The word of the year 2012 being an important one is spreading, but unfortunately because the Mayan Calendar ends on the 21st. December, it is being taken by some people as the end of the world. That of course naturally evokes fear amongst you, but with the coverage given by the Internet we feel that it will soon be understood that the "end" is but the beginning of a new cycle. It is certainly an event that will continue to attract much attention, but will be clearly explained when we have open contact with you. In the meantime, Lightworkers can explain the process of Ascension to those who have been misinformed, or have misunderstood its significance. As you might imagine, as events materialize and it is seen that the media has been freed from censorship and control, freedom of speech will return and be reported truthfully by the media.

Surprisingly, the subject of UFO's although widely discussed and backed by masses of proof, has still not been accepted by many people. Disclosure will put an end to all doubts and it will make our contact with you almost a mere formality. We have done our best to create the right image of the Galactic Federation without pushing too hard, and believe it has in fact been extremely successful. Whatever is done to prove the existence of UFO's and the intelligence behind them, there will always be some people who will remain reluctant to accept it. However, when our existence amongst you is taken as normal, we doubt that many if any at all will still carry their disbelief.

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