by S. D. Wells

(NaturalNews) Before tobacco was polluted with somewhere between 1,000 and 4,000 chemicals, anyone could quit the habit, even cold turkey without help, but because today's premium brands have juiced up the nicotine so high, it seems to take a small miracle to cure someone of smoking. (…)

In fact, the majority of smokers light up just to feel normal, and catch a little bit of stimulation or relaxation; however, even after quitting a smoker's organs and central nervous system remain poisoned from the chemicals for up to 12 months. This sickened state is what drives smokers back looking for relief, not the "nicotine addiction." (…)

The history of commercial tobacco production in the United States dates back to the 17th century when the first commercial crop was planted. But why do the chemicals in cigarettes have so much more to do with the smoking addiction than nicotine? Most cigarette smokers do not understand it's the chemicals in cigarettes that wreak havoc in their central nervous system, fueling the need for the short-lived relief nicotine brings. (…)

History proves that the premium brands contain more chemicals than others, and that is why they rule the marketshare, and most of their "loyal smokers" will not even smoke the competition's brand because the "kick" or "taste" just isn't the same. What most fail to realize is that this desired kick and taste comes with a very steep price – that being more pesticides, more ammonia, and a richer toxic cocktail that does damage to the lungs and nervous system in the short term.

When a smoker tries to quit by using the pills, the patch, nicotine gum, electronic cigarettes, or even cold turkey, what drives him or her back to smoking isn't the craving of nicotine, an addiction which is broken within the first 3 to 4 days.

If all cigarette manufacturers today faced strict and thorough inspections and regulations, and had no choice but to eliminate all of the chemicals, the number of cancer cases would be reduced immensely, and the ability to stop smoking without help would be reasonable again. (

14AndOut is a comprehensive smoking cessation program which shows smokers how organic tobacco is a key component to the weaning process, and that just by eliminating the chemicals from the equation, smokers are killing the urge to smoke, and that is exactly how to kill the habit.

Learn more about the program, which is endorsed by the Health Ranger, at:…

Once the smoker drops the premium, chemical laden cigarettes, a simple nutrition and vitamin/supplement program rewards their heart, brain, and central nervous system with balance and energy, so they never desire nicotine again. 14AndOut is available as an instantly downloadable video so you don't have to wait any longer to begin cessation! It comes with a well-researched nutritional guide, so get ready for the gift that keeps on giving, and giving, and giving.

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