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19 October 2011

Channeler: Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

ISSUE #152


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Created, Channeled, Written, Published and copyrighted

With Love and dedication to the Light by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

This newsletter has been in circulation, hard copy and online, since 1986 and reaches a core group of millions of dedicated Planetary LightWorkers.

One to one, light to Light, it births itself into completion from that point forward, feel free to share this information.


*** The Gathering of She 2011


*** The Council of She


*** Believing in the Magic of it all



*** Gate of Orion Phantoms


OCTOBER 22-23 2011


Set your Heart and Light for October 22-23 2011 and point your magic wand in the direction of the Smokey Mountains and Sevierville Tennessee. Women of Great Light from all over the world come to experience the 5TH ANNUAL GATHERING OF SHE: ‘THE PROPHETIC SHE’ held at the BLUFF VIEW CONFERENCE CENTER in HIDDEN MOUNTAIN RESORT-Sevierville. Tennessee. This Event comes to fill your heart with a soft powerful feminine light that heals and guides. Each speaker houses codes of Light that will awaken the Divine Feminine allowing you access to ancient and future truths. Come join us for 2 Days of Journeys Working with The Prophetic She in all her Sacred forms. Consider this event a SPIRITUAL SPA, let it sooth all the cockles of your heart. Let Spirit give to you, allow yourself to receive some of your well-earned blessings.

More info Posted


As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

I am SHE that heralds from the stars. The threads of my gown of light are interwoven constellations. I am SHE that you wish upon in the night sky as you look up and see my heart light pulsing toward yours. I am Star Woman and I live within you as you live within me.

When you were a wee child, you would sit at your bedside and ponder all that was in the sky above. You would look for the signs. You would look for the magic. You would look for the hope that you so needed in your life. You sought someone who loved you more than you even loved yourself. When you were a child, you wished upon me and I did my best to make all your wishes come true. I came to you and brushed the tears from your eyes as you, little one, cried yourself to sleep — tears of confusion over your family, over your school, over your day. I stood there and looked at you and loved you with all of my heart. I was Star Woman then as I am Star Woman now.

Within me live black holes and white holes and ultra-violet holes. Within me are universes that implode and explode upon them selves. Just like your emotions, Your explosions are a microcosm, where my explosions are a macrocosm. You are not miniscule in heart, in love, in light, or in deed. You are a great galaxy that chose to remember itself through human form.

You, dear ones, hold the very fabric of time within your being. You look to your world for the answers that only can be seen in the nuances of your being. You look for the skywriting; you look for the words on the billboards that no longer stand up right. You look for the trees and the wind that wafts through them to give you the messages you seek. But you no longer hear it for the song is different, the pulse is different, and the scent is different. It feels as if you have been lifted away from what you once knew into a place that is a foreign and strange land. Everything seems to be speaking a foreign language and your heart seems to be beating at an irregular beat. You listen for the animals to speak and they just stand silently.

Your heart beats harder and faster when you find a part of the puzzle that gives you a point of remembrance. You feel like a great vacuum has sucked away all the miracles and they no longer exist. A great void has come and taken them from your land like a pied piper calling to what is lost.

What you seek is not found on earth, dear ones. You must lift your head above the clouds that diffuse the lines of light and listen with ears as a wolf. Your consciousness is vast and wide and high and great. Your love fills oceans and worlds upon worlds, but still it is not enough to shift the outcome for all souls. As you breathe into a place of lighter light and deeper love, you spring forth from a place that brings pearls of wisdom created from the oysters and the irritations of being so human and divine simultaneously.

You move from your position of sparrow into your position of condor, flying above the holographic situations of earth, above the mirage of earth life, into a
place where love dwells. You do yourself an injustice trying to change what is. You have come to the end of an alleyway, a predisposition of a future that was created by a mass consciousness. Your place is still here, but where you find your peace does not exist in this place. I ask you to fly high into places that your heart knows and your heart remembers to find that peace.

