9 November 2011

Channeler: courtland ♥


Bright Blessings BE You ~


as you are entering a NEW space of vibrational frequency ~ many feel this “suspended state” of BEingness ~ Duly noted and reminding each Soul that reads here … alignment of Your DIVINE Sacredness is ALWAYS alignment with GREAT SPIRIT! There are so MANY messages coming through so many places and spaces … it is IMPERATIVE that EACH SOUL … strive to MAINTAIN, HOLD and ANCHOR THEIR OWN LIGHT!


The “old” is dissipating ~ and from your perch of vibrational value, One can SEE and FEEL the anticipation of NEW Creations. Long this Journey, many chose paths of great “struggles / lessons” ~ the remnants fleeting and flowing away ~ realizing that the ONLY way to Higher Consciousness is through ONEs OWN HEARTSPACE ~ that ~ Nothing * No Thing~ out there / outside of SoulSelf ~ can or will raise your vibration … can “fix” you (you are not nor were You ever “broken”) ~ realizing it is NOT another Soul’s job to make you “believe” WHO or WHAT You are … it is ALL WITHIN YOU … others have LENT you many scenarios to contribute to your Sacred Journey … only to come to this space of ~ ~ ~ YOU ARE the KEY to the DOOR of YOUR OWN JOURNEY ~ realizing that GRATITUDE is the energetical force of opening Your Heart! BEing Grateful for ALL and EACH encounter, event, experience, expression ~ in and upon our Journey … has led to NOW … this MOMENT OF PRESENCE ~ the ONLY MOMENT THAT MATTERS ~ Full of Grace and Gratitude!


Sharing that as you “prepare or practice” for this MOMENT in your “linear” time … REMEMBER … the SOUL KNOWS NO TIME … this
{{ 11*11*11 @ 11*11 }} is a linear movement … YES … a portal … a gateway, albeit, from a 3rd DIMENSIONAL linear time paradigm ~ this is CONNECTING the HIGHER PARADIGMS into Your BEingness!


The importance of this linear Moment? Is that MILLIONS of EARTHLY SOULS … will SHARE and GATHER at this MOMENT! THE POWER lies in the concentration, the collective of the intentions * the energies of ALL SOULS that GATHER for this momentous happening in linear time ~ expanding to Dimensional Doorways!


We REMIND each and every Soul … it matters NOT where you are … who you are … how you are … AN OPEN HEART … in a state of RECEIVING the HIGHEST form of vibrational frequencies … YOU WILL SOAR!


SIMPLICITY is ALWAYS the WAY of Our SOUL ~ Our Soul is NOT complicated … our Soul does not ask for or rely on ~ CEREMONY to BE! Our Soul is created of ONLY ONE Energetical LifeForce … PURE LOVE!


When an energy is integrated within this Body Temple … YOU KNOW a difference, you FEEL this energy … you calibrate this energy within your BEingness ~ you Begin to note changes in thoughts … ultimately, your FEELINGs ~ towards your experiences! This is what it is to fully enable and integrate your LIGHT streams of energy AND the Projections of that LIGHT ~ Your SERVICE to Others, to fellow Journey Souls ~ BRINGS and ALIGNS Your Soul to YOUNIVERSAL DIVINE Vibrations!! You RECEIVE so much more … when You GIVE unconditionally ~ LOVE!!


ALL Earthly Souls (awake / aware or not) for ONE MOMENT IN TIME … BEing in a space of HIGHEST VIBRATION ~ in that Moment ~ we share LOVE … and ONLY LOVE … as this frequency leads to PEACE * JOY * COMPASSION * GREAT SPIRIT! We are Here ~ HOSTESSING Mother Earth, at this time … this is YOUR SIGN … Your SYMBOL of the MASS FREQUENCY of just how POWERFUL … Each and Every SOUL is to Earth Mother / Father Sun … each brethren Soul … your LIGHT … will create …such a BEACON … bringing such an EXPLOSION OF LIGHT to our Sacred Mother Earth ~ to YOU … to those YOU TOUCH … {{11*11*11* @ 11*11}}

No earthly words can touch the MAGNIFICENCE of YOUR LIGHT JOINING ALL your Sisters & Brothers of Light ~ this LIGHT will reverberate throughout ALL KINGDOMS ~ YOUNIVERSALLY ~


to SHINE would be an understatement ~ TWINKLE ~ SPARKLE ~ BEAM BRILLIANTLY!
all of the above!!


Many have been experiencing intense Body Temple calibrations ~ as you are now HOLDING within You, so much LIGHT … whilst we are in this suspended time, this has been the PERFECT time for “upgrading” / “downloading” … “uploading” ~ ALWAYS something happening internally with this carriage of LIGHT! Always comforting to share what we are physically feeling within our vessels of Light!


