Dratzo! We return! Much continues to happen across your world. The global movement toward freedom is strengthening each day, and even the military challenges experienced by many in their pursuit of justice can only temporarily delay the inevitable. A huge upwelling of consciousness has swept across your globe and is ready to advance in earnest upon the forces of the dark. We have watched this Light-energy gather strength throughout the past Gregorian year and remain steadfast in the face of the deplorable militarism resorted to by the dark. This freedom rally has presented each of you with the opportunity to show your deep disapproval of the dark's agenda, with their determination to escape accountability for their illegal and pernicious schemes. Several governments and wealthy, interested parties joined with your Ascended Masters to drive the dark from your world, and now, many organizations, both private and public, have convened to work out the scope of this movement. Together with Agarthan and our support you are most assuredly approaching a grand success!

While all this is going on, the foundations for new governance and a new economic system have been laid. A grand coalition is forming out of its beginnings on your Internet and is now using its newfound abilities to structure an across-the-board solution to your myriad difficulties. It is paramount that you maintain your powerful focus, thus demonstrating to the dark that even its most elaborate of schemes cannot and will not be allowed to succeed. A new force has arisen! It is to be seen in the skies above you and in the growing intuitive wisdom of your collective hearts. It is known to your Ascended Masters as the energy of Love and Spirit, and when these two elements converge they form a most powerful instrument. It is this unfathomable energy that is powering all that you and Heaven are manifesting. A new reality is piercing through the rubble and decay of the old order, and this is sometimes hard for you to perceive on a daily basis as you live deep in the thick of this transformation.

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