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A Message I am Asked to Post… from the Pleiades…

Posted on December 22, 2011

The Pleiades

This message is from a Source of Light in the Pleiades.


We have had the reference of the Now point which has passed away. This may seem cryptic, so we say that the only point of reference for each of you should be in the moment which is Now. As you remain centered in the Now, you are able to withstand the extreme High Density and High Frequency and Higher Dimensional vibrations that occupy the planet Earth at this time.

This extreme High Density and High Frequency and Higher Dimensional vibration will continue to increase as you move toward the 1-12-12. This particular period will see an even stronger acceleration of the energies which transform, transmute, and transact this planet.

For the most of those reading this, these extreme High Density and High Frequency and Higher Dimensional vibrations are becoming your home. And also the acceleration of these vibrations is as well becoming your mode of travel through this Universe. A multi-space Universe is your home. Conforming to your imagination, your Higher Vision based on Unity, the One. Individual, yet indivisible Unity.

We say to you that your current Now is calling forth darkness, or shadow ideas, from many souls. Confrontation with these will not allow their dissipation. However, those of you that are working with the Light, can easily transmute these by enveloping those in the Light. How you envision this is up to you. How ever the Light may or may not be “seen”, is not important. “Resist not evil or the appearance thereof” is truly an appropriate statement of this.

In the Pleiades, we have a systematic connection with your planet, through appropriate portals for our finer (vibrationally speaking) bodies. Some can see these, some are not yet ready, or not attuned to our particular star Essence. Yet all who read this will understand at some level. Because all Essences are the same at this time. They are focused upon the planet called “Earth”, “Gaia”. This focal point is a required key for planetary and universal transformation, across the entire Universe.

Some attune closely to this message. Some are going to wonder what it all means. Some will turn to other channels for their Guidance. It matters not. The extreme High Density and High Frequency and Higher Dimensional vibrations that occupy the planet Earth at this time are touching and affecting every one, and every thing. The duality hologram dissolves. Those attaching still to that hologram, dissolve. You see the wrinkles on their stiff faces which crack under the new Light. But those centered in the Now will remain, and be raised Higher into the New Earth, the New Galaxy, the New Universe.

Our Light from the Pleiades shines strongly to you, for you, with you.




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