In a landmark interview, Andrea Rossi, the inventor of the E-Cat (cold fusion energy catalyzer), announced many breakthroughs in the development of his technology, answered a wide range of questions, and shared many details regarding the upcoming ten kilowatt heat unit for home use.


A FIRST: This is the first exotic free energy technology that we know of that has been submitted for UL certification, a major milestone prior to deployment to the market.

Andrea Rossi

Full Disclosure:
PES Network has a business relationship
with Andrea Rossi.

By Hank Mills with Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News

Andrea Rossi, the inventor of the E-Cat (Energy Catalyzer), does not give a large number of interviews (we know of three in the past year). He is far too busy putting in often 14-16 hour days preparing for the production of one million, ten kilowatt units for home use. However, on the anniversary of the first press conference about the E-Cat technology that took place January 14, 2011, he graciously allowed for an interview that turned out to be very revealing. During the interview many questions were answered, and a few revelations were made about the development of the E-Cat technology. 

The 1.75-hour interview was predominantly led by Sterling Allan, with the host of the "Smart Scare Crow" show — Gary Hendershot — chiming in from time to time. Gary graciously allowed his show to be the platform for the interview. This allowed the interview to stream live on the internet via, to around 250 people from around the world and to be recorded for posting on YouTube. While the show took place listeners talked with each other in an online chat room, and were able to ask questions — many of which were addressed.

When Rossi could not answer a question in depth due to an NDA or to protect proprietary information, he politely stated he could not go into details. Despite the fact certain information had to remain confidential (such as the catalysts used), he shared a great deal of information, and made a few fascinating announcements about the technology.  

Here's the show as uploaded to YouTube last night by Gary.

The following is a review of many of the topics discussed, and bombshells dropped. We also have a transcription of the interview available.


REACTOR CORE — The reactor core of the home E-Cat unit is about the size of a cigarette box, and is capable of producing ten kilowatts of power. The size of the entire unit will be about the same as a home computer (which I think indicates it is the size of a desktop.) This is a significant reduction in size from previous figures provided. This makes a home E-Cat unit very small and compact. He also claims that the weight has been reduced as well.

It was also clarified that each individual home E-Cat system will utilize one reactor core. This is different than what was stated only a couple months ago, which indicates just how rapidly progress is being made. If the reactor core is the size of a single pack of cigarettes (about 85 cubic centimeters) and can produce 10 kilowatts of power, this makes the power density 117 watts per cubic centimeter — a super high value!

SIMPLE REFUELING — It was revealed home E-Cat units would be capable of being re-fueled by individuals, and not by technicians. He claimed it would be like changing the ink in a pen. After using a cartridge for 180 service days (when the system is actively in use), the system will indicate it needs to be replaced. Once a new cartridge is obtained from his company or a member of their network, the old one will be removed, and the new one popped in. The old cartridge will then be sent to Leonardo Corporation to be recycled. Interestingly, he seemed to indicate that much of the remaining nickel could be salvaged, and it would only need to be re-processed. Each cartridge will cost only about ten dollars, although at first the price could be slightly higher. 

Once again, he asserted that such small amounts of nickel are used, that there is zero possibility of a shortage due to the proliferation of the E-Cat technology. If the entire world converted all their power producing systems to run off nickel, only 1% of the annual production would be consumed.

Though the E-Cat is likely to propagate extensively, we envision many other free energy technologies also emerging, and some of those modalities don't consume any fuel whatsoever, and may be likely to obsolete many of the potential long-term applications of the E-Cat. As cheap and abundant as Nickel is, it isn't infinite, like some other energy sources such as Zero Point Energy.

NO HYDROGEN CANISTER — Unlike previous E-Cat systems which required the use of a hydrogen canister, the new home E-Cat utilizes a material inside of the reactor core which can release and absorb hydrogen. Due to this, no hydrogen canister is needed. I am assuming that the hydrogen release and absorption is controlled via the temperatures produced in the reactor core. Probably when the heat is high the hydrogen is released, and when the temperature goes down the hydrogen is absorbed. Although about ten grams of hydrogen will be placed in the core, only picograms will actually be consumed in the nuclear reactions. 

The removal of the hydrogen canister will make the certification process simpler, because it had previously been a significant hoop to jump through. Also, I think the lack of hydrogen canister greatly contributes to the size reduction of the system. This is a major breakthrough, and is really, really big news! 

