Kelly M. Beard

a message from Kelly M. Beard

Monday, 12 September, 2011

The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity.  Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun/Moon/Mercury/Venus/Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus/Neptune/Pluto).  And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths.  Tuning in to the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a useful *guide* as you move along your Individual Path.  It also helps to understand your place within the context of the larger Social & Collective Story.  Below, you will find out how these energies tend to manifest, along with some guidance and direction.

Karmic Tools ~  September 11 – 18, 2011

9/11 ~ Venus (values) ~sextile~ Mars (energy):

This energy is good for creating the balance between self and other. This is a good time to be creative, so be cognizant of any ideas that come to you right now, even if you cannot implement them right away. This is a happy, upbeat energy, so if you can be sociable, by all means, get out and mingle. It's possible to attract someone under this influence as well. The best thing to do with this energy is get involved with new and progressive projects or people. It's all very positive.

9/12 ~ Mercury (inner-voice) ~trine~ Pluto (deep connection):

This energy provokes deep delving WITHIN. You will be most inclined toward learning the meaning "behind the meaning". You will want to explore your inner Self and try to understand it better. It is best to be alone for such research. Take a day or a weekend and grab your most powerful books and music and get somewhere beautiful if you can, if not your bedroom will do just as well – and dig deep! You are finally ready for the deeper truth, and you will be transformed by what you learn. If you must communicate with others, plan on that being deep as well. Nothing superficial today. The only warning with this energy is not to become obsessive about one particular idea – and certainly don't try to force your particular opinion on others. If you feel the deep need to focus on one particular thing, that is fine but try to keep some perspective or write down all your revelations so you can reflect on them at a later time when you are more objective.

9/14 ~ Mercury (voice) ~trine~ Jupiter (enthusiasm):

This energy is great for planning for the future and getting organized. However, you may not feel that disciplined and that is what it will require to maximize the use of this energy – DISCIPLINE! How bad do you want it? If you are alert, you will be able to see – and seize – opportunities as they present themselves. Others may think you're "lucky" but it's more that you were positive, "alert" and trusted your instincts than anything else. This energy also makes you very optimistic which usually attracts positive things to you! Take advantage of this good energy to connect to whatever it is you are trying to manifest in your life at this time.

9/17 ~ Venus (values) ~oppose~ Uranus (freedom):

Any time Uranus is involved, it becomes the “wild card” and hard to predict HOW things will unfold, but right now there is a push-pull between your apparent values and your unique individual self. Venus also represents relationships, so you may begin an unusual relationship or you may have something unusual happen in an established relationship. It is not necessarily a “good/bad” thing, as much as an unpredictable shift, which requires some compromise and integration. This energy works beautifully if your personal Truth and values are in alignment. It will be very disruptive if they are not. Be open and flexible, while looking for the win/win situation for all involved.

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