't feel right to me in the moment. As a result I've been a lot happier.

I still work on avoiding the over-analysis. I still go to the angels for guidance when I am not clear. But one thing I have learned is that the more I get out of wishful thinking and denial, the more clearly I can hear my heart. Given the reality of situation at hand, right in this moment, what feels right, right now?

Try living that way. Try dealing with the reality of life in front of you when you make your choices. Try to avoid wishful thinking and create the best you can given what is in front of you now. Magically then, you are guided to better and better.

Have a clear heartfelt week!

Please feel free to share any of my messages or posts. The only thing I ask is a small note: ©Ann Albers,

This message was originally posted here

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