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PERFECTION of your Soul

Message from Ascended Master, Paul the Venetian
Channeled by: Julie Miller
December 21, 2011

Here we are dear hearts, once again conversing through our lovely vessel. Every season or holiday brings out many CREATIVE works of art, displays, music, etc. Creativity is a great way to express yourself through whatever means that brings you happiness. A person’s unique creative way is designed to be individually special and beautiful. Some dear hearts go on about not being creative at all, but they are. Everyone has a ‘creative’ spark inside of them. A little discovery and nurturing is all is needed.

When you are being creative, you are sharing with everyone, including those who lives with you or close to you what you are capable of. Being creative does not mean you are required to make the best drawings, paintings or even creatively written stories. What makes something creative is the time you put aside, think and act from the heart and just do something for the pure joy of it. Creating an artful garden, decorating a cake, crocheting, etc., are only a few creative ways and they are all very healing. When you are putting your energies into creating something, anything, you are allowing yourself to think purely and only from your heart. You get to become ‘lost’ in the project at hand and isn’t that a lovely feeling? To be so focused that the rest of the world melts away for a few moments. You fill your spirit with so much brightness and colour when you act and think from the heart.

Just as you go about your daily routines, the way you act and think makes a huge impact on the energies you will attract and on your own inner happiness. You are picking up so much wisdom from the constant interactions of others, from learning and allowing your guides to guide you to new material. And the best yet is that you are reflecting this wisdom to others from your actions. When you speak, and act with pure love in all you do, many dear hearts will take notice. I sure do.

Each step your take on your journey to finding that perfect peace within yourself that strengthens the unity between you and our Creator God, you are also reaching for PERFECTION of your soul. Inside each of you is a little child, aiming to please. And you do please. You are moving forward with incredible speed, even at times it appears to be slow in your eyes. You are progressing at a rate that is comfortable for you and if you find you are moving too fast, you can slow down this pace. Being able to see when possibly you are becoming overwhelmed requires great self-discipline. If you are having any difficulty not understanding dear hearts, please do not hesitate to call for my support. I will show you creative and cheerful ways that will enlighten you and uplift your spirits. Mastering patience is key to growth in all areas of your life, including your spiritual development. Yes, it seems to be one the hardest characteristics to develop and perfect, but it is not impossible. I have every bit of faith in each of you that you will all become MASTERS of patience.

This most beautiful of seasons is lighted with so many colours and shine, my heart smiles with joy from the dazzling displays, that are artfully done. Kindness given to those that are alone during our most festive of holidays is most remembered by the ones that are alone and noted by us. Donations are being made to many organizations in many communities across the globe inspired because of the Spirit of Christmas. Christmas lights a special glow inside people to want to help others that may not have much to celebrate or are without friends or family. It is not too late to drop off any donation dear hearts or help out at a local community center or to fund raise for a charitable cause. The act of selflessness is on a rise dear hearts. The spirit of giving of ones time is not only practiced during the holiday season, but during the entire year. Every time you spare your own free time and share this with others willingly, you are giving a piece of yourself. You shine with unconditional love and light in all that you do and any act of compassion, charity and kindness does get remembered.

Embrace the light of our Creator God into your hearts and feel the love of the entire Divine Celestial spirits surround you. Start each day with love in every action that is filled with hope and promise to learn and develop yourself into even higher realms of consciousness. Each of you are so uniquely precious and loved. I ask of you to feel this love, feel and see my own light surround you. If you are unsure of my presence, my auric colours are maroon and bronze. Allow yourself to see me with your heart and you will.

Our time today is brief. My love for you dear hearts is endless. Know this, I promise to return through this dear soul very soon.

And so it is, Ascended Master, Paul the Venetian through Julie Miller

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