21 October 2011

Channeler: courtland ♥

Love Blessings Be to YOU!
As We make quantum leaps in and upon our Journey ~ We are definitely defining a NEW space within our Inner BEingness! You are KNOWing and FEELing Timelines … you are recognizing patterns new to your frequencies! This is an AWEmazing time to BE HERE and BE ALIVE!!
Many Lightworkers/Wavers are feeling multi-dimensional vibrations in any given moment(s)! Those “dizzy” moments … those “whoosh” moments … those “AHA” moments (not like the “old” AHA’s of validation … these are NEW AHA’s BASED on NEW vibrations) … a good head spin and you might reel a “WOW” or a “WHOA” … yes, that is a momentary dimensional shift ~
Many are now being able to HOLD this multidimensional space … BEing there ~ for more than a nanosecond! This is a state of BEingness when you are in a total state of NOW PRESENCE ~ FULLY CONSCIOUS! This has been a fleeting state for some … hard to hold in the density of the 3rd dimension … albeit, strived for, when enabled or allowed! (it is not easy to maintain when one is so interwoven in a daily life of density)

Your Dream state ~ this is where much of your “work” is being done … this is where you are astral working / traveling ~ the lucidity of this state has opened so much within you … you might not even be “aware” … until one of those “dizzy * whoosh * aha” moments ~ HAPPEN!
Our dream states have become so intense … so lucid … so REAL … it is like many times in my own dream state … I am THERE and Love where THERE IS … “do I have to come back”? and the REPETITION of the SAME DREAM(s) … there is no coincidence in that … we are PREPARING or THEY call it PRACTICING ~ ~ ~ moving or aligning with our PORTAL(s) ~ hence, why one might feel such a space of not wanting to return to now!!
As we come upon these moments of HIGH FREQUENCY pouring in and around Earth Mother … and her children … You … All Kingdoms ~ have been preparing for sometime … of ascending to our 5th dimensional State ~
You are now cognizant of differences that bring you quickly into alignment … you have enabled yourself to “BE THERE” ~ through your many experiences and lessons! You see … each Soul has SERVED its own purpose for this NOW Moment of Presence … the life you created in this incarnation ~ has been PREPARED for NOW!
NOW we are doing “Dress Rehearsals” ~ in our Dream states … and those rehearsals are lending to our Daytime Journeys … you have engaged your Light Bodies to new spaces! You have stepped up your alignment to the NOW MOMENT of Presence! The Body Temples are now vibrating at such high volumes … many are feeling in the Solar Plexus area a “grumbling” (digestive issues, tummy aches, gassiness)… this is not from “being hungry” ~ Our Solar Plexus area is directly related to POSITIVITY … and maintaining positive concepts / perspectives! The Solar Plexus has long been your Center of FEELINGS ~
As we have moved into our HEARTSPACE (our Higher Heart) ~ “Following your Heart” ~ “what FEELS RIGHT in your HEART” ~ One must Master “BEINGNESS” ~ BEINGNESS is a space POSITIVITY in ALL Concepts or Perceptions!
If you are not in a space of BEINGNESS ~ you most certainly are feeling pangs in your plexus area! We share that as you have mastered so much and in so many spaces … the Body Temple is NOW telling you … what it will and will not allow within ~ and if you are creating OR putting substance that is not in alignment with your LIGHT Body Temple ~ You KNOW … post-haste!
A Portal is an Opening * a Doorway * a Gateway * a Place of Entry ~ through this entry that we are coming upon ~ 11*11*11 ~ Humanity will move into a HIGHER Frequency … as many of you have prevailed … this is not without “shedding” a few tears or some skin … AND ~ it only matters what each individual Soul has prepared for ~ that this Portal … will SERVE You as YOU have CREATED!
This Portal Practice will continue and intensify … We encourage you to be completely OPEN and embrace these portal presentations. This is a time to RELEASE and by this RELEASE ~ totally and completely so … with UNCONDITIONAL LOVE! There is no longer a “maybe” attached to ANY lower vibrations!
October 28th holds its own Dynamic frequency from the standpoint it is the recalculated “ending” to the Mayan Calendar ~ an ending PREPARES for a NEW BEGINNING ~ that BEginning begins with EACH AND EVERY Soul!
The Portal before us ~ ~ ~ 11*11*11 will be the culmination of Surrender ~ that which is NOT in ALIGNMENT with LOVE ~ THE LIFEFORECE of the Universe!! We travel through this Portal leaving behind, all attachments of a lower vibration … totally and completely! This Journey has PREPARED you for this Moment … all the experiences and lessons … the service you have given and received … understanding perfectly the FEELINGS and ALIGNMENTS of Unconditional Love ~ that in that Moment of NOW Presence … entering into this Portal of 11*11*11 ~ enables us into a Harmonic Holographic Dimensionality of BEINGNESS!
So what is this “portal practice” doing for You? Preparing you … in your dream state to SHED … SURRENDER … RELEASE … LET GO of ALL that does NOT SERVE You!! You must KNOW ONLY ~ UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and SERVICE within your Sacred Spaces! If you are still in a space of judgment, drama, anger, anxiety … You are not in alignment with SourceSpirit!
It is up to each Soul to bring this energy for the 11*11*11 Portal … it is up to each Soul to KNOW PEACE ~ TO KNOW JOY ~ TO KNOW COMPASSION ~ TO KNOW UNCONDITIONAL LOVE ~ to set their Soul FREE of ALL attachments ~
TRUST your HEART ~ this is a POWERFUL time to BE ~ to BE HERE NOW … YOU HOLD the Keys to each and every Moment of NOW PRESENCE ~ precisely where the POWER lies and ALWAYS HAS ~ WITHIN Y O U!!
Your Heart, Your Guide … Your Soul, Your Strengths!
My Heart