Stay sharp at the pinnacle of your spiritual awareness. Do not jump from a cliff like a worried lighthouse swimming to save another that is about to crash on the shores of life. You must shine for them and teach them to fly, to sup upon a higher light and a higher belief system. Many have lost their faith; they have lost their way in this mirage of confusion. Some have lost their homes, and the landscapes of their future. It is up to you to draw them a new picture, to draw them a new outcome by your actions. Build a future from a different place and a new blueprint. Your wings have been clipped by these winds of change. The hope that you hold for yourself – give to all of earth, see her fulfilled and healed. At this time I leave. I am Star Woman.


As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Welcome. We are the Pleiadian council of light. On this day we will become as the architects to your being, to your essence, to your energy. We will help you to design, re-design, sculpt, re-sculpt, and re-evaluate the blueprint of your life, of your heart, of your intent, and of your fears. On this day we usher you into a very long hallway of your existence. As you walk down this hallway of self you look, ponder, and gaze upon who you once were, realizing that you are now ready to release what once served you well, but no longer meets your needs.

It is time to let go of everything that no longer serves the bigger picture that you are becoming. Many of you still cling to ‘what was’, going through the trash of your day and of your life – digging up, exhuming, and examining ‘what could have been’, ‘what would have been’, “if only” you had taken a different path, made a different choice.

We come to assure all of you that this emotional regret is an illusion. Stop digging through the very trash of your life, amplifying the ‘regrets’ of the past. You are being pushed and pulled into a very tight-fitting energy that actually squeezes your humanness into new directions that are not comfortable. These are the forgotten corridors in your heart, your dreams, and what lives in your soul.

The energies are making you squirm, irritable, and emotional. You are being re-sculpted into something new, more enhanced than you ever thought possible. The new energies– ARC. They ARC in every part of you. They bring forth connections with people, places, and things that you thought you had tossed away. They bring you new situations in the form of opportunities as well as regrets. Everything that you have placed to the side of your plate is NOW asking to be ingested, addressed, and then eliminated.

All of you are being birthed into a higher consciousness, this is the first glimmer of all the light to come. You are only a few inches into this new portal of expansion. In the next 5 years, you will be accessing encoded places inside of yourself that hold the secrets of the universe. Never, ever in your human countenance have you entertained such possibilities.

These encodings are your prime property. They are the treasures that you so seek – the treasures that you innately know are yours. As humans you look for these treasures externally as money, inheritances, lottery winnings… these innate treasures are the true love that you so seek, these treasures are your heart’s desire. They are your God Codes.

The electrons of your physical body have increased their spin. The very particles of your body have walked through this doorway of expansion and every cell, every sub-atomic particle, every hair of you has changed and now holds a higher light. Every aspect of you goes forward at a quicker pace. Even the energy known as the self has been unleashed and it now moves forward out of the condensation of the past. Every organ of your body has been issued a higher dimensional decree.

As what you once deemed important in your human life changes, your abilities, your divine encodings are being amplified. Thoughts will be projected, desires, and truths will be issued without a physical word coming from you. You will find a deeper connection with nature, and the earth. The people that once pushed your buttons, and painted you into emotional corners will find that you no longer re-act to outside external stimuli. There will be no need to retaliate, to pay back. Now when they push you into corners, you just enjoy the corner for a minute. You will be far more concerned with expanding your divine energy than acting and re-acting to anyone.

You are not who you were last week. You can not go back and visit that person even on good behavior. There is no going back to what was. You are part of an energy that exists no where else in time and space as you know it. You are one of a kind. The humanness that you enter into is a genetic duplication of the Creator frequency. The physical body that you as souls incarnate into is holding the God Codes. Your soul is already constructed of such high frequencies. You have no need to worry about accessing them – YOU ARE THEM!

Your humanness is constructed of the very fiber of what you know to be the Creator. Your world is but a speck upon the very speckled egg of creation. There are Gods upon Gods, and Universes upon Universes that you will not enter into in this existence. This Grand Experiment is so vast, that it goes beyond what your human understanding can comprehend. All of your knowledge is but a tiny sliver of a granule of sand on the very vast beach of all life. Life itself expands over and over and over again.

