There are times when I have wondered what I was doing here. There are times when I’ve said, “I’ve done enough. I’ve almost spent my last dime doing what I felt was mine to do. And I’m finished.” There are times when I’ve said, “All I want to do is sit here in the comfort of my $19.99 Wal-Mart office chair, in front of my computer, and write this blog.” There are times when I’ve said, “I just want to stay comfortable here. I’m not going anywhere. I’m done with all that Galactic stuff. It will get done. They don’t need me to do that.”

And then all of a sudden I’d get this clear and power-filled message, one that says, “Go here. Right now. Ask no questions. Speak to no one. JUST GO.” Whether “GO” meant a walk, or a car ride, or a plane ride. I would go. No matter how much I had previously hemmed, hawed, held back, or resisted. I JUST WENT… And I’d see faces. And I’d see ships. And I’d hear a “Guidance”, a “Higher Message”, a “Galactic Instruction”, if you will.


These “Guidances”, these “Higher Messages”, these “Galactic Instructions”, they have become VERY important to me, particularly during the last 2 1/2 years. I have learned to follow these “Guidances”, these “Higher Messages”, these “Galactic Instructions”. Through these, and through a variety of personal experiences, I have learned that my “origin” is likely not from this planet, nor from this solar system, not even from this galaxy, although I may have spent lifetimes here, on this planet, in this solar system, and in this galaxy.

Certain groups have come here, to Planet Earth, to perform certain “tasks”, precisely related to this thing called “the Ascension” of Planet Earth”, in the multi-D. There are things to be done here that only these groups can do. And that is why they are here. Their mission is to “do” these things. Whatever “do” means, whatever “these things” are.

And likewise, there are things to be done here that only I can do. And that is why I am here. My mission is to “do” these things. Whatever “do” means, whatever “these things” are.

I don’t say “should” very often. But when it comes to my own personal Galactic missions, “Nothing Should Stop ME from Carrying Out MY Mission Here.” And nothing can. Nothing can, if I fully step in to the Galactic Being I really am; and fully step in to the mission that is mine.

Source: Kauilapele's Blog