Dizziness seems to be VERY prevalent for many … this is a calibration symptom … as you open your Heart ever wide … your Divine Mind ever Higher … these Body Temples CONNECT these Streams of Light between the Mind * Heart ~ can cause some intense dizziness. It might even be so quickened ~ you only notice a brief sway and think “whoa” … these dizzy moments are happening much more frequently!


DEEP Sleep patterns and LESS sleep patterns … We are working in our dreamstates … we are realizing connections in the dreamstate are aligned in our Awakened states! Have you noticed how you remember some things from your dreams … and nothing at all from other dreams … this has much to do with our Transitions! From simple sweet funny dreams, old friends stopping by to say hello to complicated travels of dimensional forces ~


Diet ~ As our frequencies raise higher and higher … many might note an increased appetite … it is important to maintain your metabolism in carrying so much LIGHT within … it is crucial to our Body Temple maintenance. I always BLESS my intakes to be of the highest good for my Body Temple … HONOUR your appetite ~ your fuel intake ! It is important to be in a RELATIONSHIP with our Body Temples … honouring their needs!!


Deep Breathing ~ equally important to fill your lungs with breath … to aid in relaxing Body Temple ~ breathing in Light! Being totally conscious of your inBreath ~ exhaling your outBreath… it is dedicated consciousness of the moment!


Thirst ~ as your Light Temples carry and are receiving MUCH MORE Light … again, HYDRATION is so so important to these vessels ~ and I have long Blessed my water AND practiced visualizing my water as LIQUID LIGHT ~ intending that the water SERVE those areas that are in need of healing within Body Temple … when you start doing this … and become habitual at this practice … You notice BIG changes within your Temple and not only that, you mainstream your HEALING Waters to that space that might be out of alignment or in pain … VISUALIZATION IS a WONDERFUL practice ~ EASY way to align yourself with OPTIMUM Health!!


WATER AFFECTS EVERY PART OF OUR BODY TEMPLES ~ Never underestimate the Vibrational Value of Water and YOUR CONNECTION TO IT ~ OmniPowerful!


Aches & Pains ~ Muscles are indicative of nodes of GUILT that we might still be holding onto … if there is still something that is “aching’ within you or you have Pain in a particular area frequently … seek what that part of the Body Temple represents … and make Peace!


Skin issues ~ who or what is “itching” at you OR “under your skin”? Skin is about worthiness and adequacy again, seek that part of the Body Temple that it is relative to ~ make or find Peace with! The importance is to LET GO of that which BOUNDS you to allow someone to have this affect on you!


Nerves (internal) / Nervousness or Anxieties ~ this is key to our COMMUNICATIONS / REACTIONS … usually with those closest to us … You KNOW Who this is pretty intuitively ~ ASK Higher Guidance for assistance, in releasing this from your space!


FEELINGS ~ ~ **ALWAYS** ~ FOLLOW YOUR FEELINGS ~ IF you feel ANY type of angst * apprehension * anxiety about SOMETHING … Anything … LISTEN to those FEELINGS ~ FOLLOW that GUIDANCE of YOUR HEART ~ the steering wheel of Your Soul!! If it does not FEEL right or within alignment of Your Soul ~ leave it there ~ walk away ~

I think this has been one of the biggest lessons we have come to learn and or experience … TRUST, firstly … FEELINGS, secondly … if it does NOT FEEL Right, it is NOT YOURS to take on … BEcoming aware of this … can mean such FREEDOM for our Souls …

By TRUSTING OUR FEELINGS ~ this enables us to HONOUR that person or experience from the space of our OWN SOUL KNOWLEDGE ~ ~ ~ this removes the notation of “judgement” ~ for it is SEEN through our Soul Eyes! What a Divine GIFT ~ trusting our feelings!!


THEY shared with me something that I use as a Tool of moving forward, away from that which no longer serves my sacred spaces … in the intensity of letting go of “old paradigms” … THEY show me this perplexity … “Are you coming from an EMOTIONAL state of BEingness or an EGOtional (this was a "new word") state of BEingness ~ I thought about that … am I attached by emotions or is my THOUGHT attached to an outcome … there is such a difference … you can truly note when someone is being or coming from an emotional attachment about something … and when one is coming from their egotional (this is what I declare it to be) space, … when I surrender the attachment emotionally AND egoically ~ the lesson/experience is realized!!


It is just SO INCREDIBLE how WE have all traveled from “there” to HERE!! We remind you HOW POWERFUL YOU ARE … just by the very node that YOU ARE HERE RIGHT NOW … Right this nanosecond … WE CHOSE THIS MOMENT OF NOW PRESENCE ~ WE ARE SUCH MAGNIFICENT BEings ~


Your HEART, Your GUIDE ~ Your SOUL, Your Strengths!


You needn’t DO anything … to BEcome … for you already ARE!


From My Heart

shared with

Your Heart

there is


and always

Heart ❤ Hugs!



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