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Galactic Federation Of Light Ascended Master El Morya January 3 2012
Welcome dear children to a wonderful day and a wonderful new year. A New Year will bring to each of you many wondrous sights and your spiritual development and growth will soar as high as you are willing to reach. Your power and ability is limitless, so reach high dear children and never stop because you are getting closer to your divine destiny all the time.

Many of you yet desire to learn of your life/soul purpose. And there are even fewer that aspire to learn what that purpose is within the connectedness of the Will of God. And you know what, there are even less dear children that are able to let go of the human will entirely in order to be immersed into the heart of God's will through the holy skill of surrender. Surrender your will fully and completely to God. Be of full service to God and what God has to offer for all of you. Accept your role not only a child of God but also one to speak of the love of God and how this love effects your life regardless in personal or spiritual capacity.

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