BB Motor Corporation has reluctantly answered some questions about an exotic motor they have built that is claimed to be able to run without fuel and produce no pollution. A breakthrough energy technology may be about to emerge from the state of Texas. We wonder if there might be similarities to the Clem Engine.

by Hank Mills
Pure Energy Systems News

Not every company working on free energy technology likes publicity. Many companies doing cutting edge research and development desire to keep a low profile. This can be for many reasons, such as remaining under the radar from competitors, not revealing the existence of their technology to the powers that be, or even just the ability to work in peace — free of disruptions from other parties. 

BB Motor Corp, Inc. is such a company, and did not appreciate the fact we ran an article about them titled, "BB Motor Corp's Fuelless J.I.M.S. Engine." In fact, they were so displeased about the fact we let their existence be known (despite the fact they have a public website), the co-founder and CEO of BB Motor Corp, Robert H. Smith, stated we may be hearing from their legal team. However, despite his irritation with the article we published, he graciously answered Sterling Allan's questions about their company and technology; and he agreed to do a recorded interview today (which we will report on in a follow-up story). 

Let's review the basic facts about BB Motor Corporation. The company is based in Southlake, Texas, and claims to have an exotic engine they have named "J.I.M.S" which stands for, "Jesus Is My Savior." The engine was invented by an individual named, "Rhett." He came up with the idea for engine not long after his son was killed in a roadside bombing in Iraq. Certain elements of the engine's logo honor the countless soldiers that have given their lives to preserve freedom. Other elements represent the company's dedication to producing "green" technology that is environmentally friendly. 

Until the CEO of the company recently answered several questions, only a modest amount information was available about their engine. Their company website — already on the internet for everyone to see — did provide a few facts that seemed to indicate the engine was revolutionary, and potentially overunity. For example, the engine was described as not burning fuel, being capable of eliminating energy costs, and allowing independence from foreign oil. It is also stated that the engine could allow for a reduction in pollution (due to the fact it does not emit any), and "a cleaner and more prosperous America."

The engine is also claimed to be composed of only five moving parts, have an estimated lifespan of 1,000,000 miles due to the small amount of wear produced by the few moving parts, and be estimated as being capable of producing over 100,000 foot pounds of torque. It is also designed to run at 50 to 700 RPMs, unlike typical V8 engines that can operate at an RPM of 4,000 or higher. This is a good thing, because by producing a greater torque at a lower speed, you can avoid extra wear and tear due to friction produced at high speeds.

When responding to Sterling Allan's questions, the CEO provided additional information about the company and technology. In regards to how the world will react to the engine, they think it is probable they will make as many enemies as allies. Their technology is alleged to be so revolutionary that it will have a huge domestic and global demand. According to their research, there is no other technology like theirs. 

In response to questions about how the technology works and what data has been obtained, the CEO provided a few very interesting bits of information. Basically, the technology is claimed to work in a very interesting way. An electric motor produces hundreds of pounds of hydraulic pressure that is fed into the engine. A "hydraulic multiplier" effect then takes place inside the engine that apparently creates extra energy via a mechanism that remains undisclosed for proprietary reasons. The mechanical output power of the engine is then greater than the electrical energy that was used to power the electric motor. 

Although it is not specified, I think a portion of the mechanical output power must be converted into electricity, and used to power the electric motor. This would "close the loop" so to speak, or allow the system to self-sustain. Basically, here is a simple diagram of how it seems the technology would work in a self sustained mode of operation.


First Electric Motor –> Hydraulic Pressure –> Engine With Hydraulic Multiplier –> Torque –> Generator –> Electrical Power –> First Electric Motor

Here are the answers that the CEO, Robert Smith, provided Sterling Allan.


Q: How does the technology work (overview)?

A: Very Proprietary and not to be made public at this time. In basics, it converts electric power to kinetic power and back to electric at a substantial surplus due to a hydraulic multiplier. (that is probably more info than my atty's would like me to give).

Q: Where are you in the process of implementing it commercially?

A: We are unfortunately still in r&d and hoping to launch a platform of corporate level r&d relationships later this year. The generator aspect is not going on hold but we do not intend to be selfish with the technology and have an enormous amount of major corporations wanting to "get close" to the motor.

Q: What kind of data have you accumulated?

A: We have accumulated data that more than supports our claims of what we will be able to do. In reality it appears that what the engineers thought it would take was about 2-3 times what it is actually taking. It has been said by many that have seen the motor "It is a beast!!". Will I tell you the data? No. I will say that we generated 1000+ lbs of torque with 300psi of hydraulic pressure from a 1 hp electric motor. That should be enough to confuse you. And that was using only 2 of 8 cylinders.

