Jennifer Hoffman a message from Jennifer Hoffman

Monday, 2 January, 2012  (posted 5 January, 2012)

January is going to feel like the 'calm before the storm', partly because there are no planets in retrograde motion during the first three weeks. Many areas of the U.S. are enjoying spring-like temperatures and we're wondering if winter is going to suddenly appear with sub zero temperatures, snow, ice and howling winds to remind us that Spring is still a few months away. Rather than anticipate the timing of upcoming challenges, we can use this time to rest, re-center, re-group, re-balance and set some intentions for a powerful and interesting year.

January will be a relatively peaceful month but deceptively so because while nothing appears to be happening on the surface, that's only because everything is happening underneath. And this begins our education in cosmic science that we will be experiencing all year, that what we see on the outside is the result of everything that happening under the surface. An enormous issue for this year is for us to practice mindful manifesting, to ignore appearances and focus instead on intention, allowing, and receiving, aware that it is what we empower that determines what we experience.

Intention is the process that sets energy in motion. When we start a sentence with "I intend", similar to saying "I AM", we flip the Universal power switch and energy starts moving. With allowing we stand aside and let the Universe be our partner. In a recent vision I had, I was shown that we all sit at the 'right hand of God', it isn't a seat reserved for Jesus and what this statement means is that we are partners with God (or Source) and this is what co-creation is all about. Can you imagine yourself seated at the right hand of God? What a powerful concept.

As we go through this month don't put off setting intentions for your life because you wonder what's going to happen next. Enjoy this time of rest but also realize that this is the paradigm of the new earth, we can be enjoying life while we let the Universe do the heavy lifting, setting powerful intensions for powerful living and then knowing that we have set the energy in motion and we can simply trust that everything is working and flowing as it should. And finally, we have been told for so long that we are powerful, now we have to step up to the plate. It's 'game on' now, if we want to create our lives and the world as we want it to be, we need to get to work and get the energy moving in the direction of our highest potential.

Copyright ©2011 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. This material is protected by US and international copyright now and may be distributed freely in its entirety as long as the author’s name and website, are included.