DIRT CHEAP ENERGY — The cost of a home E-Cat unit was stated to be between $400 and $500 dollars. This will be accomplished through the best engineering possible of the production line, automization of all aspects of the factory, and the use of robotics. The goal is to make this technology so affordable that everyone will be able to purchase a system, and competitors will not be able to under sell him. Although his technology will obviously be reverse-engineered when the units start to sell, it does not matter because he will have a major head start.

SELF SUSTAIN — The home E-Cat units will be made to self sustain. For the first hour after being turned on, a unit will draw approximately 2.7 to 2.9 kilowatts of power to heat up the reactor core. After that time, the system will self sustain, in that the only power consumed will be used to power the electronics and control systems.

The ability of the system to self sustain will not be controlled by the user, but will be totally automated by the control electronics. He compared it to a hybrid electric car in which the computer decides whether the engine runs or if the vehicle runs off the battery, or if the brakes are applied or if the regenerative system is used to slow the vehicle.

NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS AND STABILITY — National Instruments (NI) is working with Rossi to design new control systems for the one megawatt and home E-Cat. With these new control systems, the stability of E-Cat units has been improved. The key issue needed to be resolved by the control systems is the ability to keep the reactor stable when steam temperatures above 120C are being produced. During the interview he stated that great progress is being made. On his blog he has indicated that they have been able to achieve stable steam production of 400C. This will be important for the efficient production of electricity. 

He went on to say that in a meeting with NI's engineers and scientists, they explained to him that they did not want to just design a control system for him, but wanted to teach him how to design one. Their philosophy is not just to give a man a fish, but to teach the man to fish.

MILITARY CUSTOMER — In addition to the help of NI, the Colonel Engineer who controlled the test of the one megawatt plant on Oct. 28th is working with Rossi to improve the control systems of the plant. Currently, the customer and NI are working to improve the control system, and are changing the gaskets in the system to stop leaks from taking place. He mentioned that the military representative he is working with is an expert into thermodynamic systems. 

The fact that a new control system is being installed is not a bad thing. It is a very good thing. If the customer was not satisfied the E-Cat worked, he would not be helping with the development of a new control system. The fact that the military, NI, other partners that remain undisclosed, and Rossi are all working together on this project shows the significance of the technology — and its reality! 

UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES — Rossi said that they have sent prototypes to UL, and they are working with them to get the home unit certified for "UL approval". 

This was a major announcement. If they are at this state of development, it means they are very far along. This alone would be worthy of a feature story. As far as we know, this is the first exotic free energy technology that has been submitted for UL approval.

You don't submit something to UL until you have a final version. What is submitted to UL is what is taken to market. If any changes are made, they have to once again pass through the UL certification process, which takes several months.

CATALYSTS — In regards to a question about the importance of the catalysts, Rossi stated that the system will not work without them. According to him, no one has been able to make a practical nickel hydrogen system because they did not have the proper catalysts. He did not refute the statement that they are actual physical elements added to the reactor core, in addition to nickel and hydrogen. It needs to be remembered that he has stated over and over again that the catalysts are physical elements, and not a type of process. 

RADIO FREQUENCY GENERATORS — In addition to the catalysts, a question was asked about the radio frequency generator that somehow interacts with the reactions inside of the core. Rossi stated this information is very proprietary, but gave a few clues. First, he compared the use of the radio frequencies to martial arts. He claims that the radio frequency generator allows the forces that would normally prevent the fusion process from taking place (Coulomb forces) to work for you, and not against you. The full theory of how the system works will be revealed, "soon," he said.

RESPONSE TIME — Rossi explained that the E-Cat technology does not have the response time of a gas powered heater that can be instantly turned on and off. However, it is perfectly suitable for home heating. Also, I think it should be pointed out that with the E-Cat technology it does not matter a great deal if energy is wasted. For example, the energy is so cheap, there will be no financial reason not to keep it turned on at all times — even if it can be slow to throttle up and down. If all of the energy did not need to be used, some of the heat could be vented into the atmosphere.

It was also discussed that a great application of the E-Cat technology will be to preheat water for power plants. However, there is a lot of legal red-tape here, even if the technology is ready. It can take years for a power plant to obtain the certifications to change their system in any way.

SAFETY — It was once again confirmed the device is totally and completely safe. No radioactive substances are used, and no radioactive waste is produced. Also, no pollution of any kind is emitted from the device. Importantly, it cannot "melt down" like a traditional nuclear reactor. In an E-Cat, if the reactions grow too intense the nickel powder will simply melt (destroying all of the reaction sites) and the nuclear reactions will cease.

