God said:

Let your heart which is My heart be in tune with My heart. Then there will be no room in your heart for what may be consumed in your heart now.

Too much data in your head has been transferred to that heart of yours, and so your heart is crammed full of upsets that do not belong there. The mind has given your heart an axe to grind. An axe does not belong in your heart. Your heart is for fullness. Love is a blank slate, and yet your heart is full of love. Make room for love.

Many memories that trigger your heart are grudges. You begrudge even a good memory when life moves on and what you remember is only a memory now. Life is the fast path, beloveds. The escalator of life never stops, and it doesn't wait for you. You have to keep up. You are on this escalator, and you pass sights along the way. You keep moving, and there are new sights for you to see.

In the relative world, nothing stays in place. Today cannot become yesterday. Today is left behind when tomorrow begins. Of course, all this involvement in time is itself a passing fancy. You saw posters up along the way with varied scenes and characters, and you thought they were true. You believed in them. As illusory as they are, you don't want to let them go.

You want to read the posters all at once, yet you are moving fast. You are in a loop of Eternity, beloveds. You see only a loop. You want your life recorded. You want a record of it. Life is illusive, and you have bought into illusion. Unburden yourself of illusion. Accept life as the dream you are having.

An unbounded Being has a dream of boundedness, and so wants to keep the bounds close and never let them go. The bounds never were. Your life was a novel you read, and you thought you were in it. You were reading it, just as you watch the posters you speed past. How hastily you see. You skim the surface while you forget about the depths.

The depths are where you are.

In My heart is where you are, and My heart is your heart, yet you believe in possession. You believe in ownership. You believe your life is yours and, therefore, to be held onto. In terms of relative life, there is nothing to hold onto. Even all the railings you hold onto are fiction.

Consider your life on Earth a comic strip. Read it, enjoy it, and leave it. A comic strip is not something you keep with you. Read it and laugh, or read it and weep, and leave it behind. I won't say to trash it because it is important to you. Leave it with a kiss then.

Admit, the memory you carry with longing may be a lot more precious than what it seemed to be at the time. Give up on longing for yesteryear. It never was, and it can never come back. If it did come back, it wouldn't be the same, for you are no longer the same. It is simply not possible for you to walk in place. You have to get on. Get unstuck.

Do not hold on to memories so tightly. Hold the love and let everything else go. Holding the love does not mean holding on to past experience and people from the imagined past. It means letting them go. They are somewhere else now too. From your view, they are somewhere else in time and space. Inasmuch as time and space do not exist, all the people that you consider past are as with Me right now just as you are. All are with Me and are, therefore, you.

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