Monday, September 12, 2011

Jefferson is a friend of mine who lives in Brazil. He has been asking the Arcturians questions through me for quite a while now (I can't remember how long–What is time??)
If you would like to contact him, please let me know.
Also, I entered one Question from Chapter 8 because I thought the topic was pertinent. I had not edited this one yet, so i entered it out of place. Well, if there is not time, then there is no space either. Right??

Chapter 7

Arcturians: Good blessings to our grounded ones. You are on the very edge of your new world.
Jefferson: Thank you, good to speak to you again! What do you mean dear Arcturians by that? Of what edge do you speak, since our planet is a sphere?

Arcturians: We meant "edge" in that you are extremely close to entering your higher frequency expression of reality. We also said "edge," as you will enter that frequency by allowing yourself to Fall into the Flow of the ONE. It is through your Surrender to your Knowing, your leap of faith, in your SELF, that you shall enter this new reality.

Jefferson: How Close?

Arcturians: We cannot speak in terms of your third dimensional time, for that is an illusion. When we say close, we mean that your consciousness has almost expanded enough to perceive the fifth dimensional reality. Furthermore, when we say "you," we mean all the ones who desire to consciously experience the transition into the fifth dimensional expression of Earth.

Jefferson: Isn't it appropriate to say that any serious transition is supposed to be made slowly but surely so those who are "a little behind" in their evolution don't undergo a psychic, mental or emotional shock?

Arcturians: There are many of you who are far beyond the need for that precaution. It is to these Wayshowers that we are primarily speaking, as it these awakened ones who are most likely to read this information.

Jefferson: I've heard that those who can't evolve from within to hold the 5th dimensional vibration are going to "check-out" from Earth and go live in a 3D world. Can you confirm that?

Arcturians: This ascension is a human/Galactic/Planetary process that it is still in process. Therefore, we cannot say for sure what will happen. as it has not happened yet in your frequency. On the other hand, ascension can be assured, as it has already happened in our frequency. Still, there are always many perceptions of the same event. Consequently, some will see the same transition in a different manner. But, back to what we were saying.

It is mostly likely that there will be three expressions of Earth. That is the fifth dimensional New Earth, the fourth dimensional training ground for New Earth and the third dimensional closing game of earth. Those who are beyond the fear of change, unity and unconditional love are focusing their compass on the fifth dimensional expression. There are still those who are not emotionally ready to embrace such a new reality, as you have mentioned, who will go into fourth dimensional earth. Finally, there are those who may need to experience the drama and battle between light and dark in order to free themselves from their ego and from their third dimensional indoctrination.

Jefferson: Three Earths? Interesting! Is this related to the idea that humans will live and experience life in the same place and location but on a dimensional level that is more in accordance with her or his level of consciousness?

Arcturians: Yes, that is very true. It is the frequency of your consciousness that allows you to experience a certain reality. Much as you must match the frequency with a certain channel of your television to watch a certain show, you will have to match the frequency of your consciousness with a certain frequency, or resonance, to experience that reality.

Jefferson: When you say: "who will go into fourth dimensional earth", you used the verb go which implies to move from one place to another in space. Were you in this case referring to the idea of other planets such as Earth with the 3D, 4D quality, or more in the sense of my previous question?

Arcturians: We appreciate that you caught that verb. In reality, you do not "go" to a reality. You merge with the frequency of that reality. Once you are of the same frequency of that reality, you will BE within that world. Again, the process of merging is the same as we stated above, which is the process of surrendering. You are accustomed to working hard and trying in your physical world. However, those behaviors are based on the premise that something is a bit beyond you, and have to somehow achieve it. While you are resonating to a fifth dimensional world, you KNOW that you are ONE with all elements of that reality. Therefore, you focus you intention on that which you desire to experience by surrendering and falling into the FEEL of that experience.

Jefferson: In these out-standing changes or transitions if you will, (that applies to remaining in one Earth with three different vibratory experiential levels of interactions), are there going to be a sort of separation where 3D people don't see 5D people physically for reasons other than law of attraction? (Such as the rate (speed) in which a 5D body vibrates, making it invisible to 3D vision?)

Arcturians: Yes, the higher dimensional world can view the lower ones, just as your third dimensional vision can easily perceive, interact with and experience a first dimensional rock. However, the rock cannot perceive that a higher frequency human being has picked it up and is holding it in his hand.

Jefferson: Thank you for your encouraging words! The delight of talking to you should be the factor that enhances the creativity of my questions, dear Arcturians. You mentioned: "You are accustomed to working and trying in your physical world." Do you mean to say that when we place ourselves within a sense of identity that says we are not what we want to be yet, we offer resistance to allowing ourselves to simply be and in trying we fall back and don't really move. Right?

Arcturians: Yes, that is a very good translation of what we have said. We use the word translation as we commune with our grounded ones within the ONE moment of the NOW of our reality. Therefore, anyone who is to pass on our information must translate it into the sequential order of separate words that are laid out in sentences and paragraphs. We find that ability to be very intelligent, yet very cumbersome. Soon, our grounded ones who will not be as grounded into the 3D Game and will no longer need to burden their minds with that lengthy form of communication. Our awakening ones are, in fact, in the process of learning to accept the information into your knowingness, so that it is available when your need it. Since that frequency of third dimensional perceptions has a habit of separate and sequential communication, in which information needs to revert back to their separate, sequential language system.

Jefferson: Are you saying that the two different realities are not intertwining because of the difference in their vibratory frequency?

Arcturians: Actually, all realities are intertwined in the ONE. The frequencies of expression of form are not laid out like blocks stacked on top of each other. It is more correct to think of the different frequencies floating in a substance, much like water, but not so dense, in which all realities intermingle. However, as we have said before, only the higher frequencies of reality are conscious of this intermingling. For example, we, the Galactics and Celestials have been communing with the third dimensional for all of your existence.

