as we speak…there is a wave of energy arriving upon

the shores of "time"….

this is nothing to fear…it is to embrace…

it is for you to know it is all love

and to be able to "ride the wave" 


we will be bringing you tools to navigate

the next few days up to the upcoming 12:12

and the few moments afterward…


we will come together as circles of divine light

and fill ourselves with the divine light codes

of infinite love…

we will together as ONE permeate all of

the one heart with compassion…


this will be a live channeling this Friday the 9th

at 5:00 pacific time…

a donation of 11.00 would be appreciated..

the call will be recorded so if you would

like to be able to listen and can not make

the scheduled time you will be sent the

free conference recording …just send me

an email …donate and i will send it along

directly after the channeling…

for those of you who will attend you will be able

to ask questions of the Circle of Light…

they came in very powerfully and on our last call

with them and everyone felt the power of love present…


if you would like to participate you can go

to my website at

hit the donation key…if you are not going

to be able to physically be present simply send me

an email at and i will

email you the recording information…


we are being asked to "be the crest of this

incoming wave.." lets join together as ONE
and be the love we truly are…