Can mankind swim past all the shackles and the denseness that has been issued to him as a decree of limitation? Can humankind remember their Divinity in time to save themselves, from themselves? There is no growth in complacency. There is no growth if everything is lily white, heavenly, and loving. It is only through the trials and tribulations and the hardships of earth that you earn the gift of understanding who you really are. You are a genetic experiment. You were spliced and diced and grafted from the very life force of what you know to be your God. You were placed upon a slide and you were examined. You were added to and you were subtracted from and then you were inserted into a species of being that already existed upon this planet earth. A species that crawled up from the sludge, so to speak.

You are composed of 144 star systems along with being the exact DNA code from God. That is your composition. You exist in what would be considered to be a hologram. It is a self contained, self-realized unit of livingness that responds to your every whim and desire. It is a playing field that you are continually creating. It is not a hologram that is solid and sturdy and standing still – it is a hologram that is changing along with the consciousness of every player that is involved. Each one of you perceives it from a different angle, a different degree, a different variation. That is intentional, that is expansion, and that is God.

When a group of you come together in prayers, intent and in truth – then all of you for one tiny slice of time – walk through the same hologram. That in itself is a miracle made manifest. As you hold that hologram for specific intended time in workshops, in prayers, in gatherings – the stronger and the longer you hold it—the more ripples and wave effects happen. When you first have a thought – that thought is a WAVE. When that thought is manifested on earth – that thought becomes a PARTICLE. First you gather as a wave and then you solidify that thought, that thinking, that awareness as a particle. It is then birthed and issued as a truth rippling out through all space and time.

Even though you will walk into the highways and the byways of vast truths– these truths are nothing in comparison to your true being.. It is a time of honoring 100% — your Divinity – your part in Creation and your responsibility for every day, every minute, every thought, and every word that you speak. You are Gods in training on a holographic cruise so to speak. All of you will look out over this ocean of life and see a different view.

All of your thoughts and emotions are real and valid. Everything is valid and everything means something to the Creator. You and your experiences and your life and your pains and your needs are valid.

There are no wrong choices in your day. Experience all of you. More and more and more of you is going to be exposed as you scrape away the very skin of who you thought yourself to be– and find out how wonderful and delightful and truly gifted you are. Whatever you decree is – it will come to life. You are carving your path. Be aware of the words you speak, the thoughts you have, the energies you decree. Befriend your words. Befriend your thoughts and befriend yourself. The God within you is tired of moseying along this path. It is ready to kick off its shoes and run towards something bigger. At this time we will leave. We are what is to be the Pleiadian Council.


As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

So many are still hanging on for dear life to what was and what should have been what could have been. Let’s face it dear ones, the tide lines have shifted and you can no longer sunbathe upon the shores of the past. You are the wizards and handmaidens of the light. You alone hold the magic of ever changing possibility. The outcome of all action is innumerable and cannot be counted upon. In these times of change many have lost sight of the shore and thrash about drowning in a tidal pool. When the winds of change blow, you can ride them soaring to new heights in delight, or allow them to keep your tired and exhausted always fighting the force. You now come to a place of struggle or release. The struggle tightens the grip, the release relaxes what binds us, and we are freed from the snare that entraps us. We have been flying against strong winds for far too long; we have forgotten that we can change direction in flight, and let the aft winds support us. That which has been against us now supports us.

Don’t subscribe to that which does not know itself. Subscribe to that which houses all knowledge without the limits of time. The presence of magic is alive and lives in the light. It is seeing God with a child-like wonder in all things and all outcomes. It is believing in that which is not seen but can be felt in the heart. Recapture what was once a given. The universe leaves secret instructions at every turn of your day. Become investigative in nature; seek to see what lies in plain sight. Communicate with a deeper face of nature. She calls to you blindly to share her experience, as she changes costumes and acts.

A natural rhythm needs to be established as you walk the sacred path of life, not as a stranger, but a partner. See the magical qualities of life and step back from that which overwhelms you. Nature is a great healer, look at life from a different angle, and make your choices accordingly. When you see beneath the surface, you see with the eyes of God. See with a great hope and a deep knowing. Become a seer of what is invisible to the human eye but not the human heart.

A State of Grace is your natural state of being. It is what you naturally are without all the instrumentals and the dialogues of being too human. The State of Grace is what you were before you came to Earth. It is the point of reference in between each incarnation. It is a place of relaxing into your light. It is a natural rhythm for you. It is the rhythm of the Creator that beats within you with no resistance, but a surrendering and a flowing as a waterfall.

A state of grace says 'We Surrender', we do not try to fight our karma, our past, our family, or life. But we allow our natural God essence to take us beyond human understanding into a point of reverence, into a point of sacredness, and into a point of humanness that is sanctified and holy. A state of grace says 'we the people of the Earth now allow the divinity in us to take us above the darkness – not through the darkness'. It is allowing the light within you the freedom to be in its natural state of being, releasing it from the pressures and decisions of being human. It is going back to your natural roots. A place of trusting the universe and accepting that whatever is issuing itself as an emotional decree, a financial decree, an energetic decree, or a personal decree — is issued by the divinity within you. In this state of grace, you will supersede the negativity and you will relax into your light. When you each let go of what burdens you, what saddens you, and allow the cracks within you to be healed, you can then focus on the return trip into love.

When you are feeling pressured by your world, immediately focus on what you love. Take that vibration of what you love (whether it is a flower, a song, a child, a puppy, a giggle, a laugh, a memory) and place it into what brings you sadness, what hurts. Love will change the molecular content of the experience that you are embedded in. Shift the molecules. What you see as a roadblock and negativity is but a molecular essence that has not shifted into a state of grace, by love.

You are the director and the conductor of the concert of your life. Understand that the molecules of love can dissolve obstacles and move mountains. Nothing is impossible when you saturate it with the living energy of love. Immediately call in the energy of grace to something that saddens you, and hurts you. Hand it over to the divinity within yourself and within the situation. Grace is a lighter energy and immediately you will feel a lifting. You are not getting out of doing your homework in that learning situation. But you are invoking a molecular change through the essence of love into it.

Shift everything that seems to be an obstacle. When something angers you, immediately train yourself to think of something that brings you joy, something that you love, and then re-focus that energy into that situation and you will change it. You will break down the Walls of Jericho with the soundings of your heart and the soundings of love. it is your duty, it is your mission to keep a love list of everything that brings a smile to your face, everything that brings a laugh and a giggle to your heart and everything that softens you. Keep a list of love. Refer to it when you are angry, when you are sad, when you are in distress. Change your life. Invoke the state of grace in everything that you walk through on a daily basis. “I now invoke a state of grace in this situation and I now ask for the molecules of love to saturate it”. You will feel yourself lifted, no longer sinking in despair.

Everything in your life is designed of divinity and by divinity. It is a divine expression of a divine aspect of your self that is asking to be healed, that is asking to be embraced, that is asking for love. Otherwise it would not be blocking your way. When you are watching the sadness on your earth and feel helpless to change it, think of something that you love. You need a reference point. You need to be reminded what brought you love the last time you thought of it, the last time you experienced it.

When you shift yourself, you shift the outcome of what stands in front of you. Your day should be a 24-hour state of grace. A state of grace says, “I trust what I have in front of me. I trust my choices. I trust God, I trust the world, I trust Mother Nature.” What do you fear the most? You fear people. What lives within people, but the essence of God? You do not trust the divinity within them, which is just a hair away from the divinity within you.

I am he who is known as Metatron. I watch the words of your world. I watch your thoughts. I am underwriter for all expressions verbally. My presence will be seen and felt more often in the up coming times. As you invoke the states of grace, also realize that within that molecular content of Grace sits every molecule of Light. Just by using the word grace, saying grace, speaking grace, knowing someone named Grace – you invoke the presence of the Light.

Each time a heart opens, it is as a million rainbows and a million roses opening simultaneously. In your imagination you cannot fathom how much love you can hold, how much love you are capable of feeling. you are still very afraid of the feeling of love. Believe it or not you are just entering into a countable and measurable essence of love. I, as all light and all beings of light, are with you continually. We are one. Your hearts are small and tender. Some of them are shriveled. But we hold them as a small bird that has fallen from the nest of life. We will nurse you back into the fullness of love. I go.

The Council of She

As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

In the stillness of all that you are resides the truth of the heart. It is in within the stillness that you will find the bioluminescence that you need to become. The Light within the cell structure of your being shifts in luminance as a deep-water fish. Visualize your DNA becoming bio-luminescent, glowing in the liquid center of your cells, ebbing and flowing. The light that you so seek has become activated. You have cleared the debris from the landing field of your soul and self. You have announced to all that the molecular content of your being will be light. You have come into the center of the Universe that you represent. Slipping through the shackles that you have worn as adornments.

We are the Council of She. We come from the past and the present simultaneously. We sit at the intersection of time awaiting a doorway to remind you that within you is both she and he, the God and the Goddess. When the goddess (God in Us) is activated it has no gender, no specifications. The doorways of the past now shut very quickly. You look back (hoping not to turn to salt) to find who you were but all has been shifted; the landscape has been cleared ,showing a new shoreline.

When You came to earth you told the universe that you were capable, and not to worry you would get the job done. Being earthen a great denseness befell you. Your light shifted and your contracts became a burden. In that burden, you lost your lust. You lost your passion. You lost your drive. You find that very little of earth fulfils you. You want to be happy in your light work. You want to be happy in your healing work. You want to be happy in your life, but you have lost the pizzazz. You have lost your passion. These contracts and burdens that you carry upon your shoulders are like honey buckets from an oriental lifetime filled with what needs to be disposed.

You try to birth yourself anew everyday, yet no one applauds your cosmic completions, your human revelations, and your accomplishments. Where is the applause? Where is the acknowledgement your soul seeks? A Great Depression has befallen the human race, a planetary sadness, a giving up before the tides turn. This energy comes from a DNA remembrance of a time that is aligned with the three falls of Atlantis. A time when you tried so hard to lift the world, to lift the light, to lift others to a point of safety, and you did not succeed. Lifetime after lifetime, existence after existence you have given yourself 100% and you have not seen the completion of the contract.

We the Council of She ask you to take it to the limit one more time. We send you comets, asteroids, solar flares and energies from newly birthed stars. We send you postcards from Sirius, from the Pleiades, from Arcturus and Andromeda. We send you etchings from the green grass and signature songs from the birds. We do it all for you. To keep you from giving up, for you are the hope of the planet. You are the ones who have never given up, even though they wanted to. In this lifetime you come to clear on a cellular level the three falls of Atlantis. Not only earth Atlantis, but the destruction of the star Atlantis and the energies that befell it.

We ask you to be the captains of your ship, the masterd of your soul. You are not intended to go down with the sinking ship in this incarnation. This is the one time and the one place that you have awaited. The universe is about to unzip its limitations and open up for you to see exactly what needs to be birthed. The vibrations that come to you already cause confusion within the brain. There are so many levels of communication that you are hearing, so many levels of light that you are seeing, so many levels of heart that you are experiencing, so many levels of dark that you are vanquishing, all in the same breathe, in the same day, in the same thought.

Each singularity that you are is divided into millions of components. That is approximately how many components you have within each thought. Each one of your thoughts is touching everything. Everything through your past, everything through your blood and your family history, everything through the stars, everything through the universe and all time, all space and all dimensions. You are the place that life intersects life.
If you could see the fabric of light that you come forth from, if you could know the history around each of you, you would understand that there are no failings, there are no shortcomings. Always you have lasted until the last minute and never have you given up, even when the universe did not show itself to you, even when your people were not saved, even when you could not heal your tribe, even when disaster happened. You believed.
We know that you have many disappointments and angers at the Creator. We know that sometimes you feel your prayers have not been answered. We know that you feel as though you have been discarded and deserted, but that cannot happen. You know that you are never alone. We ask you to take it to the limit one more time for all that you have ever believed in and everything that you could not prove. We are the Council of SHE. We are contained within you, as you are contained within us. We are an ocean and you are the streams and the creeks and the rivers and the ponds that we open our arms and our hearts to. We ask you whenever you get tired and you want to quit earth, just think for a moment upon creation and see it as an ocean and dive into it. Just for a little while, lose yourself, come home. We leave you with a knowing that is stronger then anything that you have encountered.


As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

I come forth on this day of alignment as a beam of Light. I have not a name, not a sound – only a love. I stand behind and beside many of those on earth. I announce not my position in the heavens, for positioning is only a placement for those of Earth that need to see at what level they are. I am on all levels for you and you alone. Lift up your head and your eyes to a new day as it is birthed. You are love, as you are loved.

For many years now, you have reached outside of yourselves for truth, wisdom, miracles and just plain old proof. You have lit candles, said ‘Hail Mary’s’ prayed to statues, icons, and literally lost yourselves in the deluge of all that was ‘supposed to be’ greater, holier and more divine. You have called on the Angels, the Masters, the Saints, spirit guides, and your beloved departed ones, asking for help, for intervention, for miracles.

As you get closer to the end of 2011, the lines of communication lessen and grow fragmented. You continue to go outside of yourselves to something ‘greater than’, something bigger, better and all knowing. The letters, emails, phone calls, from these ‘greater than’ energies continued to dwindle. You made excuses as to why God did not answer your prayers or emails. You convinced yourselves that your third eye was clogged, your heart was closed, and your crown chakra was not in working order. You thought it was you that was broken. You tried elixirs, oils, crystals, meditation, readings, and every other tool that was available. Still you could not hear the word of the Lord. You spent $1000s, and 100s of hours trying on every gimmick there was, trying to fix what you thought was broken.

You looked at others green-eyed, as they seemed profound and all knowing. You took the right herbs and vitamins, wore the healing color of the day and still could not achieve peak performance. Then one day everyone just stopped. They stopped praying, they stopped meditating. They stopped trying to manifest their heart’s desires.

When they stopped trying so hard their lives began to change, little by little. They began to feel more comfortable in their skin. They began to like themselves again. God did not seem so far away. Life was not as difficult, what had changed? They had finally come full circle and embraced the wholeness of their being; the good, the bad, and the unknown. In that action a great power was released that allowed everyone to come to a point of knowing, without trying to make themselves holier. In that moment they realized they were cut from the very Fabric of God. They had finally learned how to let go and love internally and completely.


As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

You stand at a place where the sand and the waterline meet. You have not yet ventured into the deeper waters of life and light, nor into the ocean of all that is yet to come. You but stand on the seashores of yourself, preparing for invisible storms. You are walking into an ocean of pure possibilities – of virginal energies that have never touched the earth before. They come as an unexpected high tide. Day after day, layer after layer, you and Mother Earth are imbued and embedded with these cleansing energies that are being received by your human body and light.

Coming into oneness is not a journey for those weak of heart or weak of intent. It is a journey for those who are brave. It is a journey for those who can scale the mountains of self, the mountains of emotion, and the mountains of the past. Using them as stepping stones as the heavenly realms proceed upon earth.

Have you ever thought about your humanness having a light? The human body by itself radiates and shows a monitorial light frequency. The molecules within the flesh have a beautiful light. You see your humanness as tainted, diseased and dirty – to be discarded as you move into a higher light, the light of ascension Light. I come to tell you to embrace the light of the flesh of the body, of being human! For it is by acknowledging and embracing the human light that you will be in a place of receiving, and not a place of deceiving.

These new waves of light enter you optically. They enter the orifices of your body. They enter through every opening that your body has within it and upon it. Optically they are received in a linear fashion into the brain, energetically they are received as particles of light that land upon you and are absorbed instantly. They embed the human body with more components of molecular light than has been previously received.

Allow your humanness to shine in all its mightiness. If you were to separate your human body, your light body or your soul, and your mind (brain) – you would see that each is as a different star shining, radiating a different light. As the planetary lineup is seen in the early morn, it will become as a mirror reflection to you. When all of the planets and stars lineup – the light becomes more brilliant. The light becomes amplified and magnified.

That is exactly what happens to you when you allow the light of your human body to align with the light of your soul, and the light of your mind. Each aspect of the trinity of livingness that you are can then shine as brilliant stars and show their true essence. Align with the stars within you, with the galaxies that you represent ,that you remember, that you hold, and that you are becoming. Each of you holds a different type of alignment, a different octave of frequency, of light. You are becoming the celestial events. Remember – as above, so below – as in Heaven, so on Earth. It is but a mirror image always. Look to the Heavens for explanations of yourselves.