GAMMA RADIATION AND ANTI-MATTER — The E-Cat technology produces low energy gamma radiation that is converted into heat inside of the reactor. The signature of the gamma radiation that has been detected is said to be 511 keV at 180 degrees. These gamma rays are thought to be produced when electrons impact positrons and annihilate each other. So, if we understand correctly, Rossi theorizes that inside of the E-Cat there are anti-matter/matter annihilation taking place, releasing energy. However, he stated this is just a side effect of what really takes place, which he has previously indicated is nuclear fusion.

INVESTMENT — Rossi is open to investment by businesses and organizations that want to invest relatively small sums of money. However, he is not interested in families and individuals investing in the technology, because there are too many risks at this time. Although the technology works, they have to get the E-Cat on the market successfully. They have certifications to obtain, a factory to setup, and other issues to deal with. Once the home units are on the market, they will at some point "go public" and individuals will be capable of investing.

[Post-Interview Clarification]
LICENSING — In the interview, Rossi said they are considering licensing inquiries. But his response to the inquiries that have come in has been that he will consider these in September. 

After the interview, Gary wrote the following to Rossi:



You were marvelous! Thank you so much for your patience. I think that looking back on it, you will be very pleased with the quality of this interview. I have listened to every interview you have done that I could get my hands on and in my own humble opinion this one is by far the best. You represent yourself as a thoughtful business man who understands the complexity of putting an organization together but with the sort of consideration for those who will be your customers and investors that many of wish was more common these days.

Bravo !!! a fine piece of work …

Due to the interview, I'm more convinced that ever the E-Cat technology is not only real and works, but is racing towards the market place. With a top notch team of partners working with him (including the military and National Instruments) he is pushing to build a manufacturing plant capable of producing units rapidly, at very low cost. 

It seems every aspect of the E-Cat is advancing, and making the most of modern technology. From using robotics to automate the production lines, to using modern material science to eliminate the need of a hydrogen canister, to utilizing the skills of National Instruments to design a state of the art control system, he is taking nickel-hydrogen fusion technology to the next level 

On a final note, I would like to mention how the interview demonstrated the dedicated and sincere nature of Rossi. He participated in the interview after a 16 hour work day. When the interview started, it was already 11:00PM his time (in Rome). Despite being tired, he answered question after question.

After the interview was over, Sterling Allan made a comment about Andrea Rossi to Gary Hendershot that I would like mention. He basically stated that some people may criticize Rossi for his unorthodox methods, or the fact he does not go about science the way the "mainstream" scientific community says someone should. However, the very fact that he does not abide by the exact methodologies of mainstream, closed minded scientists is why he has been able to invent the E-Cat technology and take it so far. He never gives up, and he keeps on going despite what cynics, competitors, and others may say about him. 

I think what is more important than the E-Cat technology itself is the fact that it will expose that the "mainstream" scientific community has no authority to define science, or who is doing real science. Just because someone is not doing research in a way that exactly fits academic protocols, does not mean it is not "science." For example, Nikola Tesla invented many technologies that we use today, such as the induction motor and alternating current. However, his methods were not what the mainstream would accept as "real science." 

By the end of this year or early next year ("next Winter") when the million E-Cat units start to ship, the scientific community will be forced to admit the greatest discovery of the past several decades was made by someone who did not abide strictly by their dogma. The official "scientific method" is a great tool and provides fantastic guidelines, but it can also limit creativity and slow down progress. Perhaps there are other methods that are better — that do not suppress breakthrough technologies like cold fusion for twenty years.

Lets all thank Andrea Rossi for the work he has done on the E-Cat. The best way you can help, is by pre-ordering an E-Cat (through the website). Also, spread the word far and wide about the E-Cat technology, even to your friends who have never heard about cold fusion. We need to spread awareness of this amazing technology. 

Here's a follow-up series of questions (by Hank) and answers (by Rossi)


Q) Will the home E-Cat unit work with a standard 110 volt connection, or will it require a 220 volt connection (since during start up a few kilowatts are needed)?

Q) Since this is a brand new design, will the home E-Cat unit still be capable of being retrofitted to produce electricity, when appropriate electrical generators become available?

Q) Will the home E-Cat unit have any settings other than on and off?

Q) What is the max temperature output you want the home E-Cat unit to offer? Are you hoping for it to produce 400C, for later retrofitting?

Q) Will the home E-Cat have a primary fluid other than water (for example molten salt), that travels through a heat exchanger? Or will the primary fluid be water?

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