Hank Mills pulled together this listing of talking points as a briefing about the Top 5 Free Energy Technologies and runners up, to assist me in my interview with John B. Wells last night on Coast to Coast AM last night. There is a lot more information here than I was able to get to on air. — Sterling Allan

See also:
Top 5 Free Energy Technologies Unfolding Now (PESN; January 21, 2012)
Review of Sterling Allan's Coast to Coast Interview [Recording links] – (PESN; January 24, 2012)

by Hank Mills
Pure Energy Systems News

– These technologies are far beyond "conventional" alternative energy technologies like solar and wind.

– They can allow for actual long-term solutions, and not just stop-gap measures.

– They produce energy via exotic methods such as cold fusion, the harnessing of permanent electro-static fields, the use of noble gases, and the tapping of energy from the environment.

1) Andrea Rossi

– The technology utilizes tiny amounts of nickel and hydrogen as fuel, along with one or more proprietary catalysts.

– A couple grams of nickel can power a system for at least six months.

– A combination of heat and pressure trigger the cold fusion reactions to start.

– Once the nuclear reactions begin, a radio frequency generator is used to enhance them.

– Nickel and hydrogen are extremely cheap. They represent an endless supply of fuel.

– The system uses no radioactive materials, produces no nuclear waste, and emits no radiation into the environment.

– The challenge is not producing too much energy at this point. The technology is so powerful the reactor core tries to run away and produce temperatures exceeding 1,600 C. The key is to keep the temperature below that, so the nickel powder does not melt, making the core go dead.

– However, if the core melts it does not cause a "melt down" like in a nuclear power plant. If the core melts the reactor simply stops working. You would have to put in a new reactor core.

– The amount of power produced is what makes Andrea Rossi's E-Cat technology different than other cold fusion technologies. He is producing kilowatts of heat from reactors the size of a D-Cell battery.

– The competition, as far as has been revealed publicly, have only produced much smaller amounts of power. For example, tens of watts.

– The E-Cat technology has been tested over a dozen times by many different scientists and engineers.

– Rossi is currently using E-Cats to heat his lab and homes of associates.

– Different models of E-Cats have been tested, and they all work.

– The E-Cat has been determined to work both with a constant input power, and in self-sustain mode.

– A ten kilowatt home E-Cat unit is being developed. A prototype has been submitted to Underwriter Laboratories.

– The control system is being developed by National Instruments, a well respected and extremely credible company, along with the help of his first customer — allegedly the US military.

– An automated production plant with the latest in robotics technology is being designed to produce these home E-Cats at a price of around $500 dollars for a 10 kilowatt unit.

– A recharge cartridge with both the nickel and hydrogen is said to cost only 10 dollars.

– The 10 kilowatt unit will produce both heating for the home, and hot water.

– He is also working on an order for a total of 13 one megawatt plants for the US military.

– Competitors have been attacking him ruthlessly. They are saying anything to try to discredit his technology, so they can have more time to figure out how his technology works, and to claim it as their own.

– Rossi is stead fast and dedicated. He deserves credit for that, and for being the first person to develop a PRACTICAL and ROBUST cold fusion technology.

2) Solid State Generator (Endless Electric Field Generator)

– The company wishes to not be identified at this time.

– They have developed a method of producing a permanent electric field.

– One device that is already known that produces a permanent electric field is an electret.

– The electrostatic version of a permanent magnet, but instead of producing a magnetic field, it produces a permanent electrostatic field.

– Their technology can extract a constant flow of electricity from the electric charge that builds up.

– They are only powering small loads now (light bulbs and small devices).

– They are already producing plenty of voltage, but need to increase the surface area of the device to increase the current.

– The electricity production does not drop over time.

– A single device is expected to have a lifespan of 20 to 100 years.

– It is made out of totally non-toxic materials.

– Has been validated by a skeptic that investigated the company, and did due diligence.

– The company hopes to improve the technology. They think they will be able to eventually produce one watt from a device the size of a postage stamp.

– Has been third-party tested by 3-4 highly qualified groups. One prototype has been running continuously for 2 years.

– The technology is scalable and could power everything from cell phones, laptops, electric cars, or homes.

– Totally green technology. No pollution.

3) PlasmERG Engine

– John Rohner of PlasmERG is building an engine that runs off noble gases such as helium and others.

– Only small amounts of the noble gases are needed, and they last for many months. A re-charge would be cheap. Just a few dollars.

– An small engine with only one liter of displacement has the potential to produce hundreds of horsepower and hundreds of foot pounds of torque.

– Connected to a generator it could produce hundreds of kilowatts.

– A high voltage ball of lighting is produced in the cylinder using modified spark plugs. This ball of lighting combined with radio wave stimulation creates a plasma that expands and pushes the piston.

