Talyaa Liera a message from Talyaa Liera

Thursday, 10 November, 2011  (posted 10 November, 2011)

And now you stand, your face turned upward to the stars, ready to join hands and leap joyously into your future. Do you feel the energy? Do you feel the power of Truth, Love and Beauty standing there beside you? Do you feel the hum of the ancients, the whispered songs of yore, the tangled threads now made smooth by time and intention? This, then, is your call, your awakening, your step into the What Comes Next. This is 11-11-11.

Watch now as you awaken to your sacred destiny, the path that connects you to your family, your community, your world. See how your thread weaves seamlessly and beautifully into the threads all around you, each thread a necessary and integral part of the entirety of the weaving that is the creation of human experience. See your part and honor its magnificence. For you surely are magnificent. So beautiful. So achingly and beautifully human in all your messiness and pain and joy. Each moment that you breathe is held motionless in the annals of time. Each breath is a creation unto itself, a whisper of hope and potential. Remember that the next time you take a breath, and another, and another … each breath creates a new world.


What do you create now?

And now?

And now?

And now.

11-11-11 is one moment in time that stands apart as an invitation to be all that you can be, all that you already are, all that you will become. This, then, is your doorway to the future. The doorway to your exquisite creation. The doorway to the new world and beyond that is the co-creation of all the threads woven around you. And the more thought, attention, love and focus you heap upon your personal thread – the bright and lovely piece of the weaving that is your life, your path — the brighter and more lovely the overall tapestry will become.

11-11-11 is your personal invitation to awesome.

Remember our encouragement to dream your wild dream? Have you been dreaming? Surely you have, for in the space of time between then and now, the world has changed. Oh! Did you feel it happen? It was in your sleep, perhaps, and you awakened in a new world. You almost remembered this and perhaps decided it was a dream after all, and then went about your day making coffee, petting cats, driving in your car. But still that new world bustled on around you, and you did not remember that you dreamed it into being. You did not remember that you awakened to your magnificence in the night while you slept. You did not remember that you leapt joyfully through your personal doorway to the future.

That future is Now. Breathe it in, all of it. It is yours. You deserve this. You created this. Now go live it.

Copyright (C) 2006 – 2011 by Talyaa Liera. All rights reserved.  All material on this page is protected by US and international copyright law and may not be quoted or reproduced without the express written permission of the author. All authorized reproductions, quotes or copies, in whole or in part, must reference the author's name and the Polaris Rising website, www.polarisrising.com

This message was originally posted here