Channeler: Julie Miller
October 05, 2011

I AM Ascended Master Chananda. I am Chief of the Indian Council of the Great White Brotherhood. My home is in the Cave of Light in the Himalayas. I have lived as a scholar during the Lemurian times, and I come forth today to speak of peace.

Just as you must learn to really, fully love yourself before you can receive pure and unconditional love, you must also find peace within yourself first. Become one with ALL you are. Learn ALL of who you are and accept ALL that you find that makes up the wonderful palace that is you and your body. Your body, mind and soul is so beautiful and when all is calm and at peace, your palace shines with the purest of light that extends to the heavens.

You learn who you are from reflection; self-discoveries and digging deep to root causes of despair and unsettling events that cause negative outbursts and emotions. There is much to discover Bright Hearts, and there is much for you to embrace. I encourage you to EMBRACE all, even the good with the bad as both are to be in balance and both hold many valuable lessons and cannot be rushed.

As you take the time to learn who you are, make a journal of these points so you can look back and see your progress; remember to date them just for yourself if you like to see Time. Accept all that you learn as all is going to help rebuild a newer and wiser YOU. What you learn from your own reflection will eventually bring you inner peace as you also learn self-love and compassion. This in turn can be reflected back to those you are in contact with. You hold the key to your own happiness and peace Bright Hearts.

I and other guides you may call upon for guidance, love and additional support. We cannot assist you unless you invite us. We will be beside you all the way throughout your journey when you call. You will be taken to choices that only you will be able to make. Through this journey, it is important to find your Peace with God. Love God as God loves you. Let God into your heart and this love will help heal you and bring you closer to enlightenment. Once you find Peace with God, you will soon after find Inner Peace with yourself and reflect that Peace back as Gratitude and Love. All the GOODNESS you know is from your pure heart that is filled with unconditional love Bright Hearts. Let the GOODNESS shine.

Forgive yourself for all the wrongs that you have done and for all the wrongs done to you. It is time to let go of all the negativity life has thrown at you. It is time to LOVE and only LOVE. Speak onto God of the love that is in your heart and that there is room for God there. Feel the beam of God’s Divine Happiness with those words as you are warmed from the inside out with unspeakable radiance of love and light. The people of India was won from non-violence and this retelling is not to rehash history but to show you that love and peace can move and cause miraculous change. We VALUE the teachings of another great master, Master Buddha. I offer this name that many already know to gain an understanding of the deep peace I mention and the Oneness this peace will bring to your mind, body and soul.

Move along your journey being more at peace with yourself and your environment. Let go of pre-thought judgements and assumptions and learn without doubt or of ego processed ideals. What is right to you, you will feel and know from your heart. Trust in your heart and what you heart tells you. Trust in the peace that you have achieved and in the Love of God. Upon my departure from this child today, know dear ones, Ascended Master Chananda loves all children of God and the well-fare of all is of utmost importance. Be at peace and live with love in your heart Bright Hearts.

Ascended Master Chananda through Julie Miller