– External magnetic fields control the plasma that is produced.

On board electronics controls the timing of the engine.

– Inspired by Joseph Papp's "Papp Engine."

– Papp was an immigrant to the United States who had a drama filled life trying to commercialize his technology.

– An explosion at a demo with Richard Feynman killed an individual and injured others. It set back the technology.

– Rohner's engine is a much more advanced version of the Papp Engine.

– It does not use radioactive materials like the Papp Engine.

– It uses a non-radioactive isotope of Strontium on the electrode instead of a radioactive material.

– The control electronics consume far less electricity.

– Precise control allows the system to consume far less fuel, even though the Papp Engine consumed very little.

– It is a mostly custom built engine, and not just a retrofitted engine.

– It is designed with modern CAD and engineering software.

– The energy source is not exactly understood. The plasma might be tapping into the zero point energy field.
– In the coming months the first engines should be tested.

– The technology will not be officially announced until there have been a multitude of units manufactured.

– They want people to be able to buy engines the day it is officially announced.

– The engines could be used to replace internal combustion engines in cars, turn electric generators, and replace electric motors.

4) MP BioMass

– Can totally eliminate CO2 emissions from coal fired power plants.

– They utilize a "nano-membrane pyro-gasification process" that prevents carbon and pollutants from escaping.

– They capture hydrogen and oxygen from the flue gases.

– They use what they capture to produce high quality methanol fuel from the carbon.

– For every ton of carbon they capture they produce 551 gallons of methanol.

– A cetane rating of 60 or higher, which means their fuel quality exceeds that of premium diesel.

– They can harvest energy and metals from the fly ash.

– The technology is already on the market.

– Their first plant in Serbia has been open since 2003. ( Serbia is Tesla's country of birth/upbringing.)

– They have three smaller plants in Italy .

– There are plans for a new plant in upstate New York .

– A two gigawatt plant has been purchased from them that will be built in Saudi Arabia and completed by 2015.

– A plant is said to pay for itself in 5-7 years.

– The income is from the fuel produced, the energy produced, the metals recycled, fewer costs to keep up with environmental regulations, etc.

5) Defkalion Green Technologies Inc.

– The company is based in Greece .

– They had been partnered with Rossi before a contractual dispute, now they have split up.

– They were going to market his technology, but now they claim to have their own technology that does not use his trade secrets.

– Unlike with the E-Cat, there have been no public tests of their technology, called the "Hyperion."

– We have no proof one way or the other they have a valid technology. However, they claim they have one and it is more advanced than Rossi's.

– Those who have visited the company claim they saw top notch equipment and a multi-million dollar lab.

– The engineers at Defkalion are said to be very professional.

– The company claims in the coming weeks or months there will be demonstrations and tests of their technology.

6) Aviso from the Philipines.

– Recharging electric car that captures energy from the environment utilizing a special circuit.

– He has produced an HHO system that uses the circuit. It produces hydrogen and electricity. He is working to close loop the system, so it continuously produces hydrogen and electricity with no external input power.

– May be holding a conference in the United States in the coming months.

7) Steorn

– The Irish company Steorn previously developed demonstration examples of overunity permanent magnet based systems, and overunity electric motors.

– They previously held a successful demonstration of their E-Orbo technology, an electric motor that produced overunity by not producing back EMF. The mainstream mostly ignored them, despite the fact they proved to show proof of overunity.

– The Irish company Steorn is now producing a heating technology called "Hepha Heat."

– It is an actual product they want to license to manufacturers, not just a test system.

– It is an induction water heating system that uses ordinary 60 hertz wall power. It produces on demand hot water.

– The numbers provided by the CEO seem to show for every kilowatt of electricity input to the system, perhaps forty or more kilowatts of heat are produced.
– It works on unique magnetic principles, such as manipulating the internal domains of magnetic materials.

– They are not actively marketing it as overunity, and are instead trying to promote it as a very efficient water heating system. They want to avoid the stigma of overunity.

8) Tesla Technology

– Lots of groups are replicating his work.

– Wirelessly transmitting power in the form of longitudinal waves instead of transverse waves.

– Producing overunity gains of power.

– Penetrating Faraday cages with longitudinal waves.

– Transmitting power over one wire which is supposed to be impossible.

– Jackson OS replication project.

9) Centrifugal Force

– Efforts to determine if it can be used to produce reactionless thrust.

– The key is to have an imbalance of centrifugal force so there is more in one direction than the other.

# # #

See also:
Top 5 Free Energy Technologies Unfolding Now (PESN; January 21, 2012)
Review of Sterling Allan's Coast to Coast Interview [Recording links] – (PESN; January 24, 2012)

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Source: PESN