by Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

(NaturalNews) Residents of Dilovasi, an industrial suburb just outside of Istanbul, Turkey, have been looking for answers concerning a mysterious substance that, on numerous occasions, has been found covering cars, trees, clotheslines, and vegetable gardens throughout the city. Milliyet, a Turkish newspaper, reports that government officials are currently trying to identify the source of this sticky goo, which has reportedly made a number of people ill and ruined local crops.

According to Hurriyet Daily News (HDN), the Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey is conducting an investigation into the matter, but only after local media began to report that the substance could not be washed or removed from clothes, crops, and other contaminated items.

"My products were worth at least 20,000 Turkish Liras (about $10,695), but they are all destroyed now. Cabbage, leeks, and other produce items were ruined by the goo. I cannot sell these to anyone. I have to throw them away. This substance also covered the windows of my greenhouse and it blocks the sunshine," said Alaattin Illik, a Dilovasi resident and greenhouse owner.

According to Digital Journal, local officials in Dilovasi, which is a heavy industrial area with roughly 200 industrial plants around the area, have been accused of covering up the severity of toxic pollution in the area. This fact is made evident by the higher-than-usual cancer rate in the area, which is roughly 30 times higher than the national average.

But another possible explanation for the unidentified chemical blankets is "chemtrails," a chemical spraying program in which jets deliberately release various materials into the stratosphere. Following days of heavy chemtrail spraying, anomalous materials and substances similar to the kind found in Dilovasi have been observed in a variety of places around the world.

Unlike normal jet exhaust contrails that dissipate quickly, chemtrails linger in the sky and often spread into artificial clouds. In some instances, these chemtrails actually leave behind what appears to be particle dust residue, spider web-like filaments, and slimy goo similar to what is being found in Dilovasi (…).

Be sure to watch the following segment from a 1997 episode of Unsolved Mysteries where residents of Oakville, Wash., were sickened by unidentified goo falling from the sky:

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