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Galactic Federation Of Light High Council Of Sirius January 17 2012
Here is now, dearly beloved Brothers and Sisters of Earth, the Council of Elders and Youths speaking as one voice, and which has the intention to invite you to reflect on your options as the Humanity of Earth … (Note that this Council's Advice is directed to the entire solar system.)

Adang'a ol Natum, this is our point of view as the United Confederation of Peoples varied multi-localized. Your Solar System is undergoing significant transition in the galactic configuration to which it belongs, and this creates different aspects to consider for the People there.

One of these aspects concerns the quantum of wave-particles emitted by your sun, who knows irreversible changes in this phase and in these moments. This fact affects the quality of the radiation of your star and should lead you to a substantial alteration of your eco-systems, which must constantly adapt to these evolving parameters; and the way they will be operating will then show — and without any real "turning back " – these alterations, at your local places of life and at the level of your bodies and your physiologies, up to your cellular, molecular, atomic, subatomic and pure vibrational levels.

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