~Your    ~Wholly~    Days~


the flame of love is being "re-ceived

within all upon your beautiful planet each

and every day…


this flame of Christed Consciousness…

that which speaks to your "highest mind"

your Fullest Self…

that mind that abides within the

heart of God

as a spark of god

 is who you are….!!!


Love in its purest form

is being re-ignited within all hearts

thru this ~holy~ time…

it is a symbol of your wholeness…

your whole self being remembered

within your heart again ….


You are the Christ…You are the Love..

allow yourself to gently rest in that truth..

breathe it….walk it…talk it…become it..

bask in it……allow it to be felt within you

for it is from the within that you will

experience it ~without~…


It  ~  Is   ~     who you are…!!!..


Holidays are simply that…and yet

within this holy season there is a

grand miracle birthing upon the shores

of time…


Love is spreading …

yes…Love is being ignited within

the divine flame of each and all…


This flame of love is your power

to create..to create your reality

from your knowingness that only

that which is of love is real

and to receive that truth for yourself…


There is a wave….a wave….liken it to

a tsunami

of christed love that is washing upon your

shores of time…

bathe in it….receive it….and share it…


this holiday

as you give the gifts and share good cheer

celebrate above all things the love within you

that is your deepest desire to share with others

thru the gifting's…thru the touch…thru the hugs..

yes…even thru the drama…even within the drama..

simply shine your love..

simply be who you are..!!!


you are the "presence of love"


you are the Christ-mas   ~Present~


be in good cheer  for love is bathing

your world now in ways never before

known in the history of your beloved planet…


You dear one's have chosen for it

and So It Is…!!!!!!




~the Voice of Love ~






please feel free to share these wherever

you feel so guided….have a beautiful

holiday…love yourself…
