Blessings dear sweet children of God on this new born day of the New Year – 2012. And what a year it will be. As all things beginning with 'New', there is much to look forward to and so much to anticipate. All around you holds many wonderful possibilities for change that is for the greatest of good that will serve not only you, but mankind as a whole. Taking the first step towards the change, filled with love from the highest order that is forever linked with God and your Heart Center is where you begin.

Linking your heart energy with the source of God allows you to draw the love giving energies of God onto the Earth to encourage and grow a higher frequency of love healing energy that will assist mankind to reach newer levels of their love potential as Divine Beings. You must access positive thought form and emotion and maintain equal balance in all the many aspects that make the wonderful you that you are. Once these are activated and awakened then the ability to self-heal will begin from past traumas or negative insecurities. You will be able to bring yourself out of the darkness from your own positive thoughts and new way of thinking.

There are many techniques that will assist igniting your Love Frequency to higher octaves and one method is Merkaba. Many of you already know of this method. There are many meditations that will assist in the activation of your Merkaba field and of its maintenance. Like all things, balance is required dear ones. Your heart awakens and opens to more unconditional love during the healing sessions given by your own findings and ways that suit your individual needs, and by your guides and angels.

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