Saint Bernadette of Lourdes speaks of God’s Love
Channeled by: Julie Miller
September 19, 2011

Many blessings to all the beautiful souls I see before me, on this day, on every day. I see before me, many changes and many souls working so diligently to be One with God, or ‘to be like’ God. What wonderful aspirations all of you have. I have expressed to our God to speak through this dear child, and I am delighted that both agreed.

I know your path so far has not always been easy. You have dealt with sickness, mistreatments, personal and spiritual change, and much more. I DO understand. I have wiped many brows of sick people, I have witnessed many mistreatments and I have experienced many changes myself, many years ago. It was my belief in God, which helped me stay focused. My FAITH, in his love never swayed. I did not have the many distractions as there are now in the world. I only knew how to pray and to love with FULL compassion and FULL love. Being in God’s love is not really difficult to reach dear ones, it’s a pleasure. To be wrapped in his undying love is the most beautiful feeling.

Living in God’s light and in God’s way is where I see so many struggle. God’s way is simple dear ones. Living humble and simple, living every day with pure love that is filled with compassion for all and accepting all is living in God’s way. You are not expected to be able to repeat your rosary and know the prayers that go with these beads. All of you have your own unique way to connect with God. God does listen, he does hear, and he knows all your pains, all your joys, and all about where you are going in your life. I know you wish it was all laid out before you, then that would be too easy for you. The lessons you go through from the challenges you face bring you closer and closer to the ONENESS you seek. The funny thing dear ones, is that you were never truly separated, just your cord to him was loosened, and now you are tightening up its length. You are making your way home.

Each of you will have your own journey with your own experiences. What is similar for all of you is your ability to accept all that you meet as worthy of your love, not just a select few. Every person on this Earth deserves to be treated with kindness and compassion and to be loved unconditionally. I know it’s easier to say, but LOVE is the way dear ones. Condemning another for being different, not understanding, not agreeing with what you are trying to enforce is not God’s way at all. His way is always living in love and being and working with LOVE in all things. Our highest and most supreme of the Divine loves ALL. As I love ALL of you regardless of background, race or beliefs. Love is the most healing and most beautiful emotion, the most humble expression of YOU.

There is no time like the present to begin learning to live this way, to live humbly and simply. And there is no time like the present to learn to love and accept all people that share your planet. When you pray, or when your work on your manifestations, don’t just ask for yourself, be selfless and pray for the world, pray for all the many people that are sick, for all the many that live in poverty in all places in the world, ask that the guilty or the ones considered sinners to feel God’s love as he DOES love them too. Ask for the many men, women and children to receive the care they need. Forgive yourself and forgive those who have mistreated you. Open your heart dear ones to the healing rays of God’s ray of Divine Love and Light. Accept him into your heart, body and soul. Allow your body to be illuminated in his love and be reminded that even on the path that will return you to home; to him, he is a part of you; always. This path that you are on will have many turns and questions and choices and you will choose what is best for you at each given time.

Know dear ones, no matter what you choose, God loves you. No matter the outcome or how you perceive the end of a task, God loves you. When you are crying and feeling moments of deep despair, he wraps his loving arms around you and loves you. Believe and know dear ones, as I have suffered much during my own days, I knew in my heart that I was loved me and I never stopped having faith in God. May my words to you today be of comfort to you.

And so it is…Saint Bernadette