God said:

There is no bottom to My heart and no top. My love courses throughout the whole world. My love bumps into no walls, no floors, no ceilings. No limit to My love. That's how it is.

It is you who outlines love. In one moment, some love in, and, in another moment, some love out. Why would you parcel love like that? Are you protecting yourself from love? Protecting what? Protecting isolation? One minute you tell Me how deeply lonely you are, and the next you put up a Keep Out sign. You weep from loneliness, and you shut out companionship.

I suppose you want to put people in a drawer, and then pull them out when you want to, when it's convenient for you, when you have a minute. Oh, My dears, you want your cake and to eat it too. You want most everything two ways.

You want something until you have it. You must want loneliness if you have it. A word to substitute for loneliness could be exclusivity. You want to be exclusive. As a matter of fact, you may be snobbish about love. You may feel you must have a love to wear proudly on your arm when it suits you to do so.

Yet love does not come in containers. Love is a free spirit. If only you would never deny yourself love, and, most of all, My love. Let My love in right away, right now. Let My love puncture any barriers to the intimacy of your heart. Let My love knock down those made-up boundaries. Kidnap My love. Make it yours. Adopt My love as you would a lovely child. Make My love your own. And then hand it out. You are meant to be a distributor of love. Distribute it then.

Look, just about everyone out there is craving love. Give it to them, love from your own heart as a blessing to the world. That's what love is – a blessing. "Here, have some," your heart says as you strew love like rose petals down an aisle. You have no idea how much the world is yearning for your blessings. A smile. Try a smile today. Smile at the grumpy clerk. Give a smile to everyone on both sides of you and across from you, and turn around and give a smile to someone in back of you. Your smile is like the light of the sun.

Smile at your teachers. Smile at your parents. Smile at everyone. Be a good will ambassador for Me. Is there another purpose you would rather have? Wouldn't you rather serve Me than anything else? Be a maid. Clean up after Me. Take away those frowns from other faces.

You do not know what you are doing. You do not know all that you are giving when you smile. You do not know all you are taking away when you don't smile. And when you frown? The whole Universe hides its face in terror.

You may have been thinking you are insignificant on Earth whereas you are most significant. Just be the significance you want to be. Be friendly. Ignite another's smile. Remove frowns from the face of the Earth. Plant smiles. Strew the seeds of lovingness everywhere. Be a bright light that lights up all the other sleeping lights. Make My light known. It is you I am asking.

Am I asking you a lot? Am I asking you too much? I will keep asking you, and for bigger smiles, and bigger yet, until you are smiling in love and lighting a love-hungry world on My behalf. The grouchier you may feel, the more it is incumbent upon you to smile. Let Me see your teeth. Ah, that's it, you little wonder of Mine. Smile like that. That's good.

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