Jefferson: Dear Arcturians, could you expand on this idea: "We find that ability to be very intelligent, and very cumbersome." Do you mean to say that you don't appreciate order in the sequential process of our written communication system because you are used to a better, easier and more practical system? If so, which system is that?

Arcturians: Just as all realities float within the NOW and intermingle, all of our thoughts and emotions float within the now and intermingle.

Jefferson: Just as a curiosity gap in my questions here: What is the difference between Galactics and Celestials?

Arcturians: Humans think of Galactics to be more of a humanoid nature, although many of us have very un-human forms, and think of Celestials as Spirit Beings
Jefferson: I think I understood the communication as you explained it. You said that a more practical system is thought transference, something like telepathy. Isn't there a disadvantage to telepathy when people forget what they thought?

Arcturians: IF one is still driven by ego, or poor ego, and think that they are less important or will forget what the other person thought, their state of consciousness will be to low to effectively use a telepathic manner of thought transference. Also, thought transference is a bit different than telepathy. Telepathy is the ability to receive other’s thoughts. Therefore, the 'other' person may not even know you are telepathically reading them. On the other hand, through transference can only occur when both beings are in agreement. However, sometimes the lower frequency expression person, such as a grounded one, may not remember that they made that agreement.

Jefferson: You referred to how humans think of the terms Galactics and Celestials beings where you mentioned Galactics are thought to be humanoid and Celestials spirit beings but the way I see it, is that Galactics are extraterrestrials currently inheriting a body that has some sort of physicality to it whereas Celestials are beings which level of spiritual evolution make them much more ethereal in the order of pure beings such as angels and the likes. Is my definition of both terms close to yours? What is YOUR people's definition of those two terms in case my idea was still somewhat or totally off?

Arcturians: We hold no differentiation between Galactics and Celestials. That is why we said, "to the human perception."  However, we see no differentiation in any person, place or thing, as we resonate to the reality of total unity. So to answer your question, many humans believe that Spirits are higher dimensional than Galactics, but to us within the ONE, every person, place or thing has a Spirit. This Spirit may, or may not choose the surround the earth vessel.

Jefferson: It seems that we arrived at the conclusion that thought transference and telepathy are two different things. I am not sure I understood their differences. What I understood though is that for thought transference to happen from non-physical to physical a sort of pre-agreement must exist, is that so? Could you please expand on the idea of the difference of these two terms and then speak a little more on these pre-agreements?

Arcturians: There is no such thing as a "pre-arrangement", as we resonate beyond time. Also, to our frequency of reality, within the ONE, there is no difference to anything. Hence, there is no difference in telepathy and thought transference. One of the greatest challenges for humanity in embracing the Unity of the ONE is to learn to think beyond time, separation and limitation. This is why we enjoy these conversations, as we have the opportunity to guide our grounded ones in a new form of thought. Furthermore, there is multidimensional thought, in which we of the higher frequencies, can hold an infinite-that is beyond limit-thoughts in our consciousness and have infinite experience, all within the NOW.

Jefferson: So are the terms Galactics and Celestials, thought transfer and telepathy are products of our 3D concepts and ideas that serve us to exchange information? Their definition will vary from place to place and the higher up one goes, more unified everything becomes and their previously apparent differences tend to fade away like the night does to make room for the morning light. Is that how it is?

Arcturians: Yes, that is how it is!

Jefferson: It is hard sometimes to think exactly how you do. I am sure you were not always so evolved as you need experiences and choices to learn from life and evolve. Do you remember the time you had your 3D experiences? Was it everything so linear in your planet as we have made it to be in ours?

Arcturians: We can access those archives, much as you would access the archives of your deep subconscious. No, we were never as polarized or as linear as Earth has become. In fact, it was never intended that Earth become this polarized. However, after the fall of Atlantis, your planet went into a bit of a tailspin. Too many of the Lightbeings ascended at that time and left Earth very unprotected from the darkness that was left. Also, the Atlanteans who survived moved into realities in which the "other" occupants if that part of Earth were at a much lower level of evolution.

Therefore, the separation of ruler and ruled became very pronounced. Because of this the rulers eventual fell into the temptation of total control and became ruled by the separation principle of fear. On our planets, there was not as much variety of beings as on Earth. Earth is like a schoolroom where beings come from all over the Galaxy to experience the extreme polarity. Just like a long, steep hike in the mountains, might appear to fun at first, when the climb gets too steep and the weather too harsh, the fun is over and lower emotions such as fear and anger take over. That is part of what happened on Earth.

Jefferson: You said that there is no such a thing as pre-arranged agreements. I ask that because if experience dictates what is real and what is not real, then FOR US, (here in the third dimension), it is natural to exist the idea of pre-arrangement, correct? For instance, my guide is with me this lifetime yeah and there has been some work done prior to this incarnation to get the whole life theme going. Would we say then that in this context there exists pre-arrangement and the terms are again more related to where each of us happen to exist?

Arcturians: Yes, on Earth you experience pre-arrangements for Earth is ruled by time.

Jefferson: I was confirming with you the idea that a perception is the fruit of each individual’s ability to interpret vibration with his or her particular level of consciousness making every definition open to discussion.

Arcturians: Yes, we agree very much with that sentence.

Jefferson: I wish to once again thank you dear Arcturians for your visitation with us and look forward to be in your ship again and to remember this time I have been there.

Arcturians: We also look within, as we do not need to look forward. We enjoy your visits to our Ship, as well. Blessings to you dear Jefrees.

Jefferson: Oh thank you. Look forward to our next conversation in this or any other way, good day and goodbye for now.