Ismael Aviso, an alternative energy pioneer from the Philippines, has experienced a weather-related disaster. A recent tropical system has flooded his home and workshop, and has set back his research and development work by a few weeks.



by Hank Mills with Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News

Ismael Aviso is an inventor and engineer from the Philippines who has been the subject of many featured stories here on PESN. You can read up about him here, at our PESWiki feature page. His self-charging electric vehicle, solid state electrical generator technology (called the MEG), and his "Universal Motor" all hold significant potential to make a positive impact on the world. 

Recently, a disaster struck Ismael and many others in his area, when a typhoon produced devastating flooding. The weather related tragedy has damaged his home, damaged his workshop, and has set back his research and development work by weeks.

Independently, one of our readers sent us the following email.

Hi, Sterling.
It is 3:45a.m. – 9/30. Aviso technologies website is of line.
Is this another case of recent suppression? I hope not.
Is there a way for you to get an update on what happened?

Then later this morning, Ismael sent the following letter to Sterling Allan, myself, and a few others.

From: Ismael Aviso 
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2011 4:18 AM
Subject: Re: Disaster HIT my Shop & Home


My R & D will be delayed for few weeks due to disaster hit my home & Laboratory. 

Mud is everywhere. We need to clean & oil a lot of bits and pieces of metal parts .. bearing etc..

Last Monday's typhoon arrived, but another more powerful typhoon is building up & coming within two days. We are preparing to face the more powerful wind & flooding soon. [Story]

First time ever happen in my whole life. Climate really change & going to worsen.

Video shows while the sea water still not over the river wall & my shop already 2 feet flooded. 

As of today, we are lucky electricity was restored, but my telephone / internet line still out of order.

Attached are some pictures.


Pictures that show the scale of the damage can be viewed on the sidebar to the right — notice the chair floating in his living room! 

What is even more tragic about the situation is that his neighborhood is not a wealthy and prosperous community. Most of the people in the area are economically challenged, and rebounding from such an event will not be easy. 

Lets all keep Ismael in our thoughts and prayers. Also, let's hope this next tropical system goes out to sea, and does not add to the destruction that has already taken place! 

If anyone would like to help Ismael by donating a few dollars (or more if possible) via PayPal, I'm sure he would appreciate it.

You can donate via PayPal here. By supporting his work, you will be telling the powers that be you are sick of the status quo, and you demand *real* change.

# # #

This story is also published at .

Aviso's Long- and Short-Term Goals

On September 30, 2011 8:23 PM MST, we received the following message from Ismael in response to a question from Sterling: "I would like to give our readers an idea of what your point of progress was prior to this happening"
(slightly edited)


My Alt energy R&D ultimate goal is to achieve a self-sustaining Electric car & Power generator system. I faced the reality that in my current financial situation this will be very difficult to attain. I need a complete set up of Laboratory testing equipment & a complete team of highly skilled specialize engineer's to able to reach my goal & very sophisticated simulation test equipment. To finance that kind of set up (like most of Car manufacturer's laboratories) it requires many millions of dollars. 

We decided to focus on building a system (Fuel saving device based from Hydrogen technology & Highest efficiency E. Car) within our funding capacity, but can be marketed in a short possible time & possibly produce our needed funding for next step of R & D until we reach the self sustain product.

For the last three months we are totally concentrated & even extending my shop for that goal only. After the flooding devastation & damaged to our equipment … we are now assessing the damaged of what can be salvaged or restored for us to keep continue our Alt R & D for Fuel saving & Highest eff. E. car.

As of now, Saturday morning, we are starting to feel the strong wind & rain of the next, incoming typhoon. The experts predict it will reach our vicinity within 24 hours. We are preparing our selves for this next calamity. We heard from the news now 100 kilometers away from my place houses already under the water & experiencing strong wind. 

Before, it's only news to me that the climate is really changing for the worse, but now I can say it's true. 

We experienced before two years ago big flooding, due to two Dams release water prematurely. Still half compared to what we experienced now & yet no case of Dams releasing water involved. 

If this kind of typhoon flooding & at the same time releasing the water of the Dams, I think it's a catastrophe of a whole new magnitude level.

I need to go home quickly now. This computer shop is far away from my place.

Thanks you very much STERLING 



What You Can Do

  1. Donate to Aviso's research
  2. Pass this on to your friends and favorite news sources.
  3. Help find a moral investor for this group.
  4. Join one of the Aviso forums we've launched.
  5. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay abreast of the latest, greatest developments in the free energy sector.
  6. Let professionals in the renewable energy sector know about the promise of this technology. 

Other PES Coverage


  • Featured / Best Exotic FE: EVs > Electrostatic > Aviso EV >
    Aviso's Free Energy Circuit Revealed – Ismael Aviso has developed multiple variations of a technology that collects free energy from the ambient environment. Due to a massive number of emails asking for more information, Aviso has posted a series of YouTube videos that provide details and a demonstration of his novel circuit. (PESN; May 23, 2011)


See also

Resources at


  • Aviso-OS – A discussion group for planning and coordinating the logistics of open sourcing Ismael Aviso's self-charging electric vehicle.
  •   – A group for the development, replicating, characterization, optimization, improving of the Ismael Aviso self-charging electric vehicle project.
  •  Aviso_News – Newsletter

Source: PESN