15 September 2011

a message from Jamye Price

Thursday, 15 September, 2011

We come to a few weeks of release to prepare for great expansion. The contraction, the going within, the choice that gives direction and momentum to life formed anew. It is the bold choice. Look around you at the human angels that reflect your Divinity to you. Do you notice that you move faster? Do you notice that you move easier? Do you notice that you love them more, even in challenge? This is the way of it. As you Love yourself more, you Love All more. Remember that as we go within to the darkest place, warrior. The place of shame. You do not go alone, for there are legions with you. They celebrate you in timeless wonder and Love. Knowing each choice you’ve ever made as valuable to the improvement of Life. Knowing you as the brilliant Light of Love that you are.

There is a strength within that the empaths know. It says, I carry you. It says, I understand and I carry you. Even if we go to the place of shame, I carry you. For within shame is the deepest reflection of courage. Have you the courage to see beauty when it does not smell sweet? Have you the courage to see innocence in judgment or hatred? Have you the courage to see Love when pain would roar, seeking to separate? You are the empath. You are the warrior. It’s time to let go of the burdens you carry and teach others to carry Love for All through Love of self.

There is a beautiful quote by John Bradshaw on the difference between guilt and shame. “Guilt says I've done something wrong; shame says there is something wrong with me. Guilt says I've made a mistake; shame says I am a mistake. Guilt says what I did was not good; shame says I am no good." You see within this clear example that shame is an intense and abusive perspective. It is self imposed, for you either allow shame or not. If you have allowed it in the past, allow it to teach you now that you are Love, Loved and Loving; alchemizing shame into the reflection of Grace Empowered. You are cradled in the arms of the Divine until you are sufficiently nourished. You are walked next to, guided by the Divine until you are sufficiently strong. You are cheered onward tirelessly and timelessly. You are Known.
Light is an active, powerful force. Darkness is receptive to the Light. It relinquishes to even the smallest spark. You have that spark within you, it is the spark of Divinity that in truth is already a bonfire! But here we go, warrior, into the darkness to bring the Light of the Truth of Who You Are to any speck of shame. You are Divine Light in human form, formed, forming.

As we sit to Blast Releasing Shame, we are igniting the spark of Love and bursting forth in a dynamic display of color and light! We are remembering that what we once perceived as less than is really an opportunity for more Love and courage than before. We are accessing the strength of will and the Truth of our Divinity to release any forgotten wounds that limited flow. We are courageous enough to go within, for it is the foundation for the impulse expanding out. We are shining brighter and bolder than ever before as we Know we are Divine through and through; equal to All in Source Beingness, unique in our courage to Love Life in all its forms and nurture them in the elixir of Love. With that comes the strength to carry on, empath. Blast on!

Copyright: © 2005-2011 Jamye Price, www.CrystallineSoulHealing.com All Rights Reserved. You are free to share this work for non-commercial use in complete and unedited form with this copyright information displayed in its entirety.