Q: Independently tested?

A: Not yet. We have plans to take it to San Antonio for "heavy testing" on a dyno that will go up to 30k lbs of torque as long as we guarantee not to break their dyno! lol.

Q: What price point do you expect to start out at in terms of cents/kw-h?

A: Hard to answer today, at a point we are closer to releasing it to the public that will be more appropriate, I will say that it will be quite affordable and current numbers show a 3 year time for return of 100% cost to consumer. We hope those numbers don't change.

Q: How much might this price change in the next 5 years?

A: Impossible to tell, do you have an inflation gauge?

Q:How does your technology compare to others like it out there?

A:There is no other technology like that that we are aware of and if there is we have not researched it.

Q: What are its strengths?

A: I think the strengths are obvious.

Q: Weaknesses?

A: None that we are aware of currently.

Q: How might someone invest in the company?

A: By contacting me at They must be a "qualified investor" and pass our atty team "sniff test". Potential investors must we willing to come see the motor/company in person. We are only interested in investors that share the "total" vision of our company. This is not all about money, we for whatever reason, have been given the task of this motor. I don't know why, but it is what it is. Few people are given the opportunity to leave the world a better place than it was when they came in. There are a lot of things in the world that this motor can do, we will see how many of them we can have an impact with. 

Massive Overunity in Texas

Perhaps one of the most interesting details he gave, was the fact that in one test, the system used a one horsepower electric motor to produce the hydraulic input for the engine. He claims from that one horsepower of input, the system produced 1,000 foot pounds of torque. By themselves, these two numbers would not reveal the potential COP (Coefficient of Performance) of the system, or an idea of how much "overunity" it can produce. However, the company website gives figures for the RPM range the engine is designed to operate in.

"V-8 engines run at an average rpm range of 800 to 4000 and the J.I.M.S. engine is designed to run at 50 to 700 rpms."

On the same page, their website states…

"The horsepower and torque will vary, based on the actual PSI and gallons per minute that are used to drive the motor."

Let's be very conservative, and guess the engine was running at 50RPMs. We could use a higher speed, but then the required input power to provide the needed hydraulic pressure may be increased (which could really muck up the calculation). To calculate horsepower (which will tell us the watts out), we must use the equation: horsepower equals torque times force (in foot pounds), divided by 5252. So we have one thousand foot pounds of torque multiplied by fifty RPMs, divided by 5252. This results in 9.52 units of horsepower produced by the engine, compared to the 1 horsepower of input. If this mechanical output could be converted into electricity without any losses the input/output ratio would be approximately 745 watts in, and 7,099 watts out. This is a COP of almost 10, which is fantastic.

Of course the above is a rough estimate, and the potential output of the system could be much higher. For example, if the RPM was really 700RPM (the maximum the system is designed for), the COP could go through the roof to 133 or higher. If the torque was increased beyond 1,000 foot pounds, which is claimed to be possible by the company, the amount of power this system could produce would be phenomenal. One final aspect to note is that to produce the above huge output, it is alleged to have only been using two out of eight cylinders. 

If you want to run the numbers yourself, a good calculator is, here.

This technology is screaming for third party testing, which the company is planning on having done in San Antonio, Texas. The planned date for the testing was not disclosed. If a third party can successfully validate this technology, I think it would be fit to go on our top five technology list — alongside the E-Cat and PlasmERG engine. 

If I had to guess about the fundamental mechanism the engine uses to allegedly produce such a huge amount of output, I would guess centrifugal force was being harnessed. Unlike what many people think, centrifugal force can be harnessed and used to produce work, and free energy. An example is the Richard Clem motor, which was also a hydraulic system. Interestingly, Clem was also from Texas. [Note: in his interview today, Bob said that their motor doesn't involve centrifugal force. He also noted that he is not an engineer.]

Here is some information about the Clem motor from the RexResearch website. (Slightly edited.)


The Richard Clem Engine

A few months back, we got a call from a friend who had heard of this incredible motor that was said to run itself and generate excess useable power. The details were unclear at the time and our friend gathered more details and we met for lunch to discuss what he had found out. This file with diagram is listed on KeelyNet as CLEM2.ZIP.

As we understand it, inventor Richard Clem died of a heart attack soon after the deal was signed with the coal company. His workshop was raided by law enforcement officials and all his notes and drawings were removed. 

The story as I was told by our unnamed friend. 

A local man (Dallas) developed a closed system engine that was purported to generate 350 HP and run itself. The engine weighed about 200 pounds and ran on cooking oil at temperatures of 300° F. 

It consisted of a cone mounted on a horizontal axis. The shaft which supported the cone was hollow and the cone had spiraling channels cut into it. These spiraling pathways wound around the cone terminating at the cone base in the form of nozzles (rimjets). 

When fluid was pumped into the hollow shaft at pressures ranging from 300-500 PSI (pounds per square inch), it moved into the closed spiraling channels of the cone and exited from the nozzles. This action caused the cone to spin. As the velocity of the fluid increased, so did the rotational speed of the cone. As the speed continued to increase, the fluid heated up, requiring a heat exchange and filtering process. At a certain velocity, the rotating cone became independent of the drive system and began to operate of itself. The engine ran at speeds of 1800 to 2300 RPM. 

Immediately after the inventor had the heart attack and the papers were removed, the son of the inventor took the only working model of the machine to a farm near Dallas. There it was buried under 10 feet of concrete and has been running at that depth for several years. 

In later conversations, our contact says the engine had been tested by Bendix Corporation. The test involved attaching the engine to a dynamometer to measure the amount of horsepower generated by the engine in its self-running mode. It generated a consistent 350 HP for 9 consecutive days which astounded the engineers at Bendix. 

They concluded the only source of energy which could generate this much power in a CLOSED SYSTEM over an extended period must be of an atomic nature. Construction of the engine was from off-the-shelf components except for the hollow shaft and the custom cone with the enclosed spiral channels. 

Richard Clem worked with heavy machinery for the city of Dallas and had noticed that certain kinds of high pressure pumps continued to run for short periods after the power was removed. His curiosity into this phenomenon led to the development of the Clem Engine.

See also their index of resources on this topic at

I'm not sure if the J.I.M.S. engine is related to the Richard Clem Engine or not. However, I have a gut feeling there may be some similarities. Of course I could be totally wrong. 

Regardless how the J.I.M.S engine works on a fundamental level, it needs to be tested by a third party, ASAP. If validated, this technology could be used to allow our world to become a better place. It could literally end the energy crisis, reduce the amount of pollution released into the environment, and restore the economies of the world. There are so many benefits of this technology, it could take an entire article to list them all.

Twittering Free Energy

While doing research on the J.I.M.S engine, I came across the Twitter page for BB Motor Corporation. There are some very postings on the page that give a few interesting bits of information about the engine. The most recent posting was from September 17, 2010, which means this information is more than a year old. However, it is still worth reviewing.


bbmc2 Bob Smith
R & D continues. Progress is slow. We anticipate a public release for the motor during 2011.
17 Sep 10
Bob Smith

bbmc2 Bob Smith
Within 60 days we will be hiring for all aspects of admin/assembly/marketing/production. Apply at
16 Jul 09
Bob Smith

bbmc2 Bob Smith
We are currently in need of a computer/internet/website person in the DFW area. Inquire at
16 Jul 09
Bob Smith

bbmc2 Bob Smith
Motor is now halfway completed and we anticipate public launch somewhere in August 2009.
16 Jul 09
Bob Smith

bbmc2 Bob Smith
Blueprints finally done. Machine shop production begins today. Still no investors interested. Still on track for July 4th release.
14 May 09
Bob Smith

bbmc2 Bob Smith
BB Motor Corp is looking for a serious Venture Capital Group, we are producing a no fuel, no emissions engine due to release in 60 days.
21 Apr 09
Bob Smith

bbmc2 Bob Smith
Motor info: 4 cylinder, 1854hp, 8,090 lbs torque, no fuel, no emissions. Creates ozones as it runs.
21 Apr 09
Bob Smith

bbmc2 Bob Smith
What is the best way to get the medias attention on a true alternative energy source capable of powering homes,businesses and vehicles?
21 Apr 09
Bob Smith

bbmc2 Bob Smith
Due to the lack of Government support, BB Motor Corp is now willing to take on investors.
9 Apr 09
Bob Smith

bbmc2 Bob Smith
BB Motor Corp (Texas company) has announced the release date for its no fuel/no emissions motor for July 4,2009.
8 Apr 09
Bob Smith

I think a few comments should be made about the information in the Tweets. The HP and torque figures given may no longer be accurate, due to the work on the engine that has taken place between then and now. Also, I find it interesting that it is claimed the device produces ozone as it operates. Could that be a clue as to the mechanism by which it functions? 

Stay tuned for our report of today's interview!

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This story is also published at BeforeItsNews.

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 Source: PESN