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What is EFT and how to bring it to the next level ? Aileen Nobles, Los Angeles CA

Aileen Nobles has had a unique practice for over thirty-five years. She integrates her intuitive abilities with surgical precision, able to pinpoint the subconscious root cause of a problem using EFT (emotional freedom techniques) to facilitate release.
Aileen is the author of three books. "The Power to Change Now,""Divine Abundance," & "How to Get off the Karmic Wheel."
Join Aileen on Utube to clear your fears, stress and addictions, at eftaileen.
Aileen is featured on the dvd series. "Healing Prostate Cancer without Drugs, Radiation or Chemotherapy," alongside Dr's Bruce Lipton, Mercola, & Whittaker.
Sessions in person at The Malibu Healing Center, 21355, PCH, Malibu, CA 90272, or by phone.

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