Kelly M. Beard a message from Kelly M. Beard

Sunday, 23 October, 2011  (posted 24 October, 2011)

The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity.  Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun/Moon/Mercury/Venus/Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus/Neptune/Pluto).  And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths.  Tuning in to the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a useful *guide* as you move along your Individual Path.  It also helps to understand your place within the context of the larger Social & Collective Story.  Below, you will find out how these energies tend to manifest, along with some guidance and direction.

Weekly Forecast: October 23 – 29, 2011

10/26 ~ Mars (action) ~sextile~ Saturn (endurance):

This energy gives you a tremendous power booster to your drive to create stability, as you define it. You will WANT to do the work, starting with a plan that is carefully thought out and then methodically carried out. Plan and Do! Not just one or the other – Both! The rewards for your hard work, the return on your investment will reflect what energy you have put in to stabilizing your life. This energy should NOT be restrained but consciously directed. Excessive restriction (Saturn) may cause an explosion (Mars) down the line, whereas a sold base (Saturn) contains the fire (Mars) so it becomes useful as well as beautiful.

10/26 ~ Venus (relationships) ~square~ Mars (passion):

This energy usually provokes interest in the opposite sex, primarily physical attraction. If you meet someone new under this influence, it is most likely going to be purely sexual; if you are in a happy, healthy relationship, then it is a great energy for you expressing your love in a physical way. However, if your relationship already has tension (especially in the physical realm), then this is a difficult energy to deal with and the only real solution is open communication and a willingness to compromise. Good luck!

10/28 ~ Mercury (thoughts) ~square~ Mars (anger):

This is going to be a tough one. This energy tends to make you feel touchy or irritable where communication is concerned; feeling like everyone is challenging you in one way or another. Try to step back and gain some perspective before reacting. This provokes debates and, in some people, actual fights, so be careful. If you have any repressed anger at all, you should find the safest outlet to express it – either at the gym or in a letter that you can later read and edit in a calmer state of mind. It is best to seek solitude and silence than say things you cannot take back. A milder expression of this energy is that you may have to defend your choices, ideas or beliefs to someone else. This could be a simple discussion to a heated argument. Try to keep things in perspective, and not allow the passion you may feel cloud your better judgment. If you have to present something passionately, this energy can help but don't provoke a battle where it's not necessary. Keep in mind the reverse of this is others coming at YOU in an extreme or unreasonable way (for the subject). Any accidents that occur under this influence have more to do with repressed anger issues than "bad luck" so keep an eye out for any resentments bubbling under the surface. You could attract accidents to your Self or take it out on some unsuspecting bystander without realizing that's what you are doing. If it is not actually you feeling this way, you may be on the receiving end of it from someone around you, where they are antagonistic toward you.

10/28 ~ Jupiter (Truth/Story) ~trine~ Pluto (Transformation):

This is part of a potent 12-year *process* (Jupiter Cycle) as it relates to Pluto’s purifying and rebirthing abilities. This Activation can assist you with a lot of the *Energy* Work you’ve done over the last 3-4 years in terms of “clearing debris” and making *meaning* out of your experiences. This is a delicious opportunity to take your *Truth/Story* to the next level in a way that both expands your world, as well as those whose lives you touch along the way. It is primarily Social and Collective, but if you have the Signs involved activated in your own chart, that’s when it gets *Personal* and you can use the extra *JuJu* to transform your life. The primary caveat that comes with this is to deeply and honestly scrutinize your *Motivations* for wanting to improve/change your life. This is a time when you should be focused on that which serves you and benefits others, in clean, positive ways. If you are being manipulative, sneaky or underhanded in any of your doings, even if you profit immediately, you will eventually *pay* the cost on the back end. It’s time to think *Higher* and/or *Bigger*, not the time to be petty, small or narrow-minded. If you operate from a place of integrity, you can make leaps and bounds of progress in terms of expanding your world, personal Story and positive influence on life. This combo also greatly supports cleaning up past mistakes, advancing your career, increasing your resources and overall course-corrections can run rather smoothly (due to the Trine aspect) however, naturally, consciousness and genuine effort will also be required but the work is well worth the ultimate reward when these two *dance* in the ethers.

10/28 ~ Sun (core identity) ~oppose~ Jupiter (optimism):

This energy is a double-edge sword in that you may “feel” positive and optimistic – which is a good thing – but it is also prone to excess – which brings us to the philosophy of “anything in moderation”or “balance in all things”. Be positive but be alert too! Beware of the urge to go overboard on any level. Use this energy to tap into your courageous side and attempt something you have avoided out of fear or doubt. There is a push-pull going on between your ego and your enthusiastic child within which demands that you find a proper expression for this energy. Also, beware of your enthusiasm provoking you to try to get others to see it from this point of view. You always have to be mindful of the fact that everyone is on their individual paths and may not be ready for what you’re bringing … and that’s okay – focus this energy back on your Self and it will serve you well. This energy tends to bring out the self-righteousness in us and that rarely leads where you are trying to go. What this energy is trying to tell us is that certain aspects of your Self and your Spiritual development are coming to a head and decisions need to be made which will affect your future. Pay attention – and try to get the lesson of whatever is happening this week because it is trying to guide you to a new level … ready or not!

10/28 ~ Sun (core identity) ~sextile~ Pluto (transformation):

This is a healthy, positive, transformative energy. You will have access to energy that will help you change your immediate environment for the better and/or clear up an issue that has been pressing for some time now. It’s great for cleaning and clearing your personal space, as well as your life in general. You may have to examine the “big picture” to see where an adjustment for the good of the group is necessary. If you’re not feeling up to working on outer issues, this also gives you the opportunity to do some introspective thinking and reflection. Superficial once-over will not do, you must address the root cause for where you are at this time in your life and decide if it is working for you or against you.

This message was originally posted here