Allison Rae a message from Allison Rae

Friday, 18 November, 2011  (posted 22 November, 2011)

Solstice. Stillpoint. Night of creation. Ancient memories echo from the depths of this vast womb.
Mother Earth sings 
the lost songs of humanity. She beckons, calling your name.
Listening, silence fills the soul. Heartbeat of the Mother, felt, not heard. This is home.

~ Cosmic Time

In our lifetime, the Solstice Sun aligns with the Galactic Equator each December, ushering in a new day for humanity and the Earth. The next world of the Maya and the Hopi. A Thousand Years of Peace in the Iroquois tradition. The Aquarian Age. Satya Yuga, Age of Truth.

This year, the Solstice gateway opens with the final eclipse series of 2011. And what a year it’s been – a churning turnstile of death, devastation, revolution and rebirth. Throughout, the promise of new life prevails.

Year-end 2011

The final act of 2011 is a perfect prelude to the mother of all new years in 2012. It begins with Mercury’s station retrograde the day before a partial solar eclipse on November 24/25. A total lunar eclipse – the third one in 18 months – follows on December 10.

For six weeks (a fortnight from the new moon on November 24 to the full moon on January 8) the holiday season will be filled with magic and grace amidst another round of big changes. What’s at stake? Empowerment of the individual within the context of the collective. Planetary energies are guiding the way.

Eclipses signal the completion (and beginning) of 19-year cycles. Where the eclipses fall in your natal chart indicates the areas of your life that will be most affected.

Season of light

As the Sun crosses the galactic plane, cosmic truth is revealed. Holy days celebrated around the world in this sacred season will be even more deeply felt this year.

When planets align with each other and points in deep space, the effects of our thoughts and prayers are magnified exponentially. These are potent times to be in meditation and ceremony, paying attention to the quiet voice of the soul, setting intent and flowing with creative forces.

Here’s the line-up:

November 23 – Mercury stations retrograde in Sagittarius (through December 13)

November 24/25 – Partial solar eclipse in Sagittarius (visible from South Africa, Antarctica, Tasmania and New Zealand) trine Uranus, along with a grand trine in earth signs (Mars, Jupiter, Pluto)

December 9/10 – Uranus stations direct

December 10 – Total lunar eclipse in Gemini/Sagittarius (visible in North America except eastern areas, nothern Mexico, Hawaii, Micronesia, Polynesia, Australia, Asia, eastern Africa, Iceland and most of Europe) with the transiting lunar nodes conjunct the Great Attractor

December 13 – Mercury stations direct

December 18 – Sun conjunct Galactic Center

December 21 – Solstice

December 24 – New moon in Capricorn

January 8 – Full moon in Cancer/Capricorn

Cosmic fire

With so much activity in Sagittarius (Sun, Mercury, lunar nodes) and Aries (Uranus, with a square from Pluto in Capricorn), we’re playing with fire this holiday season. This energy fuels creative pursuits of all kinds, festive parties and community celebrations.

There’s also a persistent destructive-creative force calling for change at the deepest levels. With all that’s happening in the outer world, this extended Solstice crossing is a time for quiet reflection and contemplation, healing and integration of the tremendous energy shifts we’ve experienced over the past solar year. We need rest and regeneration in preparation for what’s to come as major outer-planet aspects become exact in 2012-2013.

Within Solstice’s velvet embrace, the soul is reborn. Expect miracles. Celebrate the gifts of family, friends, community, self and all of creation in this most sacred season.

In her articles, books and other publications, Allison Rae explores cycles of time, our relationship to the cosmos and what's to come as the evolution of consciousness accelerates on Earth. A gifted natural clairvoyant and passionate teacher, Allison offers individual consultations by phone, and leads workshops, retreats and sacred sites journeys with groups. Visit for more information.

 Copyright 2011 Allison Rae/
All rights reserved.

Published on Lit Corner with permission

This message was originally posted here