a message for the eve of the 11-11-11


i have been given a beautiful message

to share with any of you who know yourself

to be at this moment in time on the road

to self mastery…


this portal of the 11-11-11

is a grand opportunity to step into

your true service …

being the Servant of Love…

it is about a 20 minute message and can be

heard by calling in on the conference line

where i recorded it this evening..

the phone number and information

will be given below…


i found this to be the most powerful message

i have ever received as to what

is really happening to us as we embody

the Christed Light within us NOW….

we are given an explanation as to how we do

this and what to expect…

we are told what it is to give perfect love

and be a conduit for that lovellll

as i was recording the message i heard that

i was being downloaded with divine light

code frequencies that will be transmitted to you

as you simply "take in" the message that is being

shared…..take some time to be in a space of absolute

quiet so that you can really take in what is being shared

along with the divine frequencies that are being transmitted…


it is my honor to share this with all of you…

i would appreciate for those of you that can

and feel the desire to make a donation

at my website at www.thebridgetohome.com


enjoy and remember..

you are dearly dearly loved…





conference call number is


access code 315677#

reference #12


if you would like to receive these messages you can

sign up at my website at www.thebridgetohome.com

feel free to share this with anyone you feel

the desire to extend it to…..blessings..denisa