Ismael Aviso, an inventor and engineer from the Philippines, has provided an update on his HHO (Hydroxy) generating circuit. He has also announced that he will be holding a conference about his HHO generating technology on December 2nd & 8th.

Three of Aviso's hydroxy cells.

By Hank Mills with Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News

Ismael Aviso, of Aviso Energy LLC is an inventor and engineer from the Philippines. He has made many inventions including a self charging electric car, a motionless electric generator (MEG), a repelling force technology, and a "Universal Motor" that utilizes the repelling force. All of his technologies apparently tap into energy from the ambient environment, via the use of a patent pending system. This was validated last February by the Philippine Department of Energy, which finally, last week, released their report.

Now, Aviso has used his ambient energy harnessing technology to augment an HHO producing electrolysis cell. He is claiming results that exceed the theoretical maximum gas production prescribed by Faraday's Law that dictates the maximum amount of gas that can be produced by a certain amount of input power.

The new HHO system is claimed to produce dry gas, free of water vapor, producing one liter of gas with 2 watt-hours or less of electrical input. This breaks the theoretical limit set by Faraday of 2.4 watt hours of input per liter of gas. If his numbers are accurate, they are very significant, because they may indicate that an established law of physics has been broken. 

We know, of course, that if Faraday's Law is being "broken" it is merely signifying that unseen energy is being harvested by the device from the surroundings, thus contributing to the input power in ways not yet fully understood.

At the upcoming conference held on December 2nd and 8th at Silicon Valley (the address has not yet been revealed), information about this technology will be shared, and a live test performed to validate the claims of breaking Faraday's Law. In addition, details about the circuit that collects energy from the ambient environment will be presented. Also, the equation that explains the properties of the circuit that collects ambient energy will be disclosed.

A couple of weeks ago, we published a story inviting experts to help Aviso come up with an equation to correlate what his data are showing; and he has received feedback input as a result

The purpose of developing this HHO technology is to generate funds so that the work on the repelling force can be completed. Although this HHO technology holds the potential to make an impact on the energy crisis, the repelling force technology holds even more potential. After being fully developed, it could allow for cars to run endlessly on energy collected from the ambient environment.

The following email from Aviso gives more details. (Slightly edited.)


Stirling & Hank

The best production of Hydrogen (using high grade of materials, like for the plate with platinum coated ) for the last 100 years as per the record is 

3.5 watts per liter 
Note: Until now know no one has broken that record. A lot with claims, but no credible test record.

That record, based from the proper testing inside the laboratory, using the very credible water displacement tests.

According to many expert & our calculation, 3.5 watts to 1 liter represent only 70% efficiency. Most conventional HHO (now in the market) power using PWM average of 4 watts per liter & some 5 watts per liter.

If some inventor claims something re: fuel saving up to 10%, 20%, 50% or even 95%,,My suggestion before they claim it, the best testing & not expensive,, easy to set up is a water displacement procedure. To avoid of (unintentional) false high fuel saving meter indication.

Run a car & claims saving % will be not acceptable now. Actually EPA test a lot of different brand of HHO devices made from many different countries end up only 10% & some 0 % saving.

The main topic of my coming press conference & seminar (Dec 2 & 8 2011, at Silicon Valley) will be Hydrogen production. 

2 December 

1st: To be discuss & validating of Aviso equation on series capacitor battery power supply. 

Note: Update re: Aviso equation analysis, based three expert on Electronics who agreed after long hour of discussion, are the following:

1st. Prof. Miguel Scoto: University of the Philippines
2nd. American Electronics Engineer Nils Rognerud : Electro Gravity Physics 
3rd. German Electronic Engineer Hybrid car & Sound specialist: Electronics engineer Roland Hammer. (He is the one who made me the spreadsheet calculation for Aviso power supply equation, I attached the software.) 

2nd. Once the Aviso equation is validated, we will proceed to set up a demo for my Hydrogen production & How much I beat the 3.5 watts per liter using the water displacement test. As per my several test for the last 7 days we made unimaginable "BREAKING" record according to two different Oscilloscope (not ordinary test meter instrument) way down to as low us 2.5 watts per liter & consisting.

Note: My US partner cannot believe it. He was so nervous about my test result, that's why he will send me His scientific High grade test instrument Oscilloscope to double check my test result, before the schedule Press conference. 

We will invite as many Electronic technical expert & scientist as much as possible for validation purposes. 

The location of this first conference will be confidential & we will invite experts with credible & verifiable credential ONLY for validation purposes of Aviso Equation and capacitor battery series power supply. [Though the location is confidential, the proceedings] will be LIVE STREAM BROADCAST throughout the conference time. The location will most probably be around Silicon Valley to make sure the high attendance of experts in electronics engineering.

If everything goes well as per the plan, we will proceed to the next meeting.

8 December 2011

1st. Description & principle of my technology & the Parts.

a. How I get extra energy from somewhere.
b. Capacitor & other parts, How it function differently on a certain level of high frequency & voltage.
c. Resonant Parallel/ Series LC
d. Aviso Technology & Tesla circuit similarity re: resonant & ambient.
e. My technical experience & how I learned it,,, which I am ready to offer as well as long not classified technical data.

2nd. Open discussion with the following:

a. Technical Consultant of the investor
b. Lawyer of the Investor
c. Hydrogen application from Car to Power plant
d. Safety factor regarding hydrogen production in-demand 
e. Licensing 

The location of the  Dec 8 conference will depend on the type of VIP Audience (investor) & the outcome of the first conference.

Note: Once Aviso Energy, LLC & Investor sign agreement. Investor Technical Consultant will get the privilege to view the Patent application of the circuit & How exactly the series capacitor battery works with relation to the extraction of the ambient.

All of the profit will be the source of funding to continue the R & D of Repelling force & MEG ( Motionless Electronic Generator )


As we learn more about this conference we will share it here on PESN. 

Here's a video from some HHO testing Aviso